
Monday, June 15, 2015

TWTW - the one with the Flag Day

Don't pass out, but I actually went out Friday night. Debbie and I met my parents, Kate, and their friends at Crossing Vineyards Winery for their Summer Wine & Music series. The Fabulous Greaseband played and the people there were very serious about dancing - the dance floor was packed the entire time. I'm not one to cut a rug, but it was a very nice setting, great company, excellent people watching, and a lot of swamp ass. It was hot you guys. On the way home Debbie & I pushed every button in the car because I have no idea how to operate one thing in Brenda Walsh. I guess I'd better learn.
Saturday I decided to take MFD's new car (Dylan McKay - I totally convinced him to name it that) out on my errands since, you know, I can't drive a car for the first time in the dark. It's a thing I have. I went out and got in the car and had to go back in and get him to help me five minutes later. I couldn't figure out how to get it in gear. If you're counting, that would make me 0 for 2 on the cars this weekend. WTF & LOL. Anyway, I went to the Farmer's Market and Sam's. At market I got dog treats, snap peas, portabello mushrooms, cukes, yellow squash, mint, and cherries. When I got home I did weights and laundry, then sat out back with los perros and read for a few hours.
Saturday afternoon we attended Jimmy & Jackie's annual Flag Day party, which was fun as always. The five of us in the photo below were also together 20 years ago on June 13 - we were on the football field graduating high school. Time flies, doesn't it?
Sunday morning I hung with the dogs, read, changed sheets, put away laundry, blah blah freaking blah hausfrau activities.
clearly the top photo is from Saturday when I was more presentable
Weekly food prep: egg muffins with broccoli & goat cheese and strawberries for breakfast; chicken and veggies for lunches; hard boiled eggs for MFD (see previous mentions of me being a nice wife); bell peppers and carrots for snacks; chicken and veggies and spinach stuffed portabello mushrooms for dinners.
Around 11 on Sunday we headed out for a weight bench, a mat, and a few polo shirts for MFD. It turned into a five freaking hour shopping trip with sax testing intermission. MFD typically does one large shopping trip a year and cripes it was a marathon. My feet hurt and the only sustenance I had was an iced coffee and a strawberry shortcake Good Humor bar. Hanger was in full effect and the man who tried to butt in front of us in line at Off Broadway Shoes got my wrath. If you think I won't call you out for butting in line, think again, asshole. MFD wanted to die. Annnd this is why I shop online.
Things I got this weekend - My coveted RBG shirt from Etsy, new barefoot Nikes, the softest sweatshirt ever from Polo, and a full zip men's sweater from Tommy Hilfiger. Winter stuff is cheap as hell right now.
At about 9:30 on Sunday night, we purged and reorganized MFD's clothes and shoes. In an unprecedented turn of events, my favorite hoarder let at least two drawers full of t-shirts go along with countless other things. I didn't get into bed until close to midnight and it took me a while to come down from the organizing high, but it was worth it. 

One more thing...this is why I never do my hair. We're windows down people whenever possible and I look like Cousin It in the car all the time. You don't bounce back from this.

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I turned to look but it was gone.
I cannot put my finger on it now...
these weekends go by so fast, don't they?

Happy happy birthday to my BFF Michelle today. 

How was yours? Windows up or down? Did you catch my 900th post Saturday about dogs and summer heat? Yes, that's right...900 posts of me prattling on like this. Thanks for reading.
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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. You seemed to have had a very productive and fantastic weekend. Those Nikes are so eye catchy. Sitting with dogs and reading seems so much fun.

  2. Wow! 900 posts!? Awesome!! How long have you been blogging!?

  3. Congrats on 900 posts, wow! I am also impressed with you doing anything at 9:30 pm on a Sunday night. I am usually close to bed time. Can't believe it's been 20 years for you, mine will be next year. We can't be that old can we?!

  4. I am dying that you got him to name his car Dylan McKay - that is amazing! Friday night looks chill but fun, a good way to go out without getting cray-zay!

  5. I seriously love me any dog that cocks his or her head, listening intently, as your clan seemingly does. So adorbs!!

    Ugh the mister wanted to browse yesterday and I let out a huge sigh. thankfully the trip was a wash and no merchandise was found or bought.

  6. i love that you named your cars brenda and dylan. so awesome. last night i was in the mood for a light summer movie so i popped in Dirty Dancing because Dirty Dancing. as soon as the movie started, i thought: steph would totally appreciate this.

  7. OMG the swamp ass smell was horrible at karate class last Wednesday, it's way to early for this kind of heat.

    Getting used to new cars sucks, I don't see why they can't have standard places for buttons and knobs. The Beetle and my Fusion are both stick shifts but reverse on the stick is in completely opposite positions. I have to remind myself of that every time I back up when I drive the Beetle so I don't end up in first going forward instead.

  8. Oooh that music and wine event sounds like so much fun - I'd definitely go out for that, too. And every week, I get so inspired by your meal prep and then never do anything comparable ;)

  9. God I love your pups. My new Sunday routine involves capturing what they are thinking which either makes me that crazy dog lady or a creeper. I prefer the first. Well done on organizing MFD. I keep looking at my closet and trying to do the same. My husband freaks out anytime I try and purge his closet even though he hasn't worn any of it in 5 years. When things go to storage for the remodel they may NEVER come back. Mwhahaha

  10. You're a good wife to put up with 5 hours of shopping - holy cow!!! Oh my gosh the pictures of your pups with their heads tilted I can't even!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  11. Yeah, I had to oh-no-you-didn't some 20 year old chick at LGA the other day who thought she could cut in front of the rest of us who had been waiting in the (one) line for 45 minutes. In additional awesomeness, the lady behind the counter totally stood up for me and was like, "yeah, what are you doing?" :)

  12. I am windows down even when it's super hot, I just feel free. Oh and also radio blasting and sunroof open. My hair does not always cooperate but that's what visors and hairbands are for one of each always being in my car! I bagged my cemetery music festival on Saturday because it was just too freaking hot for me to be outside and in motion at the same time lol. I sat still on a patio with cold beer instead.

  13. Your pups are so cute!! I so hate when people cut me in line. It's like ugh excuse me!! It is so rude. Good for you for saying something.

  14. I totally purged a ton of tshirts this weekend too!! I figured it was time when the closet organizer hanging thing they were all in broke because there were too many...Oops!

  15. Still LOVING the 90210 car names! And yay for a Friday night out and a good clothing purge :)

    Have a fabulous week <3

  16. Fun you made it out on Friday...I know im always exhausted after working all week but its fun to do it every now and again. Sounds like a nice night out well except the heat and well the car issues but Im sure that was amusing. Loving the color of your new nike shoes!

  17. I don't know why but every time you refer to your pups as Los Perros, I die. Seriously. I know what it means in Spanish, but it still cracks me up every time!!

  18. Titled dog heads are my favorite!!! Five hours of shopping with hanger and I would be cutting any line butters as well! No one cuts me off and doesn't hear about it. No one! I too wont drive a new car in the dark. What if I cant turn the proper lights on? I gotta feel comfortable. Nice new kicks!

  19. hahaha about Cousin It. That's hilarious.

    Looks like a fun weekend! I've never heard of anyone actually celebrating Flag Day, I love that idea! It's like a bonus 4th of July.

    Sounds like a really fun weekend again and I'm proud of MFD for getting rid of clothes. Sounds like me and him are kindred little hoarders :)

  20. The music & wine event sounds like a ton of fun. Props to MFD for getting rid of so many clothes! I think that when I finally put my clothes away from my trip tomorrow? someday?...I'm going to go through all of my crap & get rid of a ton instead of just putting it away & then I can buy new pieces if need be.

  21. Just curious, why Brenda and Dylan? I love naming cars.

    1. Just curious as to why those two particular characters. Poor Kelly. Always a bridesmaid....

  22. those egg muffins sound so good! what a nice breakfast treat to have on hand!

  23. OMG, I love your car names. And that RBG tee.

  24. Yay for going out on a Friday night. I was a bum and avoided all attempts at friends trying to get me to leave my house. It was a rainy night and aint nobody got time to drive in the rain. Yay you for for taking "Dylan McKay" (hehe) for a spin.

  25. I purged my own closet this weekend. I don't dare touch Scott's clothes. I'm going for the "almost-capsule" wardrobe. If it's not something I'm truly happy to wear, I'm getting rid of it.

    I can't drive a new car for the first time in the dark either. I had to do that with Scott's truck when we bought it and it was nerve-wracking.

  26. What a fun weekend! I can't believe you went out on Friday!!! ;) I never do- so it's big news if/when I go somewhere lol! Hooray for getting rid of all those t-shirts! The organizing high is VERY real. Also, a lady cut in front of us in the gas station this weekend and I absolutely called her out, sorry!!!

  27. You've seen my hair. You know how much I have. I NEVER have the windows down when I drive because I will not only be blinded and suffocate but I'll probably hit things in the process. Not good.

    Scott hoards, too. Makes me crazy and when he actually gets rid of something, I do a victory dance.

  28. Love the RBG shirt! And, LOL @ the "sax testing intermission." Classic MFD.

  29. We are windows down people too and I bought two cheap hairbrushes to keep in each car's glove box for when I arrive somewhere looking super wind blown! And how awesome that you got so much organizing done! That's such a great feeling!

  30. 900 posts?! Go you! We've discussed this, but I shall say it again...I envy your organizational savvy. I know I could take some tips and attempt to apply it to my life. I know I should, but I haven't. The collage of you and the pugs...too sweet.

  31. you're right about the whole windows down/hair debacle. I never can fully brush out all the damn knots. can you come to my house next and help my little hoarder purge? because he won't get rid of anything.

  32. Wow! Go you with 900 posts! I can sympathize with your shopping trip. When my husband actually does go shopping it takes forever. I try and walk away but he has this need to ask me my opinion on everything. It's torture because I'm like in and out of stores now (except Homegoods). We have a vineyard that isn't too far from us that has such nice outdoor events in the summer. I would love to go to the vineyards out in Eastern LI more but they are SO far. Our weekend was another family birthday celebration to go to...they never end!

  33. Yes, soooo HOT this past weekend. It was bordering unbearable because I can't stop sweating in this heat and humidity. Good job being the patient wife on the marathon shopping trip and standing up for you both when that guy cut in line.

  34. 900 posts!! that's incredible! I have never been to a Flag day party and I need to change that ASAP. Looks like you had a fantastic weekend! I'm with you 100% on never doing hair.

  35. The pictures of you and the pugs are so cute I could just die. Seriously adorable little fur babies! Congrats on 900 posts! That is AWESOME.

  36. Congratulations on 900 posts! Fantastic! I love that RBG shirt. She is one hell of a lady. A fabulous weekend all around. And I love that your cars are named in homage to 90210. ;-)

  37. congrats on 900 posts! that's awesome.
    i am so a windows down person but KC is all about the AC, so my hair is safe unless i'm alone.
    blah blah freaking blah - that made me laugh :) i can't stand when people butt in line!


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