Monday, June 8, 2015

TWTW - it was the June-iest of weekends.

Friday night was scintillating as always. Reading, weights, hanging with dogs, grocery delivery, dinner a la MFD. This is 38.
Saturday Farmer's Market and errands. At market I got bone broth to add to the dogs' food (great for their joints), chicken breast, spring mix, spinach, peas, gouda, eggs, and a freaking amazing peach cardamom cake with almond streusel.
In the afternoon I deadheaded flowers and cleaned out my car. You know, the stuff you don't want to do but you have to do. I did find our marriage certificate paperwork in the car...we'll be married five years in September. Whoops.
Saturday afternoon we attended the annual bike race party at Heather & DJ's. Great food including DJ's awesome homemade barbecue sauce line and one of the best cupcakes I've ever eaten in my life. It was a wonderful day to be outside and catch up with some old friends of ours and my parents.
Sunday I did the usual: change sheets, wash sheets and towels, blog, read...I also enjoyed coffee in my new mug from Carol, sorted through my sunblock to see what I need to buy for vacation, did a little bit of work work, and hung out with los perros in blissful silence - no TV or radio.
Sunday afternoon we had a delicious dinner at Stephen & Aubrey's including strawberry pie, which I love. I also tried corn on the cob (cut off the cob of course) with Old Bay on the recommendation of Aub's mom. It was delicious. It was a lovely afternoon to sit outside and their backyard is awesome.
Weekly food prep: Breakfasts are egg muffins with spinach, ham, and cheese. Since I am a nice wife I made some for MFD also. Lunches are turkey over spring mix with veggies; snacks are strawberries, peppers and peas, and greek yogurt; dinners are a grilled chicken thighs and veggies and turkey breast with steamed veggies.
Food for parties: pasta salad with mozzarella, tomatoes, EVOO, and pesto for the barbecue Saturday, veggie pizzas for Stephen & Aubrey's on Sunday.

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Tomorrow! It's my favorite day of the month - the Show Us Your Books Linkup with me & Jana. Can't wait to see what you've been reading.

How was your weekend?
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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending

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