Friday, June 12, 2015

Things I Don't Care to Do

You know me and my lists. I make the seasonal goal lists, I have the 40 things I want to do before I'm 40 list. I also have a larger life list, a bucket list if you will. I don't think I've ever shared that here. Hand in hand with that list is this list: things I don't care to do. Yes yes, never say never, tut tut and all that. But as of today, these are not on my radar.

1. Play an instrument. This family has a musician, and his name is MFD. I don't have any musical inclinations and I'm not planning on cultivating any.

2. Return to Vegas. Not really my kind of town.

3. Run a marathon or a half marathon or a 5k or run at all. If I was being chased, I'd rather stay and fight than actually run, so that should say something. There are plenty of people who adore running, running does not need my love. I don't like how running feels like it jiggles up my insides. I don't like how it jolts my joints. Walking, now there's something I'm totally behind.

4. Live more than two hours from the sea. I love being able to jump in my car just to see the ocean in a relatively short amount of time.

5. Snow sports. Once upon a time, I went skiing with my BFF's family. I basically fell off the ski lift into trees or slid there, I can't remember because I have blacked it out. I was also almost caught at the top of the mountain and getting me down was like something out of Alive or Survivor: snow. I had to be coached the entire way. My mind won't let my body go.

6. Times Square on NYE. How do those people pee? Don't say in their pants or hold it. Those are not options.

7. Mardis Gras. I'm going to New Orleans soon but I'm pretty sure I'm never going to Mardis Gras. Everything about it makes me shriek inside.

8. Cut out a food group. I know it works for some people for various reasons, but I have no health issues that would cause me to cut one out and I like food too much.

9. Order a drink from Starbucks using their size terms. Take your venti and stick it where the sun don't shine. I'll have a large.

10. Be a Positive Polly. I'm a fan of positivity. But in my heart and soul I'm a realist, and I'm all about calling it as I see it. As we all know sometimes reality is a shit sandwich. I'll never feel the need to put a shine on a turd just for the sake of being positive.

What's on your nah, I'm good list?

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