Monday, February 9, 2015

TWTW - Feb-ru-ary

Friday night after I got groceries delivered I got busy in the kitchen. First task: brining Horace the turkey. I believe in naming my turkeys.
Second task: making salted caramel butter bars. What a bastard mess, but worth it. MFD was off frolicking around seeing Dave Attell and other comedians, so I also made spinach casserole and sweet potato casserole before calling it a night around 11:30.
Saturday I woke up to a Keurig that would not produce coffee. Motherfucker. So I headed out and got coffee and gas at Wawa, then picked up a new Keurig. When I got home I worked on stuffing and got Horace in the oven. He was a beaut. Then I sage smudged my house because the heater, the washer, and the Keurig have all broken since the second week of January. Sayonara, bad energy.
Saturday night framily joined us for dinner and it was a great relaxing night. We're trying to make a better effort to see each other once a month. Life gets so busy and before you know it three months have gone by.
Pic courtesy of Evan Leslie
Do you guys have professional photographers document your soirees? No? Cool. Thanks to Evan for these pics! Anyone in the PA/NJ area needing a photographer, check out Evan Leslie Images.
My photos from the night? LOLz. Our dogs were worn out from company.
I finally fell into bed around 1:30 Saturday night and slept for 11 hours. It was wonderful. The dogs needed even more rest because this is what they spent most of Sunday doing while I was laying out my clothes for the week, putting fresh sheets on the bed, and doing laundry:
Weekly food prep: egg muffins with spinach, mushrooms, and jalapeno cheddar cheese for breakfast; lemons cut up for water; hard boiled eggs for MFD; cucumbers, hummus, bananas, and apples for snacks. I used Horace's carcass and made turkey soup with onion, carrots, celery, mushrooms, garlic, spinach, and brown rice for Sunday dinner and this week's lunches. Other dinners: lemon chicken thighs over sauerkraut; salmon and steamed veggies; baked potatoes with laughing cow light cheese, salsa and veggies; and veggie omelets.

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Other than that, I finished a book because I wanted to get it in for tomorrow's post. Are you linking up with me and Jana for Show Us Your Books?

Five chances to kill it daily this week. Let's begin. 

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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending

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