Friday, April 17, 2015

Project 52 - First Quarter

Back in the beginning of January, I talked about doing a project 52 - one photo a week. You can see that post here. I'm happy I'm still doing everything in that post except #2, it would suck to reference it and have crashed and burned on all of it. hahaha

Instead of choosing an overall theme for the year, I just picked photos taken on Thursday. Every Thursday for the 52 weeks of the year, I set aside a photo I've taken in a folder. Aside from the first one, no other photos have been shared anywhere. Here are my pictures from Thursdays throughout the first quarter.

J a n u a r y 
January 1 - New Year's Day Mummers Parade at City Hall / January 8 - Text from Amy Poehler's book / January 15 - What happens when it's Thursday night and you forget to take a photo / January 22 - Winter footprints / January 29 - I fell asleep across the bed on top of the covers at 6:30 p.m. This was taken right before that.

F e b r u a r y 
February 5 - MFD's new ride / February 12 - Shakespeare statue outside of the Philadelphia Free Library Parkway Central branch / February 19 - When it's so cold that you don't give a crap what matches, you just wear all the warmest things / February 26 - Winter feelings by the end of February

M a r c h
March 5 - Our boys are getting old & Gus needs to be carried a lot / March 12 - What goes on behind the library / March 19 - Blue skies have been few and far between. Reflections in the Comcast building / March 26 - The only good thing here is the Totes Clear Bubble Umbrella, absolutely necessary for traversing the city in the rain. Otherwise, it's raining and I'm heading to the dentist.

I'll share again at the end of Q2. I often find myself hoping I see something cool on Thursdays only to end up taking photos of things that are just daily real life stuff. I like both options.

Happy weekend!

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