
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

1. I don't really have any because I've hit the vacation wall. Early. I still have two weeks to go. The pre-vacation malaise has come too soon. Everything seems to be a struggle, like additional effort is required while zero fucks are given. My motivation needs its picture on a milk carton.

2. Basically, this is all I want to do. If you're looking for some books to read, you need to check out the 35 bloggers who linked up with me & Jana for Show Us Your Books on Tuesday. That shit is on fire! My favorite blogging day of the month by far.

3. Other signs vacation is imminent: I'm about to cut a bitch every day during my commute. Yesterday, a group of us were running from the shuttle bus to the train in the morning. My favorite conductor was on and everyone knows he will not leave a group of 20 people. This lady behind me is going "Come on, move around her! That's it! She has a cane you can go faster" in a little sing-songy voice. I stopped dead and gave her a scathing look like I was setting her on fire with my eyes. She looked like she saw an ogre. And she did. We will respect the lady with the cane and we will STFU about it

4. I've been in a panic over how I'd make iced coffee on vacation since I'm not taking all of my bulk supplies.  Anyway I'm going to give this a go. The coffee is already in pods so there's no complicated straining system.

5. My summer slump is beginning. I feel less energized, more sluggish and lazier in the summer than I do at any other time of year. It's like reverse seasonal affective disorder. I get pissed off at myself when I'm blah. Later in the summer, I will be the Summer Grinch. Relax, enjoy. Stay tuned.

6. Remember how I was really excited to pay off my car in mid-May? MFD has already sold it to buy a better and larger second vehicle for his business. You were a good car, Kelly Taylor. I have re-named the car I drive now: she shall be known as Brenda Walsh.
MFD's new ride
7. My dogs kill me on weekday mornings. They're a riot. When I get out of bed, they sort of shift around and slump wherever they can. Like Mae here on the left, giving up on life and slumping onto Geege. Like they have worked so hard or done so much or something.

8. So I ordered pink chambray Tretorns from Nordstrom for myself. Hello, 1987. It's been a long time. I can't wait until you arrive.

9. I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy this at some point.
10. Ecard of the week. This had me dying laughing:

End scene. 



  1. I want that T-shirt too. In India the summer is nearly over and I feel rejuvenated. The heat is finally going out and rains are greeting us now and then. And I feel more productive and active now. Summer heat brings me down too. I feel like its too hot to do anything. I need a vacation too. The last I went on a vacation was in Feb.

  2. Haha love the name of your new car - 90210 all the way!!! I'm not close to a vacation but I have the same hateful feelings every day lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. haha tretorns! now you need to pin your jeans and wear leg warmers/really baggy socks with them.

    oh here's a hack i read about: you can wrap your favorite coffee in coffee filters! tie with an elastic band or one of those twist things and let them steep like a tea bag :D we bought a shit load of coffee filters from the dollar store and i plan on using this trick when i go on vacay because everyone knows hotel coffee tastes like ass.

  4. How does that bean bag iced coffee business work? I may need to try this myself. I am bringing my French press on vacation, but this could be good too.

  5. That last card. I forgot everything after I read that. One of the Lead Biddies at our schools this year was terrorizing my advisor, and we kept trading a "Not today, Satan" gif. I just sent this to her as a plan for next year.

  6. #3, had me peeing my pants! Don't cut a bitch, not yet at least, lol.

  7. I had an altercation with a pseudo-Satan Tuesday... so far, winning. Stay tuned.
    And I will need an update on that iced coffee!

  8. I guess that settles the Brenda Kelly debate once and for all

  9. I'm going on vacation today- how can I possibly get anything done? I can't. i love cold brew coffee. that looks delicious. i adore that shirt.

  10. I'm not familiar with those shoes, but I like them. Only you did it wrong and you didn't link to them and 57 million other pairs that are similar using undisclosed affiliate links :P

    Congrats on the new car, MFD, and to your new one by default! Always a fun change.

    The idea of ogre Steph cracks me up. Please selfie an ogre look for us. Also have you tried Trader Joe's cold brew concentrate? I have not but I've heard good things if this brand is a bust.

    I want to read, too. Maybe because it's my turn with three books at the library and that's stressing me out.

  11. oooh i like those shoes, though i've not heard of them before. and i totally want that top. fun.
    yay new car! boo to selling old car as you almost paid it off.
    i totally tried to say the ogre thing and barely managed it once.
    i am totally in pre vacation hit a wall mode. i have so much shit to do but zero fucks to give, so you know. i'm blogging at work instead.

  12. Judging by that first picture - I'm READY for vacation too. I think I might try to dump sand on my desk this afternoon.

    Also, I haven't clicked though the book link-up yet, but I plan to tonight with my library request page open. I can't wait.

  13. Naming your cars after BH90210 characters - Love it.

    And The last book link up I got 8 books that I wanted to read. So, I'm going to just bookmark this one's link - and wait until I get through ALL of those.

  14. Hahahahahahaha that ecard!!!!! And I love Brenda, she so pretty! I am so ready for vacation. SO READY!!! Mine isn't until July 1st. Why is it so far away???? Your new kicks are super cute, and I love that you made your priorities clear. We must know the source of our coffee no matter where we are.

  15. Pre-vacation slump is hard. Kind of like post-vacation slump.

    I don't think I'd be strong enough, mentally, to make that commute you do every day. Kudos.

  16. Haha knowing i am going on vacation ruins any hope of me being productive for weeks! that ecard

  17. The vacation wall is so real! I have it bad and I don't leave till next Thursday. And I get more lazy in the summer too. It's the heat, and the million other things we have going on - it makes me want to do nothing productive with life.

  18. LOL at that ecard! I hope Brenda is good to you.
    Hawkeye is the same. NOT a morning dog. She stays in bed while I get up and get ready. She barely looks up when I leave, and it's only to make eye contact to remind me to give her her jerky treat. She gets visibly annoyed when we pet sit for my parents dogs and they're raring to get outside and get breakfast at 6 am.

  19. I am in a summer slump too...I am lazy, don't want to get out of bed and in vacation mode even though we aren't technically taking a vacation this summer. Hang in there...keep your eye on the prize and try not to get into any fights on the train! Ha!

  20. ha! this was hilariously worded. I love the ogre part. And I HATE when people are shovy on the trains without warrant. Like, slow down- it's okay. Ugh. Yes, the anticipation of vacation definitely does have an effect on productivity! But so does the vacation hangover when it's all behind you and you are back at work thinking "Didn't I JUST leave this place?!??!". So sad, ha.

    And your dogs are so cute. They do look like they just finished running a marathon or something.

  21. After reading this I think i need a vacation because I am showing the above symptoms too! The commute especially!! I also only want to read, but wait that is like all year, so maybe that one doesn't count! The new ride looks good! Seriously the pups have the best life! Love the e-card!!

  22. #3. Look, I hate slow walkers as much as the next Type A, always-in-a-rush person, but that's pushing it. Good for you putting that ogre-face on. And nice new ride! Good luck with it.

  23. So MFD got a BMW SUV with your car??? I hope you got something good to drive out of the deal!

    I love your book link up; I have a list on my phone. I am settling for ebooks from our library here until I figure out the library situation in FL.

    I am SO ready for vacation, however, before we leave on June 25th, I have to finish packing my house and office and you know, actually move to FL. We like to cram as much as possible into the least amount of time possible.

  24. The old vacation wall, I'm in the it's after vacation but I still need more vacation phase.

    Book reading is all I want to do too, although I'm still trying to decide if I care enough to stay with the book I'm with or if it's a "I'm never going to enjoy it so why bother" book.

  25. I've lost all motivation and I don't even have a vacation coming up! I still need to make my way through the link-up, especially now that there's finally time to read! Love the new ride- hope Ms. Walsh is good to you!

  26. The pre and post vacation wall is a terrible thing. It seems to stretch forever too. Your 90210 inspired car names though...YES!

  27. I hear ya, on the pre-vacation slump! My vacation is a month away and already I can't focus ;). Have fun! Good job getting your iced coffee pods ready. I'm definitely taking my espresso machine with me on vacation since we're driving and staying at a townhouse! Those shoes are super cute. Hope they're comfy!

  28. My motivation is so lost for so long, I need time lapse photography if I'm going to find it again.

    I love that you name your cars because, as you know, I do, too and it makes me feel less crazy when others do it.

    Our books linkup is the best day of the month.

  29. LOVE that you name your cars after 90210 characters.. genius! And I always worry about my coffee when going on a trip, I worry when/where it'll come from as I need it within an hour of getting up :-P

  30. I get that way pre-vacation too- sometimes it's just really all you can think about! Love the shoes you got, they are seriously awesome. And your dogs always make me smile/laugh- silly little characters!

  31. I would pay money to watch what happened in #3. Haha.

  32. I love the "5 Signs That You Need A Vacation" picture. It's so cute (and so true)!

    I also feel less energized in the summer. It's just too fucking hot to do anything! I hate rain, but I was so grateful for it today because it cooled things down ... The last couple of days we've been in the upper 90s (already!), and I just felt like a sick, sweaty pig. So gross.

  33. I'm in that pre-vacation mode as well. Ugh. So distracted and unmotivated at work.

    That cold brew stuff looks amazing. Where can I get it?

  34. Those signs of needing a vacation hit the nail on the head; I can't wait for my vacation to roll the fall!

    I'm dropping by from Joey's link-up. Your pups are absolutely adorable! I love that you named your car!

  35. The new car is gorgeous! Congrats on your new ride and good job MFD! Hoping that vacation comes soon enough! I know the feeling...I mean I feel t everyone week whether a vacation is pending or not. lol

  36. All I want to do these days is read as well. I might be in a "lazy" phase before my new job starts. The new ride is awesome!

  37. Reading is all I want to do since the link up too! Make sure to let us know how the ice coffee works out! I'm curious to see if it's any good!

  38. I need a Brenda Walsh... and now I have the freakin' 90210 theme song stuck in my head :D
    Umm... I'm kind of going on vacation soon. ;)

  39. I think MFD's new ride should be called Dylan McKay. Dark and brooding.


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