Friday, February 20, 2015

I remember...childhood summers

After a brutally cold week, I took a few minutes last night to think fondly of my summers before I turned 17 and worked most of them away indoors.

I wouldn't be a kid again for all the money in the world, but I sure look back fondly on my time as one. Today some schools around here are closed due to cold. I wonder what those kids are going to think when they grow up and realize work doesn't close due to cold?

Let's go somewhere warm together, even if it's only in our imagination...what do your childhood summers call to mind?

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Linking up with Amanda for Friday Favorites.


  1. Oh Sweet Valley High! Loved those as a kid! And the ice cream truck is still one of the best things ever!!!

  2. So many similar experiences...the coolness of the basement, the Fall Guy...I completely forgot about him...The Price is Right with my Nana...hanging clothes on the line, and the time a bee was hiding in my brother's shirt and stung him when my mom put it on him to go somewhere quickly that afternoon. Thank you for the trip back. :-) Have a great weekend!

  3. i miss the freedom of being outside. you were gone until the sun went down. no phones, no one knew where you were (just outside) and we survived!

  4. No matter what I was doing I was with my best friends, riding bikes, playing kickball, starting a club, or watching a movie. Those were the best days of summer.

  5. when i was young, i spent most of my time outdoors at the park or playing hide and seek around the neighbourhood. then i turned 15 and started going to clubs and basically lived there until i was 28 LOL

  6. Yesss! The ice cream truck, definitely. Days at the beach, watching my cousins summer ball games, riding bikes and talking on the phone! So many good memories, thanks for sharing! Happy Weekend!

  7. Reading tons of books... swimming at the pool from sun up to sundown, riding bikes on dirt roads, my mom taking us to buy new sandals, the sound of the bugs in the trees, tan lines, my hair getting so much blonder,just general lazy bliss.

  8. Good Lord, so hard to remember back to my summers as a kid. I remember walking to the little store with my friend to get her parents a pack of Kents and a pack of Camels. Swimming in Aunt Lucy's in ground pool, the only one in the neighborhood. They were kind enough to share. Bad sunburns. There was no sunblock back then. No A/C until I was a teenager. Then we all slept in one room. Seems light years away now!
    Warm thoughts to all! Stay safe and sound. Love, your Momma

  9. going to the pool and eating fun dip - spending summers with my grandparents and the once-a-week trip to the library and all the jelly donuts my grandpa would buy me - computer camp - endless summer nights (to borrow from Richard Marx) ... man i miss those days

  10. I always went to camp and starting from the age of 10, I went to sleep away camp. Best summers of my life. I think about them often and am actually still in touch (thanks to FB) with some camp friends. I could go on for days about my summers at camp.

    I love that you did this post today.

  11. I just remember being able to play outside for hours and not coming in until it was dark. We never had a pool so swimming in a friend's pool was always a blast. Going to the beach and vacations with my family were definitely some of the best times ever.

  12. Oh gosh childhood summers remind me of hours and hours spent outside, exploring and riding bikes and spending the days at the pool with my sweet friends! I never realized it until I was an adult, but my childhood friends were really something special.

  13. Just thinking about the summer makes me happy! This winter has been so brutal. So much snow and so cold. Have a great weekend.

  14. Ah, the good ol' days. bring them back.

  15. Ah, good times. Summa Summa Summatiiiiime. Loved when that song came on. Ice pops. Water ice. Lightning bugs. Cicadas. Thunderstorms. Running in the street in the rain. Honeysuckle plants (which I called honey suckers).

  16. Oh prank calls - the days before caller id lol! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  17. Chasing water snakes down the irrigation ditches! We were always exhausted and skinned up and dirty by the end of the day but we had so much fun and we were so happy.

  18. SWEET VALLEY HIGH. Yessss. I loved those books. And The Price is Right is just about the only thing I watched on days I was home sick from school. Love it.

  19. Ooh, fun game! My sisters and I would get dressed up, ride our bikes around and pretend to be the 3 Musketeers. We also invented our own game with one of those really light-weight plastic balls that bounce really high from the dollar store where you could hit it with any part of your body but your hands. So like soccer with elbows, I guess. The goal was the mailbox, which was guarded by the goal keeper, who used a broom to keep the ball away. You'd think we would have trouble hitting the mailbox, but we got it enough time to break it off the post and had to buy our mom a new one with our allowances. :P

  20. i'm gonna be a spoilsport because i didn't get summers off. however.... summer as a kid makes me think of christmas, and the beach, and the pools, eating ice blocks (popsicles?) and running through the sprinkler. playing outside from 7am to 7pm. lots of bbqs. lots of random rain showers. jumping off the carport with my brothers cause we were stupid. lots of reading (sweet valley high! LOVED them! have you read the 'new' one?)

  21. oh childhood summers are the best, if only I knew how precious all that time off was!!! Instead of just expected it.

    Not ready for summer yet but I will be soon :)

  22. Oh man, sleeping late, trips to the shore and chasing down the ice cream truck! I also remember day camp and lots of arts and crafts projects!

  23. I'd love to play Monopoly. No one ever wants to play because it takes too long.

  24. I used to love hanging clothes on the line and running through them! :)

    Happy Friday!

  25. SVH books. YEPPPPPPPPP. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one.

  26. I love this! I'm a teacher so I still get all of those student perks...except I moved from the frozen tundra to the South so school doesn't ever close because it's never that cold.

  27. I definitely agree with you there - I look back at those times fondly but I'm happy at my current age and look forward to the future now more than I did back then. It's nostalgic and I appreciate the carelessness of being a kid; but I appreciate being able to hold my own as an adult and not have to check in with anyone. Have a great weekend Stephanie! Stay warm girl! -Iva

  28. I remember childhood vacations. Oh such fond memories. Riding bikes and playing games. Sweet valley kids, high, university etc were my books!!! And anything Judy Bloom!

  29. Ah those childhood summers are definitely a source of amazing memories that will last a lifetime...

  30. All those memories made me smile as I remembered the summers of my own childhood. :)

  31. I remember riding my bike, reading the babysitters club books, having sleep overs, crank calling boys we liked....awwww! Memories.

    1. I loved the Baby Sitter's Club too! I wish crank calls were still an option.

    2. Hehehe! Cranking calling was awesome (not so much when it was done to me) but yeah! I forgot to add watching new episodes of the Simpsons every Sunday evening :)

  32. Noxzema, lightning bugs/fireflies, waiting desperately for the dew to dry off of the grass in our yard so I could go out and play, the popsicles that had 2 sticks and broke in half, crickets, bactine, "On the way to Cape May" (might be a Philly-ish thing), the Mister Softee music, sleeping in and the hot, rotting, tarry smell of Boardwalk wood.

  33. swim team, LPRA, baby oil spiked with iodine, flashlight tag, Mom handing out ice cream to the whole neighborhood, chasing the mosquito truck, swingsets, visiting Nana in Margate and Aunt Ab in Wildwood, SUNBURN over and over and over again!

  34. I loved Sweet Valley High books...thanks for the walk down memory lane :)


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