Like most people, in some areas of life I act older than I am. When I do this, my coworkers call me a yoldie - a young old person - and I don't mind a bit. You are as young as you feel and all that, and my sense of humor is certainly age 10 and will still be age 10 when I'm 85. Will fart noises always be funny? Yes. Yes they will. But there are certain things I feel too old for and I'm fine with feeling too old for them. Thanks to Kristen at See You in a Porridge for the post idea.
I'm too old for...
Women who don't support other women. We have enough people trying to keep us down. We don't need to do it to each other. Few things piss me off more than women who don't support other women.
Arguing with people who are ignorant. They're miserable and there is no opportunity for spirited debate or discussion. I'm totally down with spirited debate or discussion. I believe you can disagree on things in a respectful matter, and go back and forth about an issue in the same way. But you can't do that with people who are ignorant or incendiary. It's like talking to a brick wall or a person who will set fire to a house just so you can't live there.
Staying out late. Honestly? I would like to be home by 10 no matter what night of the week it is - and more honestly, sometimes 10 is pushing it. Hanging out during the day is fun too.
Living in fear of bad things happening. Bad things *will* happen. And when they do I will deal with them. I'm not going to be afraid to walk out my front door every day because of something that could happen. It's okay to be afraid of things. It is not okay to let fear rule how I live my life.
Sleeping the day away. I don't want to waste my days off sleeping. I actually love the mornings now. Every once in a while, sure, it's nice to sleep in...but now my sleeping in is like 9 a.m., not 11 or noon.
Finishing a book I don't click with. Life is too short and my list of books to read is too long.
Spending time with draining motherfuckers. If someone is a drain on my energy, I push them to the outskirts of my life or off of the cliff of it entirely regardless of who they are in relation to me and make zero excuses or apologies for doing it. Undesirables include: lying liars who lie, shit stirrers, consistent whiners/negative nellies, Needy McNeedersons who require constant reassurance, passive aggressive people who post weird long facebook statuses about people instead of just confronting said people, petty grudge holders, adults who refuse to be responsible for their actions and words, blame shifters, manipulative bastards, people with more issues than Time Magazine, and people who can't grow the fuck up. None of you can sit with me.
Improving my application of eyeliner. I'm terrible at it and that's okay. I'm done trying all the eyeliners in the world. The problem lies with the applier, and that is me. If it's important, someone else can expertly apply it.
Heels. I don't care what the occasion is, where I am concerned it no longer calls for heels. I got rid of all the heels I own and I will be the one at the function in old lady shoes eating my passed hors d'oeuvres with nary a care in the world.
Pretending I might one day become a woman who crafts. I've never been and while you never say never, I am pretty sure I'm not going down the crafting lane. I'll gladly admire something you've crafted or purchase something you've crafted to my specifications, but I won't wish I could be crafty.
Guilty pleasures. If I like it, I don't feel guilty about it because why would I? If it's not illegal and it's not harming me or anyone else, there's nothing to feel guilty about because adults can do what they want to do.
Waiting anything. If I can do it now, I'm doing it now. I don't really get the sense in waiting to enjoy life. Waiting for what? Life is about the daily living. Go for it.
Caring about what other people think of what I do or say. I have to be honest, I've never really cared what people think about me. I was blessed to largely skip that anxiety and fear while growing up. But the older I get, the less I care. I didn't think that was possible, but it is.
What are you too old for?
Sleeping the day away. I don't want to waste my days off sleeping. I actually love the mornings now. Every once in a while, sure, it's nice to sleep in...but now my sleeping in is like 9 a.m., not 11 or noon.
Finishing a book I don't click with. Life is too short and my list of books to read is too long.
Spending time with draining motherfuckers. If someone is a drain on my energy, I push them to the outskirts of my life or off of the cliff of it entirely regardless of who they are in relation to me and make zero excuses or apologies for doing it. Undesirables include: lying liars who lie, shit stirrers, consistent whiners/negative nellies, Needy McNeedersons who require constant reassurance, passive aggressive people who post weird long facebook statuses about people instead of just confronting said people, petty grudge holders, adults who refuse to be responsible for their actions and words, blame shifters, manipulative bastards, people with more issues than Time Magazine, and people who can't grow the fuck up. None of you can sit with me.
Improving my application of eyeliner. I'm terrible at it and that's okay. I'm done trying all the eyeliners in the world. The problem lies with the applier, and that is me. If it's important, someone else can expertly apply it.
Heels. I don't care what the occasion is, where I am concerned it no longer calls for heels. I got rid of all the heels I own and I will be the one at the function in old lady shoes eating my passed hors d'oeuvres with nary a care in the world.
Pretending I might one day become a woman who crafts. I've never been and while you never say never, I am pretty sure I'm not going down the crafting lane. I'll gladly admire something you've crafted or purchase something you've crafted to my specifications, but I won't wish I could be crafty.
Guilty pleasures. If I like it, I don't feel guilty about it because why would I? If it's not illegal and it's not harming me or anyone else, there's nothing to feel guilty about because adults can do what they want to do.
Waiting anything. If I can do it now, I'm doing it now. I don't really get the sense in waiting to enjoy life. Waiting for what? Life is about the daily living. Go for it.
Caring about what other people think of what I do or say. I have to be honest, I've never really cared what people think about me. I was blessed to largely skip that anxiety and fear while growing up. But the older I get, the less I care. I didn't think that was possible, but it is.
What are you too old for?