Thursday, May 21, 2015

Currently - May

Drinking...cucumber and lemon infused water. So refreshing. And good for you too.

Bidding...Mad Men a fond farewell. I liked the finale. I like when they tell me what's happening to people I won't see again. I'll miss them all, especially Joan. Or as Amanda calls her, the original Boss Bitch. Word.
Being...ladies who lunch with Jana of Jana Says  yesterday. I'm psyched for her new Interview with a Bookworm series that I participated in on Tuesday.

Wearing...All pixie pants, all the time. Old Navy, please don't stop making these. new sun hat from Old Navy. Yellow and happy and bigass to keep the sun off of my face.

Hating...Mae's gross skin and ear issues. High maintenance diva.

Wanting...more people to vote. I was #155 at 6:45 p.m. on Tuesday. So many people have fought and died to gain the right to vote and so many people do not use it.

Needing...a pedicure. My feet are not well right now. we're already at Memorial Day weekend. Brenda caught in the bus station in Adventures in Babysitting whenever I have to spend more than four minutes in Market East. I mean Jefferson Station. first Agatha Christie - Murder at the Vicarage. I'm not loving it.

Listening to...Big Parade by The Lumineers. Over and over and over again.

Stalking...the instagram accounts of my upcoming vacation destinations.
Appreciating...the Trenton line being back up and running. My commute has returned to normal. As normal as a commute full of quasi-lunatics can be.

Laughing at...the truth in this. Thanks to Sister Secrets for sharing.
What's going on with you?

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Linking up with Kristin and
Joey for Stuff & Things

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