Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Five: Things Men Don't Know

1. The Spanx Struggle. I can get dressed or undressed in front of my husband or BFFs without batting an eye...unless Spanx are involved. I need to wrestle myself into that shit in private. Even the people who know everything good and bad about me and who I'd trust with my life don't need to bear witness to the Spanx struggle. And the struggle is real. Well it was, but I am done with Spanx forever now.

2. The best part of the day is when the bra comes off. Typically the first thing I do when I get home is put my pajamas on and let out a big ass sigh of relief when I take my bra off (and yes, it is fitted correctly for all you I love wearing a bra people). Recently I've been doing things when I get home instead of changing right away. So my bra sometimes stays on until 8 or later. It's like I don't even know myself.
3. In order to find something, one must first look for it. Ooh, burn. Sorry, but I feel confident in making this grossly sexist generalization. Not all, and I won't even say most, but I will say too many men cannot find shit because they don't look for it. They simply ask someone else where it is.

4. High heels look sexy but they murder feet. It's true. 98% of foot crime can be attributed to high heels. If you don't believe it, try wearing some for more than an hour and get back to me.

5. The surest way to take a situation from 0 to 60 in less than a second is to mention PMS. Every negative reaction, bad mood, or range of emotions cannot be attributed to hormones. We don't do it and you shouldn't either. That's a good way to make hellfire rain down upon you.

And the winner of the giveaway - muji acrylic organizer and $25 donation to the local foodbank of her choice - is my girl Marla of Luck Fupus!

Time to drop the mic on this week.

Have a great weekend my friends. I'll meet you back here Monday to discuss.

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