Sunday, March 1, 2015

It's here! My birthday month has arrived.

Happy Sunday and happy March! The month of daylight savings, the month of spring and green and the month of my birthday on the Ides of March and the month-long celebration of it.

I love to celebrate with you, so I'm giving away some of my favorite things. And I'm pointing you towards some blogs you might not be reading.

- Mariah at Food, Booze, and Baggage. I mean, for the name alone, but also because she runs a bi-monthly beer linkup called Into the Pint Glass, blogs openly about choosing to be child-free, shares recipes and culinary adventures both in her new home of San Diego and in places she's traveled.

- Nicole at Nicole Marica Blog, so you can learn how Marica is pronounced, but also because she has a winding and interesting About Page, she has her email right out in front of your face (why do some bloggers hide their email addresses?), she runs a teen bookclub and is active on Goodreads, and because she's challenging herself to expand her cooking horizons this year and that's cool to watch. Plus, she's close to Philadelphia. So that's automatically cool.

- Jenn at Hello Rigby, so you can learn who the heck Rigby is, be a little more fashionable, follow along on her reading challenge monthly, and talk blogging. She lives in Seattle and her blog post photos are a zillion times better than mine.

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