
Monday, January 26, 2015

TWTW - where is January going?

Spotted at the gym Friday night: a Ghostbusters car. After a year and five months of living here Mae realized the china cabinet rattles sometimes and remained obsessed and disturbed all night while Gus adopted his typical WTF attitude about the situation. Other excitement: laundry and obsessive book reading. Have you heard of You?
Saturday presented itself with a small amount of wet, heavy snow. I am the neighbor you see outside shoveling snow in her pajama bottoms. It wasn't that cold, so no need to get gear on or get dressed to shovel. I followed that up with a nice breakfast of avocado on multi grain toast, eggs, and strawberries. Then I sat in my nice quiet house (thanks Kate for the gorgeous flowers) and ordered a new washer because ours shit the bed that morning. I was downstairs wringing out clothes over the sink like Laura Ingalls Wilder on the freaking prairie and MFD yelled down, "I guess we're not calling American Home Shield." No, we are not.
Things I'm attempting:
-Eliminating a lot of driving/after work errands so I had groceries delivered on Saturday. I was always all no one else can pick my produce and wrong again, they actually can.
-Sticking to my eating well 80% of the time thing, as evidenced by weekend lunches which usually tend to involve a lot of cheese.
-Using up all of my candles. I like how cheap and smelly (in a good way) some Glade candles are, but they burn foolishly. No thanks.
-This isn't new, but making more granite cleaner for my counter tops. This time I used melaleuca and wild orange essential oils.
Saturday night we met our good friends Jill & Frank at Cibo for a late dinner. Good food and the wait staff all sings so there was entertainment too. I had pan fried goat cheese over arugula with a balsamic reduction (I would eat this every day) and linguine & clams, one of my old favorites. I was not impressed with their dessert menu. My cheat meal for the week and those fuckers didn't have any cake. Why I didn't bring my point & shoot, I don't know. Sorry for the grainy pics. But take note of the elevator graffiti. Juicy karkass hurts me to mirror their misspelling.
Work is crazy, so I spent a lot of Saturday day and Sunday working. I wanted to get going right away on Sunday morning so I whipped up a two minute breakfast, egg in a mug (click to go to the recipe), thanks to Nicole  from Nicole Marica Blog. I used regular eggs, tomatoes, and cheddar cheese. You can't beat the simplicity. Try it! Our washer was also delivered and installed before 11 a.m. Now that is some awesome.
Weekly food prep, starting from the bottom...hard boiled eggs and power breakfast muffins for this week's breakfasts; potato leek soup skinny style for this week's lunches; butternut squash, peas, quinoa in an olive oil/rice wine vinegar dressing; and baked shrimp, sauteed veggies, and brown rice for Sunday dinner with leftovers for Monday. Other dinners include baked chicken with the quinoa side, blackened salmon with roasted fingerling potatoes and steamed veggies, and eggs scrambled with veggies and salsa.
I closed Sunday out with the gym, clothes all laid out for the week, a book, and my beloved Downton Abbey.
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If I could trouble you for a minute of your time on this fine Monday, would you mind clicking here and voting for MFD (Michael Doyle on this list) for Bucks County Happening Realtor and clicking here and voting for Mugshots owned by our BFF Angie on the Philly Happening List? And of course, if you're looking to buy, sell, invest, rent, or anything else to do with real estate in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, I got a guy I can recommend (MFD). And if you want a good local coffee place in Philly, check out Mugshots!

Lots of good stuff coming at you this week: breakfast burritos; recommendations from me/Emily at Martinis & Bikinis, and Nicole at Nicole Marica; a giveaway, and more. Let's end (!!) January on a high note, shall we?
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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. The washer was a bummer but they delivered the new one quickly, so score! All tat food is making me hungry! Congrats on making it to the gym. I napped all weekend! ;)

  2. That food looks amazing. And the Ghostbusters car? Fabulous! I saw a Fiat with HUGE eyelashes on the headlights...super cute...if I wasn't taking a right turn at the time, I totally would've snapped a pic. ;-) Have a great week! Good luck with snowmageddon!

  3. Your new washer looks awesome! I have a new washer and dryer set on my wishlist. We do a TON of laundry and I didn't realize how crappy and inefficient ours are until we had plumbing problems and I had to do laundry at my parents one weekend. What a difference. Your food for the week looks so good! I think eating well 80% of the time is a good balance to shoot for.

  4. that ghostbusters car is pretty cool! and the goat cheese you had for dinner Saturday night sounds amazing!! I love goat cheese so much! Glad the egg in a mug recipe turned out good for you, it's one of my favorite ways to eat eggs

  5. I really like your white hall table.

    The only candles I'll even buy anymore are BBW 3-wick because they burn evenly, have great "throw" and last awhile. Lately, I've just been into my Scentsy though. I go through phases with that thing. Glade candles seem ridiculously expensive when I see them at the grocery store…

    Groceries delivered: what a dream! Who did you get them through?

  6. Eating well 80% of the time sounds like a realistic goal. I could never do it 100%! I love food too much.

    I am always pleasantly surprised when my groceries are delivered too- they do a decent job.

  7. I am so sorry but I snorted so loud at MFD's, "So I guess we're not calling..." Glad you got a new washer! Your meal plan this week looks on point, and while I rarely get dessert out, when we do if it sucks, I am the saddest person ever. Once we went to a swanky place for dinner and had the driest bread pudding...I wanted to cry, lol.

  8. voted!!

    i meant to do my weekly food prep but then i remembered this is my last week so i immediately filed that thought under: fuck that noise and ended up in my robe crocheting all day :D

  9. Voted! ... Hypothetically, if I had, say, a regular email and a blog email... would that be another vote? Asking for a friend.

  10. Now, I'm hungry. haha. Your new washer looks great. Love the ghostbusters car.

  11. The goat cheese/arugula looks awesome. Goddess speed with the new washer. I thank my washer and dryer all the time. Everything has energy. Thank God for the ability to work from home big time this week! Stephen is home and Sean is at school, but extreme extra lights and angels to all of my people and all who need to travel ! I would like to abolish winter permanently. Love, your Momma

  12. I'm dying over the goat cheese and arugula salad. Literally. Sounds like a fun weekend. Nice washer! Is that a glass top?

  13. I cannot wait to have a washer & dryer again. Which of course isn't for another 4.5 months but I'm so ready. The clams sound amazing. Back when I was student teaching one of my roommates taught me how to make an egg in the microwave. I only ever do it if I have to go to work but it's so easy!

  14. I am also the ass out shoveling in pajama pants. The other day the snow was covering the satellite dish and John was not home, so I had to climb up the ladder wearing a purple puffer coat, polka dot pajama pants, and Ugg boots. I'm sure the neighbors are wondering what the hell is wrong with us.

    I hope you guys get spared from the colossal storm headed your way. For once it is not us getting blasted.

  15. Gus's face!!!! And the two sleeping face to sweet!!! Our washing machine shit the bed in that same way two years ago. That is one expense that slaps you in the face, ya know?!

    Look at you and all your healthy eats!!! Just ignore my burger and beer on my blog, ok?! Looks like you guys had fun on Saturday night. How dare they not have cake. What kind of restaurant is that??? What you ordered sounds lovely though!

  16. Every day I hope our washer and dryer will go kaput so I can get new ones...haha.

  17. cheese is so so good. I can't help it. also who ya gonna call? I would really want to yell it at that person. and I voted! of course!

  18. I clicked over and voted for your man! Hope he wins! Geez you guys are not having any luck on the home front but your new washer looks so nice. I get excited by new appliances. Enjoy the rest of the week...can't wait to see the giveaway!

  19. That Ghostbusters car is awesome. I feel like I need a decal for my car now.

    Mmm. Cheese makes me so happy.

  20. Holy cow--I'm so impressed how quickly your washer got delivered/installed! Although I am sorry that you had to deal with yet another house situation. Homeownership is the freaking pits from what I gather. I'm seriously tempted to try this whole avocado toast thing that is all over the place! Happy monday (ugh) friend!

  21. wow, You sounds kinda creepy and crazy. you'll have to let us know how it turns out! and yay, washer! the side of veggies with the shrimp actually looks really yummy and i kinda want to eat it all on its own. yum.

  22. I'm pretty sure the highlight for me would be the washer and dryer being installed - amazing how priorities shift when we get older!! Your saturday night looked like a blast!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  23. When we moved into our house, we discovered that the previous owners took the washer and dryer with them. Of course, I panicked but we went to Lowe's, ordered new ones and had them within a few days. It was quite a relief so I totally understand your excitement.

    I wish we lived somewhere that had grocery delivery. But such is a downfall of living in the sticks.

    Also, that books sounds freaking awesome! Putting it on the list!

  24. I don't know anywhere around here that ships groceries but I think I would have the same worry about my produce not being up to my standards. Loving all the healthy new recipes. I boil eggs every Sunday as well and put together a meal plan for the upcoming week plus do the blog recipes. It's a good day for that.

  25. I've been obsessed with avocado toast lately! That is a bummer about the washer, but thank goodness they got your washer quickly! We are thinking about trying out Amazon Fresh next month. The grocery store here gives me rage.

  26. I agree that January has gone freakishly fast! I'm really excited to try this granite cleaner of yours as well. I always worry about just using store bought cleaners on it. This sounds like the solution!

  27. Fancy new washer, nice!

    Hope MFD wins that coveted title, ha! And, I hope there's some kind of sash for the winner.

  28. We are about to get a new fridge because every week something else seems to break in it.... I'm excited about a new appliance but goodness they aren't cheap either! There is a restaurant nearby that has singing wait staff and you just reminded me that I really need to check it out! :)

  29. I just used vinegar for a bunch of stuff to prep my condo so I love that you have natural products in your house AND that you make them. We bought a new washer about a year or 2 ago and I was so dang excited to have a new appliance. What is happening to me? Although, I wasn't excited to pay for it.

  30. I love that you tried one of those grocery delivery services, I've always been nervous to try it out for the same reasons as you so I'm so glad the produce was great too :)

  31. mmm yummy food.
    i have tried the delivery service once so far and they did well.. i too was nervous about the produce.

    I noticed the same thing about Glade candles... glad it's not just me. Their "Cashmere Woods" one is a fave of mine but you could burn the whole thing in one damn night, I swear.

  33. How excited I was by my new washer and dryer......definitely how my priorities have changed! They seriously should have found you a cake don't they know how good you were all week?????

  34. I've not heard from ya, so i'm taking that as you are enjoying the heat in your house...finally! ;) but seriously, i admire your dedication to food prep. that is where i seriously lack. i need to get on that!!

  35. I tried the egg thing! I think our microwave is more high powered than some... and I didn't add any extra ingredients, just salt, pepper, and paprika (and it was only 1 egg)... So that first minute was a bit long, and some of the egg popped like popcorn and daintily sprinkled the microwave. But it was ok, because fluffy cooked eggs don't stick the way most microwave spills do. And it was still tasty.

  36. There is actually a guy in my town that drives a Ghostbuster car everywhere and even dresses up like one. He's known for it apparently...I posted a joke about the Ghostbusters once on FB and everyone tagged him in the
    I would love to have my groceries delivered to me!
    Also, I have so many candles and have even put myself on a candle buying freeze until I use up what I have because I seriously have NO MORE ROOM to store them.
    And of course ending the weekend with Downton is always a great choice!

  37. Oh man... grocery delivery would make me soooo happy. Unfortunately they don't have it where I live.
    I still need to watch Downton from Sunday. I can't get behind... a friend is throwing a finale party complete with Victorian dinner party (no sext footmen though, boo hoo) and I'm trying to convince her to add costumes this year!

  38. Still can't do the grocery delivery... maybe one day. Voted and Voted so best of luck to them! The granite cleaner I LOVE! I have never added oils to it though - the smell doesn't bother me. Do the oils add something extra, or just a smell?

  39. Ugh that's the worst when candles burn that way! It makes me OCD crazy. The cuddling puppy photo is adorable!!!

  40. Big Joe is buying votes. I'll share the website to vote as much as I can :) Go MFD!!

  41. You made the egg in the mug! I need to try it! Your food prep has me totally hungry. Not kidding!


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