Thursday, June 18, 2015

Currently - June

Observing...One of my cardinal rules of ownership and organization: one in, one out. In the past week I've gotten two new pairs of sneakers. Both pink. I got rid of two old pairs of sneakers. Both blue. Symmetry.

Organizing...undergarments and socks. I have too many of both and that shit must go. How great is Amazon Prime same day delivery? I ordered these yesterday at 10 a.m. and they were there when I got home. Boom.

In search of...comfortable cotton capri pajama pants. Anyone? Bueller? Hook a sister up if you love a pair/brand. I got a pair from Target this spring and I like them but I don't love them.

Wearing...Dresses. This heat & humidity is not my type of weather.

Nodding my head at...this. You go ahead and be miserable if you want to be, but don't expect the rest of the world to sit around and listen or care. I've aged out of wasting my breath on people who are miserable as a way of life.
Sadly identifying with...From Monday to Wednesday my nails were questionable. I feel awful when my nails look bad.

Loving...that we're setting up a mini in-home gym in the basement. First, it makes my heart sing to see unused space re-purposed. Second, I hate going to the gym. The last thing I want to do when I get home is go out again. I did it for a while and the nights were like five minutes long. I need to lift weights so I don't look like the hunchback of Notre Dame or am unable to lift myself off the toilet when I'm a real old lady. My weights are currently upstairs willy nilly and we all know how much I hate willy nilly living.

Hating...some of my fellow commuters. Humidity makes a lot of these people even assier and more unbearable than they are normally. Sometimes the train car is like Lord of the Flies. Civilization breaking down, man's true nature revealed, and all that shit. \
via eat soft ice cream every day in the summer and for it to be zero calories and packed with antioxidants and other good for you things. That's not to much to ask for, right?

Counting vacation. One week from now and it'll be my last day before 10 consecutive days off.

Laughing at...

What's going on with you?

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Linking up with Kristin and
Joey for Stuff & Things

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