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Via Women Working |
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4. So, I have self-diagnosed a tailor's bunion on the outside of my right foot. Is that a sign of true old age, when you need to go to the doctor for a freaking foot situation? Excuse me while I find a PODIATRIST. Even the doctor category sounds old lady.
5. Charles Manson, is allowed to get married in prison but gays can't in some states? That's some bullshit right there.
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7. When I got my makeup done for the wedding Friday, Kristi used this eyeliner and it never moved all day. $17.50, not bad for an excellent gel liner.
8. While I was picking that up, I also went looking for a new pair of gloves. I stood behind some woman dicking around at the register for 10 minutes before the transaction even started. TEN MINUTES. She was going back and forth and shopping, and the line was growing and shifting and grumbling. When the cashier tried to take other people, she was all pissed off. So sorry the rest of us did our shopping before queuing up, you rude ass mofo. This is why I do all of my Christmas shopping online. I peaced out and went to listen to the Wanamaker organ, currently covered up in anticipation of the Christmas Light Show.
9. I have an illness this week and that illness is afternoon coffee. Damn.
10. E-card of the week. Yes, you do see this card here every year. I know, to each their own. To me, the thing that makes Christmas magic is that it happens once a year in a whirlwind short period of time. I like to Slow down. Savor.
Finally, happy happy birthday to Steph @ Not Entirely Perfect. Go send her a good wish.

Amen to your Charles Manson rant! I really, really don't think prisoners should be able to get married. I plan to not step foot into an actual store in December, except for my weekly Target runs, but they are on weekday mornings, so it's never that bad. At least you got to listen to the organ while you were there. We put the kids Christmas tree up in the playroom mid-November every year. It's mostly just a toy for them and the cats. I like to make Christmas stretch as long as possible. Plus, I've never liked Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteI would have gone into Rage Mode on that lady shopping. That is just inconsiderate....I admit I want my tree up ASAP. I only wait because the hubs asks me to....I have never been a fan of Thanksgiving really....it feels very forced to me.
ReplyDeleteI agree with number one!! Women get called bossy or bitches waaayyy to easily for having an opinion. Also as for Charles Manson ... How just how? Im strangely fascinated by the story though. And shes 26 year old!
ReplyDeleteyes, I just don't understand the Charles Manson thing...at all! And the bossy women thing bothers me when Women are referenced as bossy, but I am a nanny and sometimes little girls, just like little boys, are freaking bossy. Hahaha
ReplyDeleteHaha love your e-card! As much as I love Christmas and all that comes with it, something about a Christmas tree and Thanksgiving turkey just doesn't mix. Plus, I'm huge on going out and getting a real tree, so when I see all these trees up already I know they're fake. Where's the magic in going out and picking a tree (a favorite family tradition of mine) and that real Christmas tree smell in the house when it's out of a box?
ReplyDeleteI totally have leadership skills! Haha! I am so torn on the prisoner thing too. I saw a documentary on those two and she is just as batshit crazy as he is. Watching people face plant, is why I know we are friends and I love you! ;) Why can't people be ready to checkout when they go to the checkout?! Rage. I love that E-card. I am trying to hold off on decorating even though it is already getting hectic.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be a basic bitch and say I CAN'T EVEN with the Charles Manson getting married. Why is this allowed? And what's with the crazy bitch who wants to marry him?? Her mother must be so proud.
ReplyDeleteFirst... The e-card... LOL... Yes. Second, prisoners marrying...?!??! What is that!! I agree, particularly in light of the point you made about gays not being able to marry! Ugh, soapbox rant. I'm so annoyed now (and also questioning the judgment of these women who marry Charles Manson and Joran Van der Sloot... #15mins)
ReplyDeleteYES!! HOTDISH!! Ha I'm actually eating the last of my tator tot hotdish for lunch today. Minnesota for the win.
ReplyDeleteI've been to a podiatrist, twice. I see Dr. Webb on bustleton ave, or when she is at the 2813 medics building on cottman near the blvd. She also treats my dad who is diabetic. Customers like that piss me the f off, I encounter many of them rude ass bitches at children's place. Only I take the next person if we are busy and they take too long, accidents happen where we need to find a tag which is fine, but don't keep shopping BC you saw something in the hands of the person behind/next to you and you just have to have it! End rant! The skating rink opened last week! I would love to watch people face plant! I can't wait to check out the light show for the first time this year, hopefully Lucas likes it.
ReplyDeletebahahaahaha drowns a baby reindeer! I usually wait til after Thanksgiving but I really just wanted to mashup the holidays this year! I still go all out for Thanksgiving (it's one of my faves!) but I just really wanted our tree up! haha! Plus Thanskgiving is so late this year that I wanted to enjoy the decorations for a little longer than a couple weeks. I'm with you on the whole Charles Manson thing. Totally despicable!
ReplyDeleteI find that if I don't mentally prepare myself for things like vacations and holidays, they go by too fast. So I need that extra anticipation.
ReplyDeleteMy mind is still trying to process that there are people who want to marry prisoners. How does that even happen? One day someone just says, "I think I'll be a pen pal to a mass murderer. Who knows? Maybe we'll fall in love and get married before he's executed." Does not compute. Also, love Sheryl Sandberg! I watched her TED talk on why we have too few women leaders and it was a huge eye opener.
Really, stupid shit like this girl is doing- for publicity maybe, notoriety!!! What??? Women go backwards when shit like this happens. And yes, no fucking weddings in prison, no college degrees, no gym time- for murderers, rapists,beaters,molesters, etc. WTF Healing lights to your feet. JMJ! Love the early Xmas tree ecard. Love this whole post! The woman holding up the line-ugh- peace-ing out at the Wanamaker organ- nice!
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday Eve!
Love, your MOMMA
I heard Charles Manson got married, but never saw his CHILD BRIDE! I agree that you shouldn't be able to wed while in jail. That's seems like a luxury (ehh, depending on who you ask I suppose, LOL!)...
ReplyDeleteYES! The whole Charles Manson getting married and then gays can't was my exact thought when I heard about it. So ridiculous. I read an article saying her parents supported her getting married, but that he would never be allowed in their house...I mean obviously? But seriously how in the heck is that okay and my friends can't get married? Just no.
ReplyDeleteI see that your hot dish has some tater tots on top - sign me up!! YUM!! That girl that is marrying Charles Manson...is a lunatic herself...what is wrong with people in the world!?
ReplyDeleteoh my god- bitches who do that MAKE ME CRAZY. i have legit shouted at them to get their shit together before getting in line because no one has time for their bullshit.
ReplyDeleteWait wait wait - she was still shopping while THE REGISTER CHICK WAS TRYING TO CHECK HER OUT? As a LINE grew BEHIND HER? GRAR - people like that KILL ME. I mean, if the line is already super long - sure, get a spot holder, and try and get a couple more items. But, if you are FIRST IN LINE? You done, that's it.
ReplyDeleteI love that Ecard - Because I totally AGREE! That hotdish - oh my gawd. Yes. I'm making this. Whole30 - kiss my butt TATER TOTS RULE!
Comfort food is perfect on Sundays - make it HOWEVER heavy you want. Watching people face plant in Rockefeller Center makes me giggle... as long as they aren't seriously injured.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I just finished reading Lean In and I found myself nodding throughout the book. I hate when people think I'm bitchy for speaking my mind.
Lastly, prison marriages totally freak me out. Don't care what anyone says.
I like #1. I don't want to be classified as bossy although I've heard that word a time or two. The tater tot dish looks amazing. I've seen a similar recipe but need to try it out sometime soon! Lol at podiatrist! It could be worse though!
ReplyDeleteYEAH if you're in prison you're right to get married goes out the window. how sick is this??? and love #1. that dish in #3, YUM. my illness is afternoon diet coke. like a lot of it.
ReplyDeleteUgh that Charles Manson thing makes me SO ANGRY. You are so right about that scumbag getting to marry but gay people cannot... I'm so happy that SC is finally changing that law as we speak. On a lighter note, tater tots might be my favorite food ever. That dish has been pinned and it sounds like the perfect cold weather, sit and watch tv in warm blankets, kind of meal!
ReplyDeleteI am intrigued by this hot dish. Never heard of that until you posted! I am jealous of your view of the ice skating rink. Watching people fall (as long as they aren't hurt) is hilarious to me. I can laugh at them because I fall all the damn time. I am paranoid about biting it this winter while carrying the car seat though. Yikes.
ReplyDeleteHa ha I love that e-card! My two friends had that type of bunion so I don't think you're old. That would mean I'm old! But seriously they did have surgery to get them removed. I think anyone who wants to marry Charles Manson is pretty deranged themselves. Honestly I think that way of anyone who wants to marry someone while they're incarcerated for murder. What is wrong with these women? What exactly is the appeal of Charles Manson???
ReplyDeleteI just can't with the Charles Manson thing. I can't. I had a rant planned about the petition to get the Duggars off the air but I nixed it. Too many thoughts.
ReplyDeleteAmen to your first point!
The Wire. O.M.G. I plan to rewatch the whole series because it's freaking amazing but I tore through season 4 in about 3 days. It focuses on how kids get caught up in all of this stuff and given my past professional life, it really hit me in the gut and the heart. So well done.
If that bitch was in line in front of me I would have made a damn scene and been very vocal about it. That is one thing I do not stand for. Waste all the time in the world...but not on my watch!
ReplyDeleteI need to add The Wire to my list.
Sounds like a baby reindeer might die this weekend as I try to make time to get my tree up. Not sorry :) Christmas enhances thanksgiving for me!
LOL being able to watch people face plant during your lunch break. Awww, missing the lights at the Macy's/Wanamaker's is one thing I miss about being in Philly (among others).
ReplyDeleteThat dish makes me want to drive to a Sonic and pick up some tater tots. Then eat them out of my pocket like Napoleon Dynamite.
ReplyDeletePeople hanging their Christmas lights and lighting their trees prior to the day after Thanksgiving makes me want to pull a Grinch move and take Christmas away from them.
ReplyDeleteCharles Manson disgusts me. So does anyone who even entertains the idea of marrying someone like that.
ReplyDeleteI'm decorating for Christmas this weekend. It's my consolation prize for not getting out of town for Thanksgiving this year. I have to have SOMETHING to look forward to this week...and Thanksgiving Day ain't it!
I had no idea Charles Manson looked so "thug" like now. That eyeliner is totally worth the price tag and will last a long time, I used to use it and LOVED it. Make sure you get the slanted brush for it, it makes application easy breezy. You follow me on instagram, so you know my trees are up already. The trees make my house fill warm and cozy and helps me get through the blues of being away from my family until I go home in December. I don't do the whole gift buying craziness thing, but I do love decorating for the holidays. I still have pumpkins on my table, so Thanksgiving has not been forgotten, I just like the whole "holiday season".
ReplyDeleteugh that is disgusting that someone would want to marry him, and that they can get married. thats ridiculous.
ReplyDeletePodiatrist really does sound old, your poor foot.
Hey, do I get a free pass with the Christmas stuff because I'm not American? Come on...
Love that Sheryl Sandberg quote. I can remember getting called bossy a ton when I was younger, which kind of infuriates me now. I can't wait until I can start teaching my niece about the history of feminism and how she can do ANYTHING SHE WANTS!
ReplyDeleteThe whole Charles Manson things grosses me out. I think if you are in prison for murder, you lose your rights. I wish we could still bring them to a firing range or hanging but apparently it's not humane anymore. But I guess slaughtering a pregnant woman is. Ugh. It just grosses me out.
ReplyDeleteThe casserole looks fantastic.
I am with you on the Christmas thing!
Little K is bossy, I tell her it's okay to tell people what to do but she should try to do it nicely. She has a habit of not being a nice bossy person. Ha!
ReplyDeleteAs a former prison guard I was always fascinated with women who would come to the prison for their wedding.
I would have told that lady off, it's in my nature I can't help it. I don't like to be annoyed at someone and them not know it.
Amen to the first one. I work in such a male-dominated industry that I am often seen as the rude girl in the office, when really I'm just a take-charge gal. And like you said, the guys who do it seem to get promoted because of their "leadership" It's serious BS. And I'll admit, I caved and we put up our tree before Thanksgiving this year- first time ever.
ReplyDeleteManson doesn't even look happy in that photo!
ReplyDeleteWe have a proud tradition of bossy women in my family. It's mostly good. Sometimes not.
Sorry about your foot. I had plantar fasciitis for a while and it was so annoying. You never realize how much you use your feet til they're broken!
I love that quote about "bossy girls"... girls shouldn't be shamed for being independent and a little bossy!
ReplyDeleteCharles Manson... makes me sick that he can get married no problem while so many gay people still can't. Messed up.
Did you hear from Swagbucks yet re: your gift card?
this is probably one of the only times I ever wished I worked in Philly...and that would be to watch people faceplant with you.
ReplyDeleteGood lord #8. RAGE. I would have snapped. Almost as much as I want to snap on the Manson situation. That's so ridiculous.
ReplyDeletehaha I always beg my mom to put the tree up on my birthday but every year she says 'ONE MORE WEEK.' Guess who's out of town and who's staying at the house in her place? That sucker is going up this weekend. Sorry Steph and baby reindeer.
THANK YOU for the birthday shout out. Eeek, I'm 30!
Totally agree with you on that prisoner getting married thing! Oh, I've never seen that light show in Macy's, is it any good? Trying to think of things to do when my parents are here for Christmas!
ReplyDeleteTatter tots were my all time favorite food as a kid!! I don't I have had them in year!!!
ReplyDeleteMelanie @ meandmr.com
Dude, I was 22 when I had a tailor's bunion. Talk about feeling old. That plaza looks cool. Amen on prisoners being able to marry. That's fucked up. And finally, I'm bossy and I know it!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the marriage thing. I don't think prisoners should be treated like absolute shit BUT I also don't think that they should be treated with kid gloves... you're there for a reason - to be punished for not playing nice! It can be such a slippery slope though. I'll admit it... it wouldn't piss me off as much if it was someone whose actions didn't result in death - like someone who embezzled or something.
ReplyDeletei've never knew that there were different types of bunions. i've the regular old lady kind
ReplyDeleteSome people are so inconsiderate. I was at the airport yesterday and these two women were repacking their suitcases at the check-in counter while a HUGE line of us behind them waited.
ReplyDeletePeople should NOT be allowed to get married in jail!! It's freakin' jail!!! Not a honeymoon.