Monday, May 25, 2015

TWTW - Memorial Day

Friday I got an early dismissal and the world cried hallelujah. Or maybe only I did. Regardless, I got my car washed, went to Target, then went home and laid the hell down. My stomach was killing me last week. MFD left around 8:30 and that's the last time I saw him until Monday night. The dogs and I were sacked out early.
Saturday morning I kicked it into gear and did a shit load of laundry, picked up around the house, and ran some errands - bank, Ross to get new dog bowls, and Goodwill to drop donations. I painted my nails (Essie Click it or Ticket). Pedicure was done Friday at lunch (OPI Outback Aphrodisiac).
Saturday afternoon and evening I spent a glorious 8+ hours with some of my oldest and dearest friends and their kids hosted by Melissa & Jim. Their backyard is an awesome little oasis in which to catch up. Food was excellent (had to photograph my first grill dog of the season, naturally), company and setting were even better as it should be. We even saw a hot cul de sac bball game. I love these women and it's so nice to really enjoy their spouses and kids as well. Something you never think about when you meet someone when you're 13 (16 with Ange), yet here we are 25 years later still great friends and having a ball like we always have.
Saturday night I got home after 10, packed up the car, and attempted to go to sleep. I finally fell out at 1 a.m. which made my 5:30 wakeup call hurt so much more on Sunday. But I did get up and headed north with the pugs to Lori & Jack's lake house. It was my first time staying there and it was quiet, serene and awesome, a really great place to unwind and just be. I also had my first ever ride in a canoe - thanks Jack!
I even did most of this blog from there.

After a lovely morning and afternoon at the lake including a nice walk, coffee, reading, and sandwiches, I made the three hour trip home Monday. I got in at 5 and MFD threw together a quick and easy dinner.
It wouldn't be Memorial Day weekend if he didn't run out of propane in the middle of cooking. LOLOL
Weekly food prep: none, mofos. I made spinach dip to take to Melissa & Jim's and I made eggs over asparagus Saturday morning. That's it. Breakfasts are breakfast burritos from the freezer and watermelon, lunch is PB&J on multigrain bread with steamed broccoli on the side. Dinners will be leftover hotdogs, grilled chicken and salmon and steamed veg. Busy weekends are why I like having things ready to go in the freezer/pantry.

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So, summer has unofficially begun. Let the sweating commence.

How was your long weekend? Give me your three highlights!

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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending

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