
Friday, June 12, 2015

Things I Don't Care to Do

You know me and my lists. I make the seasonal goal lists, I have the 40 things I want to do before I'm 40 list. I also have a larger life list, a bucket list if you will. I don't think I've ever shared that here. Hand in hand with that list is this list: things I don't care to do. Yes yes, never say never, tut tut and all that. But as of today, these are not on my radar.

1. Play an instrument. This family has a musician, and his name is MFD. I don't have any musical inclinations and I'm not planning on cultivating any.

2. Return to Vegas. Not really my kind of town.

3. Run a marathon or a half marathon or a 5k or run at all. If I was being chased, I'd rather stay and fight than actually run, so that should say something. There are plenty of people who adore running, running does not need my love. I don't like how running feels like it jiggles up my insides. I don't like how it jolts my joints. Walking, now there's something I'm totally behind.

4. Live more than two hours from the sea. I love being able to jump in my car just to see the ocean in a relatively short amount of time.

5. Snow sports. Once upon a time, I went skiing with my BFF's family. I basically fell off the ski lift into trees or slid there, I can't remember because I have blacked it out. I was also almost caught at the top of the mountain and getting me down was like something out of Alive or Survivor: snow. I had to be coached the entire way. My mind won't let my body go.

6. Times Square on NYE. How do those people pee? Don't say in their pants or hold it. Those are not options.

7. Mardis Gras. I'm going to New Orleans soon but I'm pretty sure I'm never going to Mardis Gras. Everything about it makes me shriek inside.

8. Cut out a food group. I know it works for some people for various reasons, but I have no health issues that would cause me to cut one out and I like food too much.

9. Order a drink from Starbucks using their size terms. Take your venti and stick it where the sun don't shine. I'll have a large.

10. Be a Positive Polly. I'm a fan of positivity. But in my heart and soul I'm a realist, and I'm all about calling it as I see it. As we all know sometimes reality is a shit sandwich. I'll never feel the need to put a shine on a turd just for the sake of being positive.

What's on your nah, I'm good list?

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  1. Every time I talk about goals people always say I should put on a half marathon. NOPE. N-O-P-E. I actually enjoy running but you will never get me to do a half marathon. I'll keep my body working properly without loads of pain and craziness thank you very much.

  2. I'm pretty sure people for NYE wear diapers when the ball drops. No, I"m not kidding. lol.

  3. Camping. Why on earth would you want to go and willingly sleep on the ground in the dirt with the bugs? No thanks I have a lovely home and a great bed I'll stay here!

  4. Yes. Yes. Yes. All of it. YES! I went to New Orleans one NYE. It convinced me that I never wanted to go to Mardi Gras, and I never wanted to be anywhere even more crowded than I was there for NYE. Here, in Sydney, another place with crazy NYE crowds, I was a lucky girl for a few years. I lived in a tiny apartment that had a view of the Harbour Bridge. I watched the Sydney NYE fireworks from my bedroom.

    I never want to read any Harry Potter or see any Lord of the Rings.

  5. I have to say, it's refreshing to find someone like you. I love the fact that you don't hold back and you just say what you want. It's pretty much how I am too, in person or on my blog. Loving that. I am totally with you on the whole starbucks sizes. It's ridiculous. Also, I can be positive. And I do love a positive outlook over a negative one. But at the same time, I'm a realist. I hate sugarcoating crap and faking being happy 24/7. I'm not going to deliberately hurt someone but if you want the truth, you'll get it from me.

    My no way jose list: Also running. I can walk for miles. In fact, I do everyday. But no way am I running. I feel horrible afterwards when I have.

  6. I feel that many bloggers try waaaay too hard to be Positive Pollys all the time. I don't think it's healthy to suppress our feelings. Sometimes we get angry or sad.

    I hate the idea that certain food groups make people fat. Lack of moderation will make you fat. No food made anybody fat on its own.

  7. NYE in times square just no, gives me hives. I did a First Night in Boston event once and never made it to midnight. Way too crowded. I never want to jump out of a plane. It is perfectly safe in the plane why would I want to jump out of it?! No thanks!

  8. Times Square on NYE...never I just have 0 desire for that one!!! Happy Friday!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. I'm with you on Times Square and Mardi Gras. Way too many dang people!

  10. i don't mind obstacle races but half or full marathons? no thanks. i'm all for fitness and shit but road running for like 2hrs isn't my jam. my SIL ran a half and she said from 15KM-onwards she wanted to blow her brains out and kept asking herself: WHY AM I DOING THIS?!

  11. I'd do NYE in Times Square if I could see the ball drop from a hotel room or something with access to a bathroom. Being out in the freezing cold for 12+ hours doesn't thrill me either.

  12. LOL... With you on the marathon and running in general. Add skydiving to this list. Jumping out of a plane when it's not an emergency and hoping my parachute doesn't fail? No thanks. Drive a smart car. I already know how that feels thanks to economy seating on United. No interested in doing it daily.

  13. Great topic. Agree on most. In the positive deal- when shit is going down, I send the lights & count the pros, which always outnumber the cons! Times Square, Mardi Gras, snow, running at all- unless I am in a hurry! I was hoping you would ditch the damn sky diving thing! Enjoyable read.
    Happy Friday to all! Love, your Momma

  14. LOL - I feel the same way about the Starbucks sizes! I'm not down for that nonsense. So apparently the key to NYE in Times Square is to just shell out the cash for a hotel room right there. Chill in your room when you're overwhelmed by the crowd, use the bathroom in comfort, and stroll outside when it's time for the ball to drop.

  15. I'm not a fan of large organized events in cities: NYE in Times Square, Mardi Gras, etc. I will avoid cities if there is something going on that day like a marathon or special event.
    I've actually become more positive over the years (you probably can't tell lol).
    I've never had the desire to go to Vegas. Just seems like a money pit. Also, I feel terribly land-locked after living next to the ocean for 3.5 years (even if it was the northern Pacific).

  16. I don't use Starbucks' size terms either (probably cause I can never remember which is which) but they always repeat my order using the appropriate term and I'm always like "yea that" ....I'm heading back to New Orleans soon too to do some site-seeing and history learning but no I could never handle the shit show that is Mardi Gras.

  17. I used to be into skiing - and then I got hurt - really hurt, like broke the neck of my femur CLEAR OFF... So, snow sports are a no go - Sleigh riding, that's a different story all together.

    Hiking in freezing temps - my husband loves it - I, on the other hand, just let him do that alone.

    Hubby also doesn't speak starbuckian - and basically has the "We're in America, we speak ENGLISH" convo anytime they say "Venti?"

    I also am not one of those people who has to have the newest gadgets as soon as they come out. I mean, how long did it take me to get my Kindle? I mean, I love it - but, that was only because I ran out of space to buy ALL the BOOKS.

    Happy Friday Friend!

  18. I am so with you on is just NOT my jam.

    Times Square in NY too...standing there for hourrrrrrs waiting surrounded by tons of people. Legit sounds horrible. Not to mention the whole bathroom issue...

  19. I've always said Starbucks makes me so uncomfortable using made up words...
    Yes ma'am... I have always said that about NYC on NYE... those people are packed like sardines. & then 1 minute after midnight, streets are empty - everyone is running to pee! Guaranteed!

  20. I mostly totally agree! Not on Vegas, of course, I love it there. But yes yes yes on Mardi Gras and Times Square. So crowded. When I'm drinking, I have to pee every 30 minutes. What the heck are they doing all those hours?!
    I'm not super positive either, it kind of annoys me when people are. I don't want to be around a total debbie downer all the time, but come on. you have to find middle ground. Not everything is wonderful all the time, it's not real life.

  21. I'm with you minus #2. The only time I went to Vegas I was 9, so I'd like to go again as an adult. Adding yoga, going grain-free, and going vegetarian/vegan to the list!

  22. Oh my gosh, this is SO me: "6. Times Square on NYE. How do those people pee? Don't say in their pants or hold it. Those are not options."

    I get anxiety about being on an airplane where I can't freely pee, so this would be terrible.

  23. I will ride a sled down a very controllable hill, that is as far as my snow sporting goes. I am not a fan of huge, crowded NYE and Mardi Gras isn't really my cup of tea. I used to say I would never cut out a food group, but look at me. Sigh.

  24. Running and Skydiving... no way, no how am I ever parachuting anywhere unless I am on a plane that is going to crash and it's a survival thing. Nope.

  25. OK Yes to all of these.
    6. seriously, no thank you. how do they pee???? I have spent NYE in the Sydney city once and it was at a place with actual toilets, not in a big open area like NYC. Then I spent another NYE in London, in a big open area and there were toilets and obviously a lot less people but I was like.. this isn't fun. I'd rather be inside haha.
    4. Sigh. I wish. First 24 years of my life were like that, now I'm like 9 hours away. WTF.
    and 8. SERIOUSLY. I flipping hate when people do this for no reason. I mean, being a vegetarian is one thing, but no gluten / whatever just because? it makes no sense. if you have issues and going whatever free helps, that is obviously amazing and fabulous but if you have no issues, why do you do it?
    and boo about Vegas. I love Vegas with all my heart. Though I understand why a lot of people don't!

  26. Excellent list - I totally agree! I wouldn't mind being able to play an instrument, but only if I could magically become proficient, no lessons, no practice, no journey to competence.

  27. Totally with you on the skiing thing! I have been known to just take off the skis and walk down the mountain.

  28. ha, yes running does not need your love. My husband runs like 6 miles a day and I can never understand howww. I can run and will do it about twice a week to balance out my weight lifting but I have never loved it. It blows. Wish I didn't have to at all.

    I wish I could play the banjo but no way in heck I ever could learn. I know nothing about the technicalities of music!

    Fun read- have a good weekend!

  29. I tried water skiing...the cold in general is not for me so I don't foresee ever doing skiing. Although tubing wasn't too bad on snow or water. Luckily tall rhymes with small or I wouldn't either. Vegas is on my 40x40 list, but I'd never really had any interest in going until a friend raved about it and without the casinos. I tried to give up sweets, never again!

  30. With you on a ton of these. No desire to live where I can't be at the beach—REAL beach—in an hour, the mountains in an hour, the city in an hour. And even with that, I'll never do NYE in Times Square. I thought about it for like 30 seconds when I was 21 but nope. Not even remotely appealing.

  31. A good friend of mine did NYE in time's square- one of the coldest years ever, too. They stood in place for seriously 15 hours and didnt move, didn't pee, nothing. HOW DOES THAT SOUND FUN?! Definitely not worth it to me. Plus I can't imagine what people pay for hotels that night in the city, WHEW!

  32. Running' s on mine, as is having pets, or kids. I don't need to see Alaska; nor Asia. I'm ok with not striving to be a size 8 ever again. And I am completely OK with the fact that math is not my forte. I don't want to get better at it,mand I don't intend to.

  33. LOL at the Starbucks size terms... they don't even make sense! How is a small a tall?! Ugh... And NYE in Times Square that's a big no thanks! Way too cold, too many people, no bathrooms, etc.. and last but certainly not least I could never live near the coast either. I can't imagine not being able to go to the beach unless on vacay :-P

    Happy Friday!

  34. Your list is fairly similar to what mine would look like, people are amazed I have no desire to go to Vegas. Crowds, bright lights, and constant noise are not my thing.

    My sister says the NYE NYC revelers wear diapers, they start lining up before the sun comes up.

  35. NO interest in running either. Same with Mardi Gras. New Orleans is an above ground sewer and the thought of going there for Mardi Gras makes me cringe and want to shower.

    I have no interest in any sort of extreme sport (BMX, skydiving, etc) or any sports that involve snow. No desire to ride a motorcycle either. There are certain places I have no interest in travelling (like Israel. I'm pretty sure that makes me a shitty Jew. I mean, after the fact that I married a non-Jew) and I have less than zero interest in ever attending a professional basketball game.

    Times Square on NYE is atrocious.

  36. Funny you say you don't care to cut out a food group because I reacted that way when I sister said she was going on the paleo diet. Well, look at me now with a foot in my mouth and no grains in my diet. So, never say never...heh.

    I'd also never be anywhere near a major landmark during a big holiday (Mardi Gras, NYE, Christmas Eve, etc.).

  37. I second the winter sports thing. The only skis or boards I take part in are attached to a boat and are enjoyed in summertime sun and warmth. I failed miserably at skiing and snowboarding the few attempts I made. And really I'll pass at sledding, snowshoeing and all that too, because cold, wet and snow, aren't my favorites.

  38. #8 made me laugh! I can could agree with about half of your list! Especially New York, Time Square. I'm not a fan of crowds and don't think having that many people in one place is healthy on any means. lol -Stevie

  39. Hmmm I would say...move down south (I don't think I could handle the change of pace), go vegan, homeschool my child (I'm just not a good teacher and my patience level is pretty low), and wait on a long line for an Apple product. The last one just came to me when I was looking at my Iphone. The frenzy for any new Apple release is just ridiculous and I will never do it. I'm fine waiting for things. Have a great weekend!

  40. I do not care to try kale, like squash, refrain from eating shitty foods sometimes (mmmm chicken wings), watch Orange is the New Black (I know, I know, I am like the only person in the world with this one), or watch zombie or vampire shit.

  41. Yeah, I agree with 95% of your list. I've done a 5k so I can't so no to that, and I will do them again if I deem them fun/worthy. I played flute in 5th grade band for all of about 3 weeks. Instruments are not for me.

  42. :D You have me laughing out loud FOR REAL over here. I like your realism. :)
    I'm so with you on NYE in NY!!! Every year I ask my husband the same questions "Aren't they cold? What do they do if they have to PEE?"
    I've never been to Vegas, and it's not on my dying to go list either....
    Happy Friday!

  43. YES to the Times Square on NYE one! Freezing cold, no personal space, and not getting to pee or leave? No thank you! I also agree with the living too far from the ocean one, though even an hour is too far for me!

  44. I don't do winter sports, either. I hate the cold, hate the snow, and I hate having to wear 3436874456723 layers to stay warm. Never tried any snow sports. You can find me at the bar. I will never understand Times Square on NYE. Ringing in the New Year with 2million of my closest friends- no thank you. Crocs. I don't care how comfortable they are, no thank you. Vera Bradley bags- ick.

  45. I LOVE this list! We went to Vegas for a friend's wedding last year and I stayed in our hotel room drinking Starbucks and reading. I'm an introverted stay at home mom to three, enough said!

    Around these parts having an urban farm (raising chickens, planting your own garden, etc) is what all the coolkids are doing. Yeah, that's not my jam.

  46. Check mate on 2-8 and 10, I'd love to pick up an instrument. I am accommodating to the Starbucks sizing lingo but won't catch me ordering fancy drinks - the fanciest drinks I order is a freakin' Earl Gray tea! :) I wouldn't rush to go to Vegas but I'd go - it just probably wouldn't be my idea since there's so many other places I'd love to see. You will definitely not see me running a 5K anytime soon - I'd prefer to be eating really good food! Which is why cutting an entire food group ain't happening either. :) Have a great weekend Stephanie! -Iva

  47. I live within 2 hours of the ocean and never actually go unless I hop over to another island. Its odd. I wish I wasnt a positive polly but I am most of the time. I like to think Im a realist too but my friends actually call me the "eternal optimist". I guess it keeps me going.
    I played instruments as a kid and while I love music, hearing it, watching it being played etc.... I couldnt be bothered to do it myself!

  48. It was entertaining reading this list the day before my marathon. Ten years ago I would have completely agreed with you about running now I am looking for an ultra marathon to add to my forte. It has become my therapy and am happier when I get to run.

  49. I read something last year about how there are no porta potties for NYE in Times Square so people pee on the ground, in bottles, or wear diapers. NO JOKE. No thank you.

  50. No surprise here, but I agree with almost all of your list. Exceptions: I started playing piano at an early age. I've never been to Vegas, but will probably go once. And of course, I've never lived less than 2 hours from the sea, but I'd love to.

  51. I'm right there with you on the Starbucks size list. I want a small please, I don't even know what size that would be in their speak.

  52. YES to so many of these!!! I hate the cold, and have no desire to do snow sports. NYE and Mardi Gras are a huge no for desire at all. Even when I was younger I didn't want to do Mardi Gras. And me too on #9, it's a matter of principle. I worked in a coffee shop all through college and I would refuse to acknowledge what size someone would want if they ordered a venti. I would point at the cups next to the register and say small, medium, or large.


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