
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Slowing our fat rolls - It's All Greek to Me Salad

Here we sit, poised on the precipice of a big weekend of shoving our faces. I'm already gleefully thinking of succulent turkey and pie pie pie. I figured a salad recipe might be good for today since we might collectively need to slow our rolls after this weekend. So my Mom is here today with this recipe for her It's All Greek to Me Salad.

It's All Greek to Me Salad
We had this salad at a friend's house and I made a few tweaks and made up the name, because of the Feta cheese. It is a salty/sweet combo.You can add chicken, too, if you choose to make it a main course.

Baby Greens (I get these from Sam's Club)
Pecans (could use walnuts)
Sunflower seeds
Feta Cheese
Balsamic Vinegar
Sea Salt in a grinder - I love this salt. It tastes great & does not bloat me up like a balloon! A miracle.
The base is baby greens- using the entire container pictured would serve 6 good sized side salads.

I then add the craisins, the nuts and seeds, the feta (use the amounts you desire) and then the EVOO and Balsamic and the salt as desired.

I only use a tiny bit (maybe 3-4 shakes) of the Balsamic and I have my EVOO in a dispenser and use 5-6 drops of EVOO.

I am now toasting my nuts and sunflower seeds in a little saute pan with a few drops of EVOO, since it really brings out the flavor of the nuts.

I used to say now I "toss the salad" but Steph told me never to say that again and then told me why- who makes up this stuff? So "mix" the salad  and enjoy!

Please don't make me explain it.
Google carefully.

Thanks to my mom for the recipe - how do you slow your holiday eating roll between Thanksgiving and Christmas?
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Martinis & Bikinis


  1. Love that the seeds and nuts are being toasted - that definitely adds a nice different flavor to the mix! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I do a similar salad using arugula. It's such a great lunch idea. This will be a welcome respite from Thanksgiving leftovers. Thanks, Dalai Momma (and Steph). :-)

  3. i'm such an idiot, every time i see EVOO i think 'what is that?' lol. this salad looks delish. i really need to slow my roll after disney and now thanksgiving.. craisins in a salad are my fave. i think i might make this for lunch next week with chicken.. or chickpeas.. or both! yum.

  4. Haha at never say "toss the salad" again - that same conversation has been said in my house too. This looks DELISH!

  5. The "toss the salad" phrase never meant anything to me other than in regard to a freaking salad. Now it is damaged forever.

  6. Looks awesome! I make a similar salad and using throw in some cucumber and red onion too.

  7. I love Greek salads, probably because of the amazing Feta cheese that you get to add to it! This salad sounds great and like it has the perfect combo of sweet and salty!

  8. Love me a Greek Salad. I usually use the store bought Greek dressing unless we get takeout Gyros and salad so I need to be making my own, so simple! Thanks to you and your mom for this!!

  9. I love greek salads!!! Usually when I do greek, I use red wine vinegar instead of balsamic...but it is fun to switch it back and forth for sure!

  10. I love salads! I said i would eat salads until Turkey Day. Already broke it this morning. Someone brought in lemon tarts and I couldn't resist. They were so good.

  11. Yuuuuuuum! I would totally be on board with this salad!! Delicious!

  12. Oh my gosh this sounds DELICIOUS! I'm a big fan of the sweet/salty combo and I looooove fruits/nuts on my salads! Linda, you domestic goddess, you!

  13. This sounds amazing. I love salad and will totally be eating a lot of salad after Thanksgiving.

  14. GIMMEEEEEE! I love Greek Food and this sounds incredible!!! Thanks to your Mom!

  15. This looks delicious - I'm definitely going to try it. (without the nuts). I don't know how long I'll be giggling at the "toss the salad" reference ...

  16. OMG - your mom kills me! She is so awesome! ha :)

  17. Turkey salads for the win. That's my usual attempt at least. I leave for Vegas the Sunday after Turkey Day so there will be no slowing the rolls for at least a week for me. Then back on track till the next feast at Christmas.

  18. I'm seriously going on a salad diet after this weekend of indulgence. Your salad sound like a good one to try. I like the combination of sweet and salty. I make something very similar but with gorgonzola crumbles, craisins, pecans, chicken, lettuce, and balsamic dressing and love the mix of flavors.

  19. I'm making a salad very similar to this for Thanksgiving! I'm doing a 5K between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I'm hoping that will help...

  20. Winter salad champ
    Perfect for the holidays
    (and easy as shit!)

  21. I cannot believe your mother knows what tossing a salad is. Hahahah! Christ, I just taught my mom how to text a few weeks ago, I sure as shit ain't explaining that to her! Lol! However, it would not surprise me if she did know, my momma ain't stupid. ;)

  22. i literally just laughed out loud at your "tossing the salad" comment. bahahahahaha.

  23. I love Thanksgiving food, but hell yes, a good salad is also in order!

  24. To achieve the Greek "draping effect, " I took the yard and a half of fabric, folded it in half and crossed it out one shoulder. I then marked where side stitches will have to be sewn. We then flipped the material inside-out and on a sewing machine I sewed the sides. this website


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