Thursday, April 23, 2015

Currently - April

Taking...A lot of walks at lunch (see photo above and typically eleventy billion photos on Instagram). 'Tis the season - it's finally pretty warm, no coats are needed, and the bastard humidity hasn't hit yet. Last week I walked over to the library to pick up books only to find out it was closed. If it would've been 30 degrees and overcast, I would've been pissed. Since it was 70 and sunny, I was just happy to be out walking.

Freaking out...because I did something totally out of character this week. We saw a Living Social deal to South Africa on Tuesday and booked it on Wednesday for travel in January. A few days in Cape Town and then a few days a game reserve in Limpopo Province to see the big animals. I am the person who researches to death and plots vacations three years out. This wasn't even on the radar. The deal was good and MFD has been talking about going to Africa for 20 years. He said just do it, and I had heart palpitations all day yesterday, I'm not even kidding, but I just did it. Spontaneous feels like a straight jacket to me. It's much more suitable on my husband. When the price is right and the stars align, sometimes you have to YOLO. zillion iced coffees a day. Okay two, at least, in my DD refillable cup. And even if I get three? It's like three cents more than one large iced. Ridiculous. My DD people are like family. We see each other twice a day.

Wishing...Yard Crashers would come crash my yard. Should I spend a lot of time hanging out in home improvement stores to increase my chances of this happening?

Keeping a list...of all the pricey leather things I want. I already sent MFD a text telling him to bring extra cash to London next year for the little case of gorgeous on the bottom left. Even though I really want it now. I'm Veruca Salt.

Wearing...Too many clothes. Exercising a lot is great, right? And great for increasing your laundry.

Hating...that my work shoes are starting to stink. It's sweaty, smelly feet season. "Hurrah," said no one ever.

Reading...Books and ignoring magazines. My magazine stack is towering.

Not regretting...Cutting cable. This Sunday marks 30 days since we ditched Comcast and I haven't missed it once. 

Watching...Bloodline. What a weird and intriguing show. I like the cast a lot. Welcome back, Coach Taylor. I've missed you on TV.
Loving...that my Sam's Club card is now on my phone. Yay technology. impromptu visit from Lori this past weekend.

Trying...something new in the Men Can't Ever Find Anything game. Last weekend, whenever MFD asked me where something was, I simply didn't answer him. And what do you know? He looked where it's stored and he found it.

Counting down...0 days until my haircut and color thank you tiny baby wash that gray right outta my hair Jesus. I've had grays since before I turned 22. Last week, just over a month into turning 38, I discovered my first gray hair at my temples. That was a blow, I won't lie. Anyway, the fabulous Kristi at Sensational Scissors will fix this tonight. Three days until the March of Dimes March for Babies with Team Eva the Diva. Click here if you'd like to donate.

Laughing at...Blame my Veruca Salt reference above. I feel a Willy Wonka blog post coming on.

Now you - lay some of your currently items on me.

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Linking up with Kristin and Joey for Stuff & Things

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