Monday, February 16, 2015

TWTW - the one that was freaking cold

Friday night I sage smudged Stephen & Aubrey's new house, then MFD and I met Mark & Nicole for dinner at Carlucci's. Good food and good catching up.
Saturday morning I headed to Stephen & Aubrey's to do some moving stuff, have lunch and a beer, and head home all by noon.
While waiting for Comcast, I walked and did weights, laid out my clothes for the week, and did some light hausfrauing. Once they came, the dogs joined the Comcast Hating Club because they had to be sequestered in the basement. Even though Comcast the corporation is an evil asslord, the tech guys were really nice and got our Internet fixed.
After the Comcast guys left, I met MFD at Hand & Stone and we got our monthly massage followed by Hong Luck for dinner. It was delicious.
We picked up dessert, went to Target, then came home to enjoy. This is my sweet ass brownie from Fritz's bakery and a side of Haagen Dazs Vanilla Bean.
Sunday I got groceries delivered before heading to Stephen & Aubrey's to do some little stuff for them.
When I got home, I was freaking spent. Extreme cold really takes it out of me. I fell into a L&O SVU marathon and didn't look back. Sunday in pugs:
Weekly food prep: savory oatmeal topped with EVOO and jalapeno cheese, spinach muffins to freeze, hard boiled eggs for snacks, baked chicken and roasted sweet potatoes for lunch, cod bouillabaisse for dinners, and salad and baked potato for Sunday dinner. Other dinners of the week are chicken and steak. I tried out Blue Apron because Stacey sent me a code. It was interesting. Have you heard of it/tried it?
Sunday night was reading and SNL 40th anniversary watching. I miss Maya Rudolph. I think she's hilarious. It felt like a long walk down memory lane and I didn't mind it. 
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Was this boring? Sorry if it was. The negative windchills have frozen my brain and sapped my will to engage. Let's hope for better tomorrow, yes?

A big wet fart noise to everyone who has off for this bank holiday. As you may have surmised from my attitude, I'm not one of them.

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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. cold as fuck up in hurr. when i left for muay thai yesterday, it was MINUS 25, minus 41 with the windchill. i dont know why i live in a country that has this kind of BS weather #RAGE. i also read that the upcoming US storm (that's brewing) will make last year's polar vortex seem tame. WTF.

  2. You made it out and about a lot which is good. I stayed in most weekend due to another 16 inches of snow. It has zapped any and all desire to do anything lately. That brownie looks amazing!

  3. Sorry you don't have today off. It's CAF up here too. And another foot of snow has flash frozen overnight into unmovable rock. Over it. Going for a massage on Wednesday and maybe even a pedi and flip flop shopping to try and speed up my mind anyway. Have a great week!

  4. Jam packed weekend for sure - I really need to look into getting our groceries delivered - such a time saver! Glad your internet is up and running and your valentine's night dinner and massage sounded heavenly!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  5. HA! I'm not off either today, but it snowed a lot here and a lot of people aren't coming in...I live 10 minutes away so obviously I'm not one of them...

  6. Damn. No bank today probably means no mail today. Lame. I'm amazed you move at all with that cold. I would be in semi permanent hibernation. And laughing at the poor Comcast soul who must fix the Internet.... Even the Pugs are over winter. You can see the disdain in their eyes.

  7. Isn't it funny how the weekend someone moves is always the coldest weekend? I remember trying to move from one house to another a few years ago and it was just nasty out.
    I have today off, thank God, so it's food prep day here.
    Also, I may need a massage.

  8. Glad the grocery delivery is working out. Perfect timing with this weather. Thank God we are no further north than we are. Freezing pipes, etc. I am over extreme temps. Stay warm. Layer up. Love, your Momma

  9. Seriously, so cold this weekend and it's exhausting. Even when I do nothing, it's rough. I only heard of Blue Apron once they sponsored this shitty blogger, so they're out for me.

  10. That Chinese food looks delicious! I was just thinking last week how it's been awhile since I've had Chinese. I briefly left the house on Saturday morning to work a few hours and celebrate Valentine's but then I headed home ahead of the second snowstorm in 3 days. I am seriously over winter. And if the weather doesn't warm up soon my blog is just going to be an ode to Netflix and sweatpants. Hope it warms up where you are this week! :)

  11. Your weekend did not look boring at all! I loved the pug nap pic - we were out more than in this weekend, and Gigi knew it. She was mopey this morning like we had neglected her all weekend, lol!

  12. my least favorite thing about having any kind of technician to the house (and I hate that in general) is having to sequester my dog. She's the friendliest pup you'll ever meet--but she's SO freaking high energy that most people are scared right off the bat. I get it, but it's so annoying when the techs are there for SEVERAL HOURS and my dog is just sitting, whimpering in a bedroom or in her crate.

  13. I love Chinese food it's my favorite unfortunately our Chinese food has taken a turn lately so I'm in search of a new place. Whomp, whomp.

  14. Sounds productive and fun! Hong luck looks like great food and loving all your food prep recipes. What is the second to last one? Looks like a nice soup or stew?

  15. This freezing cold weather is seriously starting to depress me. I need to take some cues from you and do more meal prep or something instead of whining about the weather. Can I just say that I loved the SNL special last night? I thought it would be just okay but they really did such an awesome job. That Jeopardy sketch was hilarious.

  16. Yay gor a massage, and for Comcast getting shit together. I have to food prep tonight, albeit on a smaller scale.

  17. We got our Comcast bill on Friday, and on Saturday Steve was cometely freaking out over all these charges. So he cancelled. I couldn't believe it. He was at the bar last night watching the Flyers game, I'm not sure how long this will last!
    I love that you and MFD get monthly massages together, what a great way to relax and unwind together without having to talk!

  18. I'm pretty sure I walked past the cake & brownies a dozen times today while I was out & about. I kept telling myself that I had just bought fudge so I needed to walk the hell away.

  19. I can feel the Puggy Rage!! LOL did everyone get Chinese but me?? I swear it was my initial thought but since we stayed in it was homemade pizza!

  20. Mmm. All that food. And a BROWNIE!

    It's cold here today. Ice on the roads. Fun.

  21. I would like to know who all these people are who have today off?! I don't thinking had this day off since I was in school!
    It's frigid as balls today here too. Yesterday I of course had to run a million errands in the negative wind chill weather and by the time I got home that evening I just couldn't get warm. Watching SNL helped though I could have done completely without Kanye.

  22. I am angered by all those that have off today too.

    Can we talk about that food for a minute? It looks freaking delicious and even though I just I want to devour all of it! That soup, the main meal, the desserttttttt. Oh my!

    And Mae snuggled under the blanket is too stinking cute. Perhaps another cable company should steal that picture of the hating pugs for their next commercial!

  23. That Chinese food looks amazing, and now I want that

  24. I really enjoyed the SNL special. Brought back so many memories. I had completely forgotten about Opera Man.

    Um, so I didn't see Mae in the picture with MFD at first and I thought you were grouping him in with the pugs and I laughed and laughed.

    I have been wanting Chinese food for weeks. WEEKS. I keep not getting it, though. I need to remedy that.

  25. I dvr'd the SNL special. May watch tonight. I was busy watching HOC waiting for TWD to start and couldn't be persuaded otherwise. My kids were off today and school is cancelled tomorrow becasue we are covered in ice so my weekend continues!

  26. All that food looks amazing! And I love your doggies even more for joining the I hate comcast club :)

  27. The pugs and sleeping MFD are all awfully cute :)

  28. I've been on a Law & Order: SVU kick lately as well. I don't know why, but it seems like the perfect thing to have on in the background when I'm wasting time online (which happens more often than I'd like to admit).

    Your food pictures are making me hungry, which is ridiculous since I just ate a pretty filling dinner.

  29. i was not one of the bank holiday peeps either, so rude. however, my office ended up closing because of the snow, hehe! i felt like a kid or something, i have literally never had a day off anything because of snow. it was awesome.
    the food from Carlucci's and Hong Luck looks amazing, like seriously I might be salivating a little over the Hong Luck food. Yum. I have heard of Blue Apron but haven't tried it yet. It seems interesting but also maybe not for us. Not sure.

  30. You got a lot done this weekend! That brownie looks delicious. I've never tried savory oatmeal, but I'm intrigued.

  31. haha, that's my exact thought last time comcast was over "God I hate this company... but man is this tech worker friendly", lol.

    Weekend sounds good- food looks great! and visiting a friend & having a beer before noon?!?! amazing.

  32. I am liking the new striped blog background! You guys get monthly massages?!?! I am supremely jealous. John got me a gift card to get one for Valentine's Day and I need to redeem it ASAP. Carrying around a 22lb "baby" is murder on my back.

    Hope your weather is not too bad; did I see that Philly schools are closed today? No snow here, just fucking brutal cold.

  33. now i'm craving chinese food. that looks so good. i'm so tired of time warner cable i could cry. why can't they get their act together??

  34. That food looks so yummy. Love that you guys do monthly massages. I might have to get on that! Also gonna have to try those spinach muffins. (As for blue apron... obvi I dont use it but I wish I could since I see it all over youtube from vloggers. Its supposed to be good!)

  35. Oh my goodness... Mae being little spoon with MFD is adorable! :D
    I miss the old SNL... I feel like it sucks these days except for when they have throwback people (or Justin Timberlake) visit!


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