That's not to say I don't like to start new things and challenges, because I do. Not just in January, but whenever the mood hits me. This month, here's what I'm working on:
1. Project 52 - I'm no good at photo-a-day challenges even though I take a foolish amount of photos all the damn time. So there's no way in hell I'd succeed at a 365 photo-a-day challenge. Sometimes I think prompts paralyze me and I focus on the prompt so much that I stage it instead of coming across it, which doesn't really suit me. This year, I'm doing a Project 52, which I'll share twice - once at mid year and once at year end. I'll choose a photo from every Thursday to share. Some will be mundane things like dinner or something I've come across that day, and some will naturally be vacation photos and other things that are a little more exciting.
2. Juicing - I've long crapped on juices and smoothies as things I don't like. I'm going to branch out and try to juice some healthy shit in our new Ninja. If it's good, I'll share the recipes. If it's bad I'll tell you to stay away from them.
3. Pantry clean out - I'm full to the gills in the pantry and freezer. Time to use what I have instead of buying more to make recipes that catch my fancy.
4. Activity - I let lazy win in November and December. I was escalating instead of doing the stairs, parking as close as possible, short cutting through the city on errands. I need to increase my activity.
5. Reading - Last year I read 64 books. My 2015 Goodreads Challenge is 60 books. I'll be sharing my most recent reads this Tuesday, January 13, for the next Show Us Your Books link up. I hope you will too.
Things I'm not doing: running anywhere, ever, or giving up coffee.
Last night when it was a windchill of 8 outside, our heater went on the fritz. Good timing, no? No. We have a home warranty and I called at 10 last night and got on the please help me list. Sleeping was quite comfortable, but the main floor is was a balmy 46 degrees this morning. Regardless, it could be worse. We could have no shelter AND no heat. Still hoping for a quick fix but happy to have warm blankets and layers at our disposal.
What's new in your world this month?

Linking up with Amanda for Friday Favorites.
What's new in your world this month?
Linking up with Amanda for Friday Favorites.
Yep never running anywhere unless I am being chased. I love the idea of picture challenges but I always forget to take them....always! I do plan on reading more this year and for sure need to clean out my pantry!!
ReplyDeletehahaha, I totally agree with the running thing. I despise running. I don't run - ever; and if you see me running, you'd better start running too, because you can be damn sure something is chasing me.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely pooped out on the 365 challenge as well, TWICE. Not trying it again. Something about photo prompts just creates a black hole in my mind so that rather than inspiring me, any idea I might have had is literally sucked away in a dark vortex, leaving nada, nichts, zilch. I don't even know if I could to the Project 52, but it sounds cool and I am looking forward to seeing yours!
I have 2 and 3 on my list for January too :-) As for smoothies and juices, I have mixed feelings about them. I am drinking a green smoothie now, but that's only because I felt like it. I think they are only worth getting into if they add to your health and not detract, but most people find them to be too unappetizing unless you add a lot of fruit/fruit juice, and that's a pain in the butt for your pancreas, so you might as well have a fruit salad at breakfast and a salad at lunch and dinner, and call it a day.
I'm going to try to pop in again for the book chat! My Goodreads goal for the year is 50.
Have a great weekend!
I like the idea of the Project 52, I am not good at prompts either they feel too forced to me which then gives me anxiety. Juicing is so good for you, hope you find some good recipes. Happy Friday!
ReplyDeletei dont have to tell you what i'm looking forward to this month :D so it's going to be all about wrapping things up around here and then dancing out the door on my last day!!
ReplyDeleteI did the photo challenge for November and most of December and it got old. I go on an Instagram frenzy often. I love to look back at my life on my past instagrams. I am using my freezer and pantry stuff, too. I bought 11 billion eggs since it was baking season, so using them now. Goddess speed to all of us in 2015!
ReplyDeleteLove, Your Momma
These are great goals. I have tried 365 projects and even 30 day challenges, but I usually forget. Once a week seems manageable. Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteI am so with you on the fridge and pantry! My freezer is so full I couldn't fit anything else in there if I tried - so I've been trying the past month or so to use what I have and only buy what I absolutely need.
ReplyDeleteMy pantry and freezer are also well stocked and I am loving just having things to pull out and use. When I did the wallet watch last fall with you and intentionally tried to limit trips to the grocery store it really became a habit that stuck!
ReplyDeleteI love juicing and will juice anything I can. I use a Breville juicer but I hear the Ninjas work well too. Good luck!
ReplyDeletehope your heat is back on asap!!! that's gotta be frustrating.
ReplyDeleteI hope your heater gets fixed! I am investing in an electric blanket this weekend so I can save money on the gas bill!
ReplyDeleteI'll be interested to see if you find tasty juices. I had a pineapple one I loved but I haven't tried making it myself.
Sooooo then I probably shouldn't tell you that it was "cold" for us Floridians last night, and it got to 67 degrees in our house and I put on a 2nd pair of socks? LOL....I always want to juice but I am lazy and cheap, so I can't wait to see what you think!
ReplyDeleteI'm annoying myself with my daily instagram posts, so I think I'm going to join my friend Bre with Wordless Wednesdays and just post each week's pictures on the blog then. Not sure when I want to transition but it could be today. I went through a smoothie kick a few years ago and it was so easy (except the clean-up, hated that). It is true, you really can't taste the spinach. I hope your heat is back on ASAP. I can barely handle 46 degrees outside!
ReplyDeleteLove the idea of Project 52!! Sorry to hear about your heat that is terrible with this cold weather. Hope they come fix it quickly!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously I've started that darn photo a day thing like four times! One of my friends tried to do it and at the end of the year she put together a video of them it was really cool.
ReplyDeleteI think you'll love juices - I shared some recipes not to long ago that are a great way to ease into it!! I for one always get scared with all green juices LOL! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteI love smoothies but after doing a homemade juice cleanse (which took me an ungodly amount of time to juice) I can't even smell one of those things again. They tasted horrible...I did a post about it here if you want to see which one i'm referring to:
ReplyDeleteI'm not really into resolutions either. Good luck with juicing! I can't find a great recipe and decided that buying bottled juices (Evolution Fresh is my favorite) is actually cheaper than making it at home. I'll be looking out for your recipes! I feel ya on the no heater thing! Ours shut down at midnight on a 20-degree night in December. Jacob was working out of town and I restarted it over and over only to have it work for ten minutes each time. I brought my sleeping kids to my bed and had a slumber party. Haha! Thankfully it was just condensation that had flipped on the moisture sensor and just had to be reset. Hopefully yours is a quick fix!
ReplyDeleteI am doing the same thing with my fridge and freezer. It is crazy how much food one can accumulate over time. Stay Warm!!
ReplyDeleteI giggled at the things I'm not doing - running anywhere... ever. I choked! You are too funny!
ReplyDeleteOH - 60 books for 2015? I love it! I am trying to read one book a month. Just to get back into the reading game. I am so far behind with my books!
Smoothies aren't that bad! Some are gross though! I do like, Spinach, Banana, Cashew Milk and Cinnamon - All you taste is the banana and cinnamon. I recommend! I swear, it doesn't taste like BUTT!
I like the idea of project 52 for a weekly thing instead of a daily thing. I sucked at my own instagram challenge last month because daily is too much and it overwhelms me!!!
ReplyDeleteI need to move more as well! And I cant wait to hear your thoughts on smoothies. My favorite is a peanut butter one!
you can run to the coffee shop! jk. i am trhe same with prompts for challenges like that - i end up giving up because i'm sick of setting things up lol.
ReplyDeletegood luck with your reading goal! can't wait to get some recommendations from you :)
yeahhh i totally need to do the pantry and freezer clean out, or at least take note of what i have so i quit buying more of it.
Good luck on your P52. I have a love/hate relationship with prompts. If I like it, then I'm game but if I don't, I find it paralyzing too. Good just to be creative and live life. Happy 2015 in book reading and juicing!
ReplyDeleteJucing??!?! haha okay okay. I'm actually trying a juicing or smoothie thing this weekend. We shall see.
ReplyDeleteI love this idea of idea of seasonal goals! Brilliant I say! I need to work on some of those! And sucks about the heat . . . hope it's fixed soon! Warm thoughts!
ReplyDeleteI'm in AZ and your lack of heat in the winter is like our lack of ac in the summer! Hope it gets fixed soon.
ReplyDeleteI don't do photo challenges either but I have so many pics I have to upload or delete them in order to run an update on my phone.
Juicing is not anything I want to do because I get hungry quick but we have a Ninja and pureeing stuff still leaves a little texture and I can handle that! Good luck on yours :)
Wow is all I can think when you say you read 64 for books last year. I think I read 5, maybe. It's such an amazing thing to aspire for though! I also really need to clean out my's a disaster, the black hole of my home.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to joining in the book post this month!! I used to love photo challenges, did them religiously but haven't been able to keep up whenever I try to start recently. Yeah I don't think I'll ever be a runner, but I wish I was!
ReplyDeleteThat totally sicks about your heater....hopefully all is fixed by now. Stay warm....I am over here complaining about 30 degree weather! Ha!! And can't wait to read about your book suggestions.
ReplyDeleteI'm hooked on the smoothies since I got my vitamix. They aren't necessarily all that tasty (I limit the fruit) but packed so full of nutrition and they make me feel great.
ReplyDelete60 books is a nice number.
ReplyDeleteI would absolutely drink juice like that everyday if someone would make it/provide it for me. I don't want to shop for the stuff, and figure out the process. Talk about lazy.
You'll have to share recipes!
Sorry about your heater, stay warm hun! It sounds like I need to jump on this juicing train :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday!
I like your seasonal goals. I have a few that I was so gung ho on and lately I feel myself crapping out already. Now that's pretty sad! I don't have a great juicing blender so i was trying to drink more green smoothies for a healthy goal. Some were actually really good but I haven't been keeping up!
ReplyDeleteI'm planning to buy a juicer this year since I buy fruits everyday anyway. And I've started on my reading list too. :)
ReplyDeleteLooks like an interesting year for all of us.
Juicing is good for me on the weekends. Not so much during the week!
Deletei could never stick to a 365 day prompt like ever! thats hella dedications. Also Im not giving up coffee either!
ReplyDeleteYour title picture is so cool! Of course the heat goes out when it is like the coldest ever..burr...hope you guys get it all worked out very soon. That is not fun! I've been thinking about juicing but haven't decided if i really want to invest (or store) a juicer. Looking forward to see your picture challenge!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get your heat fixed quickly! That sucks -- reminds me of when we lost power in an ice storm a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteDelicious smoothie: frozen banana, chocolate soy milk. Bada bing, bada boom. You'll get HOOKED!!!!