1. Finally make a pie crust/pie from scratch. I failed to do this in my October Choose Your Own Adventure Food Theme Challenge and in my fall goals. Time to get this shit done.
2. Host dinner party so people help us eat the turkey I have in the freezer.
3. Make a 40 by 40 list of uh, 40 things I want to do before I'm 40. I turn 38 in March. I need time for some of them.
4. Book Airfare for wild west trip.
5. Organize and catalog loose photos, including possibly using a pay to scan service.
6. Stick to my exercise schedule.
7. Creative writing off the blog once a week.
8. Try three new to me restaurants.
9. Get the Be Nice Box project going.
10. Go through beauty products - keep, toss, reorganize, share.
Have you made any winter goals?