Monday, October 12, 2015

TWTW - the one with the old school and the old fools

Friday night was gym, tanning, laundry. Minus the gym and tanning and plus frozen treats a la MFD. MFD: are you taking this picture to shame me? lolol and no.
Saturday morning I went to Lola's house, then I got my nails done and picked up a wallet to replace mine that was lost in the great purse water spill debacle of 2015. You see the ziploc bag there? That was my wallet for a while. hahahaha. I also cleaned the kitchen, read, and hung out with los perros.
Saturday night was our 20th high school reunion. MFD and I headed down to the city with Kim and Christy to meet up with friends for drinks at the Twisted Tail before we set sail on the Spirit of Philadelphia for the reunion. I had an absolute blast. While it's easy to see what many people are doing on facebook, actual face time is irreplaceable. We graduated with over 600 people and knowing everyone in school was impossible. I can't shit on facebook though as I actually know some people better now than I did then, which is awesome. So I spent Saturday night hanging out with my friends who are in my life regularly now, reconnected with some old friends, and made some new ones. MFD and I didn't get a picture together and barely saw each other all night. That's okay...we see each other a lot.
We unveiled our time capsule, which was quite popular. As you can see, MFD's sense of humor is the same.
MFD's note to himself says fart dart doodle, which is still said in our house to this day.
Philly looked good from the water.
We went back to the Twisted Tail after the boat docked, more fun ensued as well as a celebration of Melissa's birthday. My fun, beautiful, full of huge amounts of life friend. Happy happy.
Sunday I woke up not feeling too terrible, thank God (and a late night Wawa stop and water). Kim went to have lunch with her family and Christy headed home. For the first time in a very long time, I found myself with a day spread out before me with no plans. So I laid on the couch and read the rest of my book. It was glorious. Sometimes you need a do nothing day. I so rarely get the opportunity so I snatched it right up.
Otherwise I changed sheets, did some laundry, wrote some blogs, and made dinner. MFD headed down to the shore and Kim and I laid around on the couches like lazy old ladies. I was asleep before 9.

Weekly food prep sans photos because I only have a pic of oatmeal (who wants to see that? No one): this week's breakfasts are oatmeal. Lunches are spinach salads. Dinners are spaghetti & meatballs, honey dijon chicken with rice and steamed broccoli.
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Tomorrow is the one year anniversary linkup of Show Us Your Books. Jana and I are doing two giveaways to celebrate the occasion - you don't have to link up to enter. See you then! 
I don't have today off. As a matter of fact, I have a day full of meetings. Pray for me. 

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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending

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