Monday, June 15, 2015

TWTW - the one with the Flag Day

Don't pass out, but I actually went out Friday night. Debbie and I met my parents, Kate, and their friends at Crossing Vineyards Winery for their Summer Wine & Music series. The Fabulous Greaseband played and the people there were very serious about dancing - the dance floor was packed the entire time. I'm not one to cut a rug, but it was a very nice setting, great company, excellent people watching, and a lot of swamp ass. It was hot you guys. On the way home Debbie & I pushed every button in the car because I have no idea how to operate one thing in Brenda Walsh. I guess I'd better learn.
Saturday I decided to take MFD's new car (Dylan McKay - I totally convinced him to name it that) out on my errands since, you know, I can't drive a car for the first time in the dark. It's a thing I have. I went out and got in the car and had to go back in and get him to help me five minutes later. I couldn't figure out how to get it in gear. If you're counting, that would make me 0 for 2 on the cars this weekend. WTF & LOL. Anyway, I went to the Farmer's Market and Sam's. At market I got dog treats, snap peas, portabello mushrooms, cukes, yellow squash, mint, and cherries. When I got home I did weights and laundry, then sat out back with los perros and read for a few hours.
Saturday afternoon we attended Jimmy & Jackie's annual Flag Day party, which was fun as always. The five of us in the photo below were also together 20 years ago on June 13 - we were on the football field graduating high school. Time flies, doesn't it?
Sunday morning I hung with the dogs, read, changed sheets, put away laundry, blah blah freaking blah hausfrau activities.
clearly the top photo is from Saturday when I was more presentable
Weekly food prep: egg muffins with broccoli & goat cheese and strawberries for breakfast; chicken and veggies for lunches; hard boiled eggs for MFD (see previous mentions of me being a nice wife); bell peppers and carrots for snacks; chicken and veggies and spinach stuffed portabello mushrooms for dinners.
Around 11 on Sunday we headed out for a weight bench, a mat, and a few polo shirts for MFD. It turned into a five freaking hour shopping trip with sax testing intermission. MFD typically does one large shopping trip a year and cripes it was a marathon. My feet hurt and the only sustenance I had was an iced coffee and a strawberry shortcake Good Humor bar. Hanger was in full effect and the man who tried to butt in front of us in line at Off Broadway Shoes got my wrath. If you think I won't call you out for butting in line, think again, asshole. MFD wanted to die. Annnd this is why I shop online.
Things I got this weekend - My coveted RBG shirt from Etsy, new barefoot Nikes, the softest sweatshirt ever from Polo, and a full zip men's sweater from Tommy Hilfiger. Winter stuff is cheap as hell right now.
At about 9:30 on Sunday night, we purged and reorganized MFD's clothes and shoes. In an unprecedented turn of events, my favorite hoarder let at least two drawers full of t-shirts go along with countless other things. I didn't get into bed until close to midnight and it took me a while to come down from the organizing high, but it was worth it. 

One more thing...this is why I never do my hair. We're windows down people whenever possible and I look like Cousin It in the car all the time. You don't bounce back from this.

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I turned to look but it was gone.
I cannot put my finger on it now...
these weekends go by so fast, don't they?

Happy happy birthday to my BFF Michelle today. 

How was yours? Windows up or down? Did you catch my 900th post Saturday about dogs and summer heat? Yes, that's right...900 posts of me prattling on like this. Thanks for reading.
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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending

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