
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Show Us Your Books: What I read in May

It's that time again, book nerds! My favorite day of the month, the Show Us Your Books linkup with me Jana of Jana Says! If you are not clicking around and engaging with others about what they're reading, you are really missing out! Try to visit a few other blogs below and talk about books!

While you can see what I'm reading and look at the stars I give books on Goodreads, these monthly posts are really a much better way to know what I thought about a book. 

Here's what I've read since my last Show Us Your Books Post on May 12:

The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay - This book was beautiful and layered and I loved everything about it. My heart was in my throat a lot and I liked the ending.

The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman - Sometimes I like a little Hoffman whimsy and magic. This is one of the more depressing books I read by her but it didn't stop it from being good.

Fear the Darkness by Becky Masterman - The second Brigid Quinn book. I still love the characters of Brigid and her husband Carlo and their pugs. The supporting cast of characters in this one was interesting as well and there was a twist I did not see coming.

On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves - I read this in a day. It's like dreams and nightmares all in one. Perfect for the summer if you can suspend belief in how some things work out.

The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson - People always ask how I find what I'm going to read. This one I found trolling on the Facebook status of my friend Megan who asked for suggestions of what to read next. It ensnared me immediately and I liked the intricacy of the story. The Kind Worth Killing is the book worth reading.

Invisible by James Patterson and David Ellis - Standard Patterson co-written fare: short chapters, quick action, despicable bad person, valiant good person. Quick and easy.

Dirty Rush by Taylor Bell - Supposedly a true story about Greek life, I was fascinated. I wasn't in a sorority in college and no one I know had an experience quite like this one. It was a quick read and sort of like seeing a world nothing like the college one I inhabited.

Arcadia by Lauren Groff - I loved this book. The subject was weird and wonderful - life on a commune, and then off of it and a lot of character stuff in between. Is character stuff a technical term? Sorry, I'm tired. The writing was really good too.

Books I started and chose not to finish in May:
Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie - I knew within three pages I was not going to like the book or the character of Miss Marple. And I did not.

Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King - I've actually never read a King novel, and I didn't like the writing style or plot enough of this one to carry on past page 50.

At the Water's Edge by Sara Gruen - I really really wanted to like this. I really didn't give a shit about the characters or the story and the writing wasn't good enough to hold me.

This link up happens the second Tuesday of every month. The next one is Tuesday, July 14. 
Life According to Steph

Non-bloggers, what have you read recently? Let me know what you recommend and what to stay away from. Bloggers, link up your posts below.

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  1. Dang, I thought I'd be the first to link up but it's not open for a while ;). But at least I'm first to comment! I'm adding Seat of Tranquility and On the Island to my to-read list!

  2. Double dang, I can't link up in 9+ hours. Hopefully, I'll be fast asleep! I've read one post (yours), and already I've found a book I can't wait to read (The Kind Worth Killing).

  3. On the Island sounds like a fun read. I will add it to my TBR pile. I like King and Mr. Mercedes has got good reviews. But I do agree King isnt for everyone. Agatha Christie is my all time favorite author and I love almost all her books. But still I am a little weary of picking up Marple or Tommy and Tuppence books. No one can beat Hercule Poirot :).

    1. Hey again :). My mail id is :)

  4. I love this day!! Added the first 3 books and the The Kind Worth Killing. All sound really good!

  5. Dirty Rush sounds interesting, I wasn't in a sorority either but I've always been intrigued by that lifestyle. I started at least one book that I didn't technically finish so I just left it off the list. I like that you share those and need to remember that for next time.

  6. I'm just amazed at how many books you've read - that's really awesome! Dirty Rush sounds really fun! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. i'm sad about at the water's edge but i totally understand why! i wanted to smack / kill the characters at first. but life is too short to read books you don't enjoy!!
    i seriously LOVED the sea of tranquility. it was amazing. adding a couple of these to my list!

  8. My aunt gave me Invisible, it's sitting in my to read pile. Glad it's worth a read.

    I like Stephen King a lot though I haven't read this book yet, I got it for my mom last Christmas and I plan on borrowing it soon. At The Water's Edge is on the way to me at the library, I'm sad you didn't like it. I was hoping since Water For Elephants was so good At The Water's Edge would be too!

  9. you know what makes me mad? seeing book recos and then finding out my library doesn't carry them. WHAT LIBRARY DOESN'T CARRY POPULAR BOOKS?! the swanson book is not avail in my library system at all WTF

  10. The Kind Worth Killing Sounds right up my alley, lady!

  11. That's a bummer about Mr. Mercedes...I haven't read any Stephen King books either but I thought about giving that one a try. Maybe I'll try a different one of his instead. lol! I know a few people have read At the Water's Edge and none of them seemed to be crazy about it.

  12. We've already discussed Dirty Rush so no need to do that again. But now I'm waiting for it to come in. Now that I know more about it, I am VERY curious to read it, although I have a feeling I'll wind up hate-reading it.

    Mr. Mercedes is on my list and I do like Stephen King. I like that he's venturing out from pure horror and moving on to more thriller type stuff.

    The Kind Worth Killing sounds like my kind of book.

  13. I don't know why i like books about sorority recruitment but i think it's interesting- especially since nothing remotely like that happened to me. I have added so many to my reading list! particularly looking forward to the sea of tranquility and the kind worth killing!

  14. I felt the same way about Dirty Rush. We didn't even have a Greek system at my school! I also started and DNF Mr. Mercedes. King is so hit and miss for me. He over describes everything and it's just too much. I'm adding The Sea of Tranquility, On The Island, and The Kind Worth Killing.

  15. Love this linkup and I'm about to add three of your recs to my list. I want to like Stephen King but the horror/fantasy/weirdness thing just doesn't do it for me.

  16. I just finished Mr. Mercedes (which I do calendar month for the post so not reviewed yet), but I did not think it was that great and I love King. He has much better books out there. I was disappointed in that one. So many good books to add to the to-read list!! I was struggling keeping up with all the books I had put holds on at the library, but it made for an excellent reading month :)

  17. At the Water's Edge tempted me for a second, but then I remember how much I despised Water for Elephants so I thought I'd better not bother.
    I really liked 11/22/63 because I liked the subject matter and it seemed to be the opposite of what you'd think a King book is. I haven't been tempted by any of his other books (though a group of my students recommended "It" which is sad because they are 9). But I have started watching Under the Dome and it's good, so maybe I'll try the book.

    Sometimes it's more interesting to talk about books we didn't like, rather than books we liked :)

  18. This month :
    The Short & Tragic Life of Robert Peace - excellent biography, very moving
    The Storied Life of AJ Firky - very good. Didn't like the ending
    The Girl With No Name; the incredible story of a child raised by monkeys - no seriously, I read this, expecting oodles of ridiculosity, but enjoyed it
    She's Not Herself: A psychotherapist's journey into and beyond her mother's mental illness - excellent memoir

    Last month:
    Still Alice - excellent, VERY moving!
    The Rosie Project & The Rosie Effect - loved them both!

    Currently reading:
    The Sea of Tranquility - so far, so good

  19. Not a Stephen King fan either - not since the early 2000's - his writing has gotten convoluted. It's hard to follow, and the character descriptions just go on and on

  20. I'm loving seeing people read Sea of Tranquility... such a great book that never got all the credit it deserved.

  21. I really admire how much you read!!! Good for your soul.

    1. Also, I was in a sorority in college and a lot of that stuff is true. Pretty crazy.

  22. My daughter and I are currently listening to Peter Pan.

  23. Per usual after this link up, my "to read" has doubled in size. Always one of my favorite days of the month! Now if I could just get to some serious reading, AAANNNDDD actually link up...

  24. I really need to start planning better and linking up with these posts. Even though my recently-read list would be a fraction the size of yours, because I am a slow-poke! You and Kristen have effortlessly convinced me to put the Sea of Tranquility on my list, so thank you!

  25. I just put 7/14 on my calendar so maybe for once I can be on it and link-up! :) I too, wondered how you pick books- I get all my recommendations from you and a few other bloggers but you read books like a champ so there are always news ones to add to my list!

  26. My my my you have read a lot of books!!! This is my favorite link up every month. I always end up adding so many books to my to read list, like that Brigid Quinn books! Yes, please!

  27. You are on a serious roll girl! I'm hoping to finish the two books I started this month, I need to make more of an effort to set aside time to read :-P

  28. I already had The Kind Worth Killing on my list and now I'm adding Dirty Rush and Sea of Tranquility. I'm very hit and miss with both Stephen King and Sara Gruen. I think of Patterson as a palate cleanser. Enjoyable, quick and easy.

  29. LOL at your comments on the books you chose not to finish. I found your blog via another blog and I love this post. I'll be following you now. You should check me out too :-)

    1. I checked you out! You are a no reply blogger or I'd email a response to you! More info on that:

  30. Sea of Tranquility, The kind worth Killing, and On the Island are now on my list! I love this linkup so much! New books! Lovely new books!

  31. Oh I'm so excited I found this linkup via Helene!! Cant wait to see what everyone is reading and add some books to my to-read!

  32. Come to think of it, I've also read a Stephen King novel. I can't wait to read more books this summer, ideally at the beach!!

  33. Always love your recommendations, thanks! Requested On the Island from my local library, so I'll let you know what I think...

  34. If you want to read a King novel, I highly recommend The Green Mile. It is really quite good.

  35. Bummer about At Water's Edge, I had been looking forward to starting that one! Oh well. I've also not read anything by Stephen King before, which seems odd, haha!

  36. I remember seeing that Peter Swanson book on Goodreads when I was searching for some more books to add to my "To Read" list recently. I just checked my list, and I didn't add it ... But I'm not sure why. I'll take your word for it that it's worth checking out and add it now!

    The Sea of Tranquility also sounds like my kind of book, so it will be added to the ever growing list as well.

    I also wanted to say that I love this link-up so much! I always find at least a few books I'd want to read, and I have a lot of fun writing my own reviews. I'm glad to see there are so many fellow book nerds out there!

  37. I say this every month but I will join up next month. I should have this month but I was a horrrible blogger this month so theres that. I haven't read many of these but so many are on my list to read!

  38. I love how many you had participate this month!


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