Friday, July 17, 2015

I love it. I don't love it.

Back in aught '02 Nadine tagged in me Love/Hate tag. I don't like tag. I mean, it involves running and I've been pretty clear about the fact that I don't run. However, I do like lists and since I'm very opinionated I have a lot of things I love and a lot of things I don't. Easy as pie. Here we go.  If you're so inclined, please give me your own version of this list in the comments - I like to see what makes the love it/don't lists of others.

1. Reading. I'd rather read a book than do almost anything else.

2. Travelling. The majority of my mad money goes into a travel fund. This desire to go and see and do is a huge part of who I am. I'm glad to have a partner who feels the same.

3. Not giving a fuck. Does this require further explanation? If so, it can sort of be summed up by saying/doing/feeling/thinking what I want and not feeling guilt about not doing something the world wants or expects from me, or doing something the world frowns upon. It feels like freedom and tastes like pink starburst.

4. Sunglasses. I'm pretty sure I wear them more than I don't. Nothing can ruin my day faster than no access to sunglasses.

5. Functioning within a routine. I like knowing what's coming.

6. Convenience - Exhibit A - Amazon Prime. If I own it or use it, there's an 88% chance it was ordered on Amazon and I got it within two days and more and more on the same day or by the next day. Exhibit B - Grocery delivery. I don't know why I resisted this for so long, as if I was a champion grocery picker and no one could do it as good as I could. Spoiler: they can and they do.

7. Coffee and the mugs it lives in. I love love love it. If you follow me on Instagram, you know it's true.

8. Laughing. It's my favorite. I'm quick to laugh at things, even things that I maybe shouldn't laugh at. Laughing makes me feel awesome. And it's free.

9. Being beside the sea. I feel like my best self near the ocean.

10. The obvious. How to choose the last? By listing things I've stated my love for many times, of course. Is this cheating, to bang off much-discussed loves in the final entry? I don't care. I make the rules here. So: Lists. Dirty Dancing. Sunrises. Bruce Springsteen. Cooking. Quotes. Nail polish. Organizing. Trying new restaurants. Fresh sheets. The Breakfast Club. Beverly Hills 90210.

1. Poor grammar. I can get down with slang terms and sentence structure gone awry in conversational writing. Go ahead and end your sentences with a preposition, I don't mind. I'm not grammatically perfect but I try. I think it's the not caring or the hurry to get stuff across that kills me. Take your time! Think about which word to use: their/they're/there. it's/its and to/two/too. Can I also use this time to bring this up? It's used to and supposed to, not use to and suppose to. Don't even get me started on the misuse of apostrophes. We'll be here all day and into the next. 

2. Dog hair. I've learned to live with it. I do not love it. Not even a little bit.

3. Waiting. For anything, anywhere. In lines, for something to arrive, for an answer, for Godot, for something to finish cooking or drying or whatever, for vacation to get here, for a show to return, for a book to come in at the library. I hate waiting and am the worst waiter in the history of waiting. 

4. Whining. Stop. No one curr. 

5. Multi-media. If you want to see me absolutely lose my shit, play a video on your phone when I can hear the TV or radio. Multimedia turns me into Hulk Smash. One noise producing thing at a time. Ask MFD how often I freak out about this. Then ask why he still plays videos when something else is on knowing certain death awaits. 

6. Chipped nails. When my nails are chipped in a trashy sort of way, I feel terrible about myself. 

7. Counting other people's money and how they spend it. Unless someone's hitting you up for money, constantly complaining to you about money, or owes you money, it's not your business. We all spend differently. Don't worry about it. And don't have ideas about what people should and shouldn't pay for if they make more than you. It's gross and ill-mannered.

8. Entitlement. It's a cancerous thought process. You are not entitled to anything you didn't work for and you don't deserve things or special treatment just because of who you are. Get over yourself. 

9. Small talk. I'm not good at it. 

10. Being patronized. Just don't. Or I'll hand you your ass on a platter in return. 

Lay your loves and don't loves on me like Brett Michaels lays product on his luscious locks. 

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  1. I am a child of who loves her '80s hair I do not love when I see someone type "John" Bon Jovi (it's Jon), or "Nicki" Sixx (it's Nikki), or "Brett" Michaels (it's Bret). Damn. You used the dreaded double-t in Bret's name.

    I admittedly do not think ahead enough and make far too many grammatical mistakes for my own good. We're now even. Wait. You read my grammatical errors far more than you talk about any of my hair band gods, so I guess we're not even. My bad.

    Your #3 in things you love reminded me of this post because of the very last line "Please carry on giving zero fucks." :

    1. See grammatical error #1 within the very first statement above. What is that random "of" doing there?

  2. Entitled people piss me off. My husband fired somebody because she thought being pregnant meant that she could can come to work late or leave early as she pleases (to be clear, she was documented for being late multiple times, not being pregnant). As if millions of other mothers don't work every day. And I don't think that people who had four or more kids from multiple relationships deserve special treatment all the time. They wanted to reproduce.

    1. Clarification: They wanted to reproduce or they chose to not be responsible with birth control.

  3. best list ever. i'm with you 100% on all the things you love except #6 if it involves massive shipping fees because fuck shipping fees. i don't know why everyone hates canada and punishes us with ridiculous shipping costs.

  4. OMG. Multimedia. This happens with us too!!!!! And Hazel <<<<< Mae. Mae is way better and not just because she's a sasspot.

  5. Very with you on the grammar thing. It's cool to use proper grammar and spelling...if you're unsure about something, take 2 minutes to google it.

    I don't love people that take an elevator to go up or down one floor. Burns me up.

  6. Tyson and K both multimedia, I prefer no sound myself.

    I would move travel down to the hate list but other than that our love list is pretty much a match.

    I hate snow and cold, hate it.

  7. Small talk stresses me out. I start looking around and playing with my clothes/jewelry.

    I was just thinking this morning that if they would put 90210 on Netflix, I wouldn't leave my house for a few weeks. I've never watched it all from beginning to end but I used to watch the reruns.

  8. Agree on most. A fun list to make! I believe I will create my own list! A beautiful July day a la your gratitude list today.
    Carpe diem!!
    Love, Your Momma.

  9. I don't love the irrepressible heat of summer in the south because I sweat like a guy. I don't love fake people who say "we need to get together" every time they see you. No we don't because if we did we would. I hate when people say irregardless... it's regardless people, no ir. I love wine and cheese, I could live on it. I love people you can hang out with that don't need constant talk. I love Fall better than any other time of year, when I die I want to go to Fall.

  10. The grammar thing kills me. I know I'm not the best but all grown adults should know your/you're, they're/there/their and it's/its. I know I shouldn't but I silently judge you if you can't read well. We have meetings at work where sometimes people will have to read aloud and they mispronounce things all the time! And they are not hard words. I get it if you have a learning/reading disability but otherwise, no.

    Amen to the entitlement and chipped nails! The second I chip a nail, I need to file it. If my nail polish chips, it needs to come off this second. I hate that look. Probably why I rarely paint my nails.

  11. I am with you on your entire list pretty much!! I wear sunglasses even when it is raining. I must have them. These blue eyes of mine are so sensitive to light I wonder if they are part vampire or something? Entitlement pisses me off like no other. I can go on such a rant about stuff like that!

  12. this, this is why i love your blog. I feel like I identify with you in so many ways. I couldn't agree more (especially bad grammar, being patronized, reading laughing and traveling) on all of these.

  13. I am definitely not perfect with grammar (at all, i don't understand the preposition thing sorry!) but I do not understand how people still get to/two/too, you're/your or their/they're/there wrong. Like, I think I learned that in kindergarten. I am with you on the pet hair. I love my cats, but holy crap all the hair. I used to hate sunglasses, then I started driving and now I am very dependent on them!

  14. Yes! To all of the above yes! I cannot deal with poor grammar/spelling. I recently stopped talking to a guy because when he'd text me he could not spell. At first I was like "hmm maybe a typo." But when he called me ANGLE eyes I was done.

  15. For #7 on your don't love list, what about conversations about money? Like asking how much something cost or discussing relative salaries and such. (Just curious; my family is really open about that stuff, but I've been called rude before, so I'm not sure what the norm is.)

    I really like stylistic "bad" grammar, but hate grammar that interferes with understanding. I google things all the time to make sure I have a phrase right or to check my spelling. It kills me when I go back and see that I missed a word or some such ridiculous thing. Hooray for reading, traveling, and the beach!

  16. I'm the queen of ending sentences with a preposition. It's been said that it's a common Chicago thing. ("Where's the store at? I want to go with.") Ah well, thanks for not hating me! But misuse of words kills me. They're moving their chairs over there. Contraction, indicates possession, place. It's not that hard people.
    I do have one friend whose money I count. (I realize this falls under your 'constantly complains' exception.) She is OBNOXIOUS. She bitches constantly about how she's broke, and then gets all mad when I turn her down to go out to eat/get our nails done. Dude, you're going to spend the entire time complaining about the price. She gets offended when I suggest cheaper outings but I'm not listening to another minute of that whine. Not a chance. Drives me bonkers, definitely makes my hate list.

  17. Your loves are why we are friends. Reading, coffee and mugs are everything. Entitlement really grinds my gears, stop accepting hand outs when you can work and bust your ass like the rest of us. I am not a fan of small talk either.

  18. YES to the multimedia! I call it two sounds at once. Andrew will have the TV on and then put on a record without turning the TV off (or muting, if it's sports or something) and I LOSE it. Something about it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I thought it was just me! And thank you to my fellow member of the grammar police! Let us never forget lose vs. loose...

  19. LOL to certain death awaiting for multi-media... my husband does this all the time and it annoys the crap out of me *ugh*. And you know you're my spirit animal with travelling :-D

    Happy Friday!

  20. Agree with pretty much ALL! Definitely have the travel bug and cannot function outdoors without sunglasses! Enjoy the weekend!

  21. I'm also thankful for some cool July mornings and evenings! I hate whining. I try to stop my kids whenever it starts because it's like nails on a chalk board! I also don't like entitlement. You gotta work hard to get what you want.

  22. I think I'm pretty much on board with your love list. I will add exercise apps to my love list. They have easy to follow programs and encourage me to get off my butt. Facebook and people who don't respond to an email are on my I don't love it list. Have a great weekend!

  23. I feel so alive and well when by the ocean and sun. There's nothing like vitamin d and the waves crashing. That and that peacefulness camping.

    I'm sleeping with a Shiloh shepherd tonight, let's see just how much hair I'm covered in by morning. Lol!

    Have a good weekend Hun! Xo

  24. Am from the United State Of America am now 14years old Am a Medical doctor in California,I married for about 9years ago without any child then me and my husband go for an adoption of 2kids male/female.Last years something wonderful and gracious happened to me i came across this witch doctor in the internet that promise to help me get pregnant which i totally disagree,,,How can i be pregnant looking my age he ask me not to worry that he only specialize on pregnancy no other. That after the job has been completed there is no any side effect,that was how he told me what to do which i did, could you believe i miss my periodical time that same Month and i was pregnant.Today am now the happiest woman on Earth,,While am i testify to this site i know there are a lot of people that are in this kind of trouble some will decide to commit suicide. please just do and contact him for help Today his email :

  25. Am from the United State Of America am now 14years old Am a Medical doctor in California,I married for about 9years ago without any child then me and my husband go for an adoption of 2kids male/female.Last years something wonderful and gracious happened to me i came across this witch doctor in the internet that promise to help me get pregnant which i totally disagree,,,How can i be pregnant looking my age he ask me not to worry that he only specialize on pregnancy no other. That after the job has been completed there is no any side effect,that was how he told me what to do which i did, could you believe i miss my periodical time that same Month and i was pregnant.Today am now the happiest woman on Earth,,While am i testify to this site i know there are a lot of people that are in this kind of trouble some will decide to commit suicide. please just do and contact him for help Today his email :

  26. You KNOW I'm with you on the grammar. Your examples reminded me of another one I hate, which is iced tea, not ice tea. And I can't even stand iced tea so that makes it worse.

    Pet hair. Don't get me started.

  27. LOL "It's used to and supposed to, not use to and suppose to" Oh that's ha-larious. I get that though, I'm that person at work that will correct you swiftly if something isn't typed correctly. My sisters are both uber guilty of doing this, especially the oldest, and there's no reason for it. For example, she will literally "type lik dis and dat, fa sho" - why? We're not twelve. Even at that age, I never wrote or spoke like that. Ugh I hate small talk and I hate my cat's fur everywhere. I have adapted to both, since I can't always avoid small talk at work (but I try incredibly hard) and my cat's fur isn't going anywhere either :'( It's OK though because I LOVE not giving fucks too. :) Have a great weekend Stephanie! -Iva

  28. I told Will not to patronize me last night! I don't care about how other people spend their money and I definitely don't want their opinion on our finances, but I do love when people ask me to help them make a budget or want frugal tips. I love helping people and just hope I am positive about it instead ofrmaking them feel judged for what they spend.

  29. Haha, oh gosh MFD taking on your wrath! I don't get it either...I don't care if you're playing on your phone or used to be game boy, etc but I don't want to hear it. I'm actually enjoying listening to either silence or whatever is currently playing! Oh grammar, I love it and I should have majored in it. I would like to be able to remember all the things, but thanks to Google I can almost always find the answer I ask. Also, Prime is the Why can't all other companies get on the ball?! Hope you had a fabulous weekend!!!

  30. Travel...all the way everyday. I feel it adds to you as a person in so many ways. Oh and I just got Amazon Prime and think I am loving it to. It is so easy to be like we need this and poof two days on the doorstep. Do g hair hating, I have a wire haired jack russell terrier and to get those dog hairs out of anything basically takes a tweezers and act of God. Entitlement is by far the worst. It is sad to see so many in the upcoming generations with that trait. I love your list and go on endlessly about some of these, but I must work. Have a good day

  31. The multimedia thing gets me too! On our trip last week we had Kyra's DVD player going and then Bobby starts the radio! This is inside the tiny car! I wanted to bash my head in. Too. Much. Noise.

  32. I agree with so many of your loves: reading, traveling, coffee, lists, cooking, and trying new restaurants were just a few that stood out to me.

    I also agree with many of your dislikes, especially poor grammar (I know none of us are perfect, but some things are so terrible that I can't even read them because I have no idea how to even begin deciphering the mess on the screen/page), waiting, entitlement, and small talk.

    A few things not listed that would make my love list: music, foreign films, pasta, and autumn.

    And, finally, a few things not listed that would make my dislike list: mornings (I'm the bitchiest person in the world in the morning), traffic (clearly I'm a treat during my morning commute), milk, and heat/humidity.

    P.S. I love #1 on the gratitude list! Skype dates are amazing!


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