Monday, March 30, 2015

TWTW-Last one of the birthday month

Last week was a busy one and I slacked off on my hausfrauing. I typically do a few tasks each weeknight so I don't have to clean on weekends, but this was a special case. Friday night I set the house to rights - two loads of laundry put away, two more done, fridge emptied and cleaned, dishwasher run and put away, kitchen cleaned and mopped, two bathrooms cleaned, house picked up, scarves/winter gear/pajamas purged, and car loaded up with crap to be donated. I didn't sit down all night and I was okay with that. I hate going into a weekend with the house in disarray.
Gus says, "We'll keep these scarves, mother. The rest of the shit can go."
Saturday morning I was out like a shout - filled the car up with gas, dropped books at the library, hit the gym for my 40, back home to shower and then back out to drop stuff off at Goodwill and get a treat yo'self pedicure (OPI Cha-Ching Cherry). I picked up veggies while my toes were drying. I know there are others of you out there who parade around with your feet like that after a pedicure. Raise your hands and show yourselves.
The afternoon found me at All Fired Up in Collingswood, NJ, to meet up with my friends Marla of Luck Fupus and Brie of A Breezy Life for some ceramics painting and dinner. I painted a coffee mug (are you surprised?) and required assistance from Brie after I fucked it up. Marla also needed her artsy influence so out of the three of us Brie is the painting queen. They treated me to Tortilla Press and got me a cute bag of gifts to boot. I'm lucky to call The Sisters Wexler friends. See you next month ladies!
Comcast got Das Boot Saturday night. More on that tomorrow.
Sunday morning I figured out how to stream YouTube and did my weights workout through the TV...behind the times, I know. After that french press coffee was on the agenda, as was lounging with the dogs.
Weekly food prep: scrambled eggs with sautéed mushrooms and spinach, green onions, and Havarti dill cheese for breakfasts; baby carrots and Granny Smith apples for snacks; and salads for lunch - I make them the night before so only one made Sunday. Dinners: baked burgers with spinach and goat cheese over a bed of lettuce, mashed sweet potatoes, mashed cauliflower, steamed veggies, and oven baked ribs (this pic is pre-baking, click here to see them out of the oven). 
Other weekend things:
-I finished the second season of The Fall. Jamie Dornan and Gillian Flynn are excellent. If you haven't watched this show, check it out!
-MFD is super busy work-wise, which is awesome for many reasons. I don't see him much, and when I do he's on the phone. LOL. No complaints though because I love my alone time. If you're looking to buy or sell in PA or NJ, get in touch with him!
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Today is going to be a good day - when I left work on Friday everything got filed and I dealt with everything in my email inbox so I'm starting fresh this morning, Comcast cable boxes are being returned (more on that tomorrow), and tonight I have a 50 minute massage and a peppermint scalp massage. Monday, you'll do. You'll do.

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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending

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