
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Currently...February of what I pass on the way in like a dork. Not like I haven't seen these scenes daily for more than six years. When we pass through North Philly, I feel like I'm looking over the set of The Wire. Only this is real life. It scares me and fascinates me.
North Philly abandoned factory, Schuylkill River, 30th Street Station
Drinking...a shit ton of peppermint and green tea.

Keeping a list...of small birthday celebrations/things to do in March.
Please excuse my serial killer handwriting
Wishing...I had more paid time off in a year.

Wearing...Everything I own because I'm laying all of my clothes out for the week. I'm not just throwing on whatever I grab first so I'm actually using all of my clothes. A novel concept, no?

Hating...wearing a winter coat. I'm over it. I'll even settle for being able to wear this one. Originally $188 at LOFT, scored for $55. I'm also over layering pants to be able to commute without freezing.

Reading...What feels like a zillion young adult novels. Out of all 10 books I've requested, the first two to come in are the same genre.

Regretting...My grand plan to switch my library pickup to the one near work that requires walking has backfired. I should've done this as we got closer to spring because I've been freezing my face off heading over there every week. But I do love the walk and the sights.
Swann Fountain and Basilica, door of Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, a glimpse into the Parkway Central Free Library
Playing...along again with 40/40 - 40 minutes of exercise daily for 40 days. In previous years I've taken Sundays off. I'm going to try not to do that this year. We'll see how it goes.

Watching...CSI, the original. I've been watching that show for 15 years. One of the last originals is gone.

Loving...The cheap ass $9 on zulily wedding band I've been wearing. If you didn't know, I switch my wedding bands frequently. Sometimes I wear one for a while, sometimes I wear no rings at all. I know I'm married. I rarely wear my engagement ring in the winter because it sticks on gloves. I love throwing this little jobby on. Simple.
Appreciating...Stephen & Aubrey giving us their Flyers tickets on Tuesday night.
MFD always believes he will win the raffle. He never does. 
Counting down...17 days until Daylight Savings, 24 days until my birthday, 29 days until spring.

Nodding at...Lounge attire rules.

And you?

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Linking up with Kristin and Joey for Stuff & Things


  1. I love that your list has a variety of vibrant colors. When I imagine serial killer, I don't imagine bright, vibrant color pens.

    What a pretty statue on your walk to the library. I like that you're appreciating the sites even if you're freezing your ass off!

  2. Currently .. My Birthday TODAY! :-)

  3. you don't have serial killer handwriting! ;) analyzing handwriting is a hobby (yes, i'm weird) of mine. i like the idea of mixing up wedding bands.

  4. I hate winter layering; too much stuff. But, I do love my packable down jacket; it's so light, it's warm. and it packs into a pocket.Thank you for the reminder that spring is on the way, even with ANOTHER storm coming this weekend. Stay warm!

  5. 29 days until spring, 29 days until spring...We're getting a snowstorm this weekend.
    I wish I had nice sights to look at like you do on your library walk. I mean, the mountains are nice, but Co Springs doesn't have pretty and old buildings.
    I never wear my rings at home.

  6. Love the pics from the library walk even if you are freezing! Yay for tickets to the game, looked like so much fun. 29 days til Spring and 14 days until my Birthday!! Can't wait until DST!

  7. You are going to have a busy birthday month! Walking to the library is better in Spring, but that door is gorgeous!! I haven't watched CSI is awhile, since all the good ones left! :(

  8. i haven't worn my wedding rings in 6 years. when i got pregnant, they wouldn't fit me anymore and then i just didn't bother putting them back on.

    dont even get me started about winter. yesterday, our weather station called off the deep freeze and then a few hours later did a "haha fooled you! deep freeze back on, bitches!". it's like minus eleventy billion outside or a temperature that made my face hurt as i walked kayla to school.

  9. LOL on your handwriting! I write very loopy and inconsistently and often cannot read my own writing. So looking forward to Spring. I want 65 plus degrees and sun right now. I hardly take my ring off. That library entrance is beautiful. Goddess speed on the 40/40 !!! Hope tomorrow is our last extreme temp day.
    Love, Your MOMMA

  10. I am also over winter coats, they hide my cute clothes!

    Counting down all until all those things except for the birthday in May not March. :)

  11. Nice coat! I'm so over layering too. And sick of boots. Yay for birthday month being right around the corner!! 😃

  12. The 40/40 sounds really interesting and actually it's the first time I have ever heard about it!! Ya the library situation isn't ideal but at least you're getting your steps in! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  13. Well at least you have such a beautiful city to look at while outside freezing! My winter coat is so gross right now but I just refuse to buy a new one. I feel like that denying that spring will eventually be here!

  14. 16 days till daylights savings?! praise zeus! i am so freaking excited. hurry up spring.
    i love my engagement ring but it drives me bonkers that it catches on gloves and everything - its not even that bloody big. i need one of those zuilly rings because mine are stuck together.
    love your loft coat - what a steal. i layer my pants too.. but all day, not just for the commute haha.
    your handwriting is way better than mine - and i hope by 'dirty dancing' you mean you are actually going dirty dancing, or you're going to reenact it or something. cause that would be awesome.

  15. My books did the same thing to me too, only I'm reading historical fiction and not YA. And I don't really gravitate to historical fiction, so it feels strange. I love that daylight savings is so close! No more having to rush home if I have an extra hour of daylight to take the dog out!

  16. I like the way that birthday list is going.... I do not like the way layering pants is going for you. GOODBYE SNOW.

  17. Ah pajamas! And winter bralessness when do-able.

  18. I am on the official birthday list! Love it and I cannot wait to see you!

    I have also been reading a shitton of YA but to be fair, they're better than some of the adult fiction books I've read.

  19. Eeeeek, The Sisters Wexler made the list! I know Pete's schedule is finally finalized, so we need to set a date already! This is the first time in 3 years I've been able to wear my engagement ring, so I hardly every take it off now. Steve yells cause he's afraid it will get stuck on the gloves! I'm over this weather. Suck it winter. I feel the same way when I take PATCO into Philly and the train passes through some of the worst parts of Camden. It makes me sad to know that it was once a beautful, thriving city, and no it's nothing by crime and empty dilapidated buildings. Makes you wonder where the switch flipped to make it that way.
    Mwah! Happy Friday Eve

  20. I switch my wedding bands out sometimes too! It just kind of depends on my mood, really. My promise right from J is a diamond band. He gave it to me for my 18th birthday and I never took it off until the day he proposed. I have a weird attachment to that band, so I end up wearing it a lot with my engagement ring instead of my wedding set!! I love that you're walking to your library but the face freezing feeling is THE WORST! I want to wear a full mask outside these days haha!

  21. I've been on a huge peppermint tea kick- so good!!

  22. I always wish I had more time off. It's sincerely never ever enough. I always take pictures of the most random stuff- even if I see it every day.

  23. That is a beautiful library & I wear a much puffier coat than yours in this cold weather :). I'm so over having to put my kids in 1000 layers & things before we got out. And then before buckling them into their carseats, I've gotta take their coats OFF (for safety reasons). I just put them ON like 30 secs ago! I won't complain because in the sunnier months, I gotta put sunscreen on them & I think that's even more torturous. Oh, I have a $7 wedding band from JCP that I love!

  24. I am totally on board with you on the winter coat! I can never seem to find one that I don't think makes me look like a whale, or is just really unpleasant to wear because I get hot very easily!

  25. I love the wedding band and I had no clue you switched them up. Its really cute. Im a bit tired of reading YA at the moment. I love YA but needed a change so Im reading a historical fiction thingy. Eh. I should try your concept of wearing all my clothes. I have tons and keep buying and there are things I have never worn before and Im "saving" for some occasion ... what occasion I dont even know!

  26. Okay, this is embarrassing, but I've never seen the Breakfast Club. It was on recently, so I DVRed it. Planning to watch it this weekend, so as not to be a total loser anymore...

  27. I got a new winter coat for Christmas and I've gotten to wear it maybe five times so far. Wanna trade climates just for a few weeks?

    I've been *thisclose* to ordering a few things from Zulily before but I've never pulled the trigger because ordering from new companies always makes me nervous...mostly because of where I live. Will it take a month to get to me? Will they want to charge me three times the price of the item just for shipping? Will I be able to return it if I hate it? Etc.

  28. Your March looks like one big freakin' party!!! Love having lots of fun things to look forward to. Bring on the Spring, please! That means bday and travel and niece time (hopefully!) Flyers tix are really hard to come by, correct??

  29. i like your handwriting...and the different colors! I like your take on the engagement ring is starting to be too tight and while I love and adore it, it might be a good idea to give it a rest and just wear my band for a little bit.

  30. I love finding deals.

    March is a busy time here too. Both my kids have birthdays.

  31. Could not agree with you more on the whole paid time off crap and how us Americans don't get nearly enough. It's insane!

  32. 29 days until spring and 43 days until my beach vacation. I know my countdown is a lot longer than yours but I'll get there. I'm trying to get bikini ready. I used to have to commute on the light rail when I lived in Denver. I don't miss those cold ass walks. If you'd like to say hi, please email me at My blogger account is "no-reply" :(. Esther Norine Designs

  33. I am right with you, counting down to Daylight Savings!! I'm a bit jealous of your peppermint tea - I'm all out of my Christmas stash!

  34. 17 days until daylight savings?!?! I can't wait!!! I was drinking all the green tea and the last two months I haven't wanted any. Strange, no?

  35. I love the list of birthday ideas! I haven't been to a hockey game in so long! Looks like a blast. I used to watch CSI all the time. For awhile I even thought about studying criminology in college. And one year, in high school, we had a science teacher that had CSI Mondays because she was hungover.

  36. oh, I would love to walk through Philly to get some books.

  37. Wow, looks like you have a very fun-filled March ahead! And that's awesome that they gave you the Flyers tickets- what a great mid (ish)-week pick me up!

  38. Pete's dad never wears a wedding ring. It's all about personal preference! Like you said, you know you're married! Mine is so new to me that I NEVER want to take it off, hahaha!

  39. I've started wearing a silicone Qalo wedding band - so comfy when I'm working out, but definitely makes me miss my fancy jewels sometimes.


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