Monday, August 10, 2015

TWTW - the first one at home in a month

Friday night I felt like being a lazy B, so that's what I did because I do what I want. Groceries were delivered, nails were painted (Essie Castaway), books were read, and my face was trampled on by Gus when MFD got home so I closed out the week with a fat lip. This dog is lucky he's cute because he nearly sent me to a bad and broken place with a bone on the stairs last week.
Saturday I was out of bed by 6:30 (thanks dogs and husband) and determined not to let laziness rule the day. I purged and reorganized the kitchen, utility room, and basement shelves and cleared the bar out so my brother can come get it when his man cave is finished. This is what my house looks like when it's in flux: drawers and cabinets are open, shit is everywhere and I'm like Go Go Gadget Arms doing a million things at once.
I dropped six boxes off at Goodwill then went to Target for a leisurely stroll. The reason I have nail polish problems is on the right - I was all oh I like that color I'll buy it. So like the color I just painted my nails the night before. I put it back.
MFD and I headed to Franklin Mills to return things when he got finished work and that was a shit show. Rude people everywhere. I picked up a few t-shirts and my 598th cardigan from LOFT outlet.
Weekly food prep: Grilled chicken, sweet potatoes, steamed broccoli, turkey tacos, and Amy's pizza spaghetti pie using spaghetti squash for dinners; egg muffins with spinach, green onions, and extra sharp cheese for breakfasts; orange peppers and bananas for snacks; and spinach salads for lunches.
Sunday morning I was running errands to Produce Junction and Dollar Stores before I had coffee...not a good idea. At all. That's plural Dollar Stores because apparently the Dollar Stores in the southeasten PA area have their helium on lockdown and finding a store that does them is like trying to find a rare diamond in the creek in your backyard. Oh and new fear: driving in the car with balloons. That shit is nerve wracking.
Once back at home I mainlined coffee, had some eggs, and got to work on taco cups. More on those on Wednesday.
Sunday afternoon was Aubrey's baby shower. You guys, I cannot adequately describe my excitement for this baby to get here. I truly can't wait to meet my niece (my vote in the Baby Pool) or nephew! It was nice to catch up with framily and I hung out at Stephen & Aubrey's for a few hours after. I was remiss in taking photos of people but at the end I did get the expectant parents; Aubrey, her sister and me; and Aub with the three grandmoms.
I wore these dogs out this weekend with the organizing and hausfrauing so I think they were happy to be alone for much of the day Sunday.

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Are you ready for the Show Us Your Books linkup tomorrow with me and Jana of Jana Says? I am. Bring on the book talk. 

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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending

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