Happy Thanksgiving, my friends. Does anyone else find Thanksgiving to be a good day for introspection?
I have many wishes for all of you today - that you feel love if you're spending this holiday alone, that you feel camaraderie if you're spending this day with others, that you're keenly aware and grateful for your blessings large and small today and every day, and most of all that you each experience a moment of serene stillness in your soul today that allows you to take a deep breath and realize you are enough.
Your strengths, your weaknesses, your talents and your deficiencies...they all balance out and add up to enough.*
When you embrace the concept of enough, you don't have to cling so hard to your strengths, be ashamed of your weaknesses, feel guilty about your abundant talents, or inadequate in the face of your deficiencies. There's a feeling of wholeness that's comforting and invigorating all at the same time.
Out of everything, that's what I wish most for you today. To know you are enough. And to know that enough is better than perfect any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
E-card of the week, because it's Thursday and that's what happens here on Thursday. To my fellow freaks who don't like their food touching:
Linking up with Kristin and Joey for Stuff & Things