Designer jeans. One, I hate jeans. B, I'm not spending $150 on them.
Pumpkin spice lattes - too sweet. I like pumpkin. I can make them at home.
Bridesmaid dresses. You pay a mint for the GD things and they never have smoothly functioning zippers. Come on manufacturers. Get it together.
Hunter boots. I love how they look, sincerely, but spending $150 for a pair of rubber boots is not in my wheel house. I will gladly accept them as a gift.
Manicures. Once every 2-3 months I go into the nail salon for a clean up because I don't clip my cuticles. Every week I do my own. Practice makes perfect.
Diamonds. I'd rather have a unique piece of play jewelry than the expensive gems any day. My mom is dying over this, I know.
Manicures. Once every 2-3 months I go into the nail salon for a clean up because I don't clip my cuticles. Every week I do my own. Practice makes perfect.
Diamonds. I'd rather have a unique piece of play jewelry than the expensive gems any day. My mom is dying over this, I know.
3D movies and most movies in the theater in general.
Bottled water. It's wasteful, too. I'll bring my own.
Most warranties, especially those that solicit me by mail.
ATM fees. Those charges piss me off.
Lottery tickets. It doesn't stop me from buying one when it's a big pot though. Spending a dollar on a dream is something I can handle every once in a while.
Hotel rooms. When I'm on vacation, I'm typically not in the room a lot. We're out seeing and doing or beaching. Give me the mid-range room any time and I'll spend the savings on experiences and awesome meals.
Video game systems. I've never owned one and I never will. I had a wii in my possession for a time that was a hand me down. We never hooked it up and after a year in a closet we passed it on again.

Bottled water. It's wasteful, too. I'll bring my own.
Most warranties, especially those that solicit me by mail.
ATM fees. Those charges piss me off.
Lottery tickets. It doesn't stop me from buying one when it's a big pot though. Spending a dollar on a dream is something I can handle every once in a while.
Hotel rooms. When I'm on vacation, I'm typically not in the room a lot. We're out seeing and doing or beaching. Give me the mid-range room any time and I'll spend the savings on experiences and awesome meals.
Video game systems. I've never owned one and I never will. I had a wii in my possession for a time that was a hand me down. We never hooked it up and after a year in a closet we passed it on again.
What are some things you don't think are worth the money?

Levi jeans have the best fit! I would never buy designer jeans. Warranties are such a joke, everything breaks 1 month after the warranty! What is up with that anyways!!
ReplyDeleteYou nailed it! I agree about hotel rooms. And I would add that any hotel room in Manhattan is not worth the expense. Stay in the burbs and take the train. But diamonds, Steph? I love my bridal set. But you're right; in general, I'm not one for diamond earrings or bracelets, etc. Happy October!
ReplyDeleteit's no secret that i'm a cheap bitch so naturally, i love this post. however, while i loathe designer jean prices, the fit is just superb. i hate to say that but it's true....i have a couple pairs when i was a moron and thought that it rained money but those jeans have never faded, stretched out and always hugs my body to perfection. i love old navy prices but over time, the quality really shows (falls apart, fades, stretches out, doesn't look as good on etc). DAMN YOU DESIGNER PRICES!!!
ReplyDeleteother things not worth a dime: fancy/expensive makeup brushes (hello, ecotools!), buying anything full price (trust: you can get the same thing online or at a discount store for a fraction of the price), fancy shampoo - my $7 natural one works way better than any expensive paul mitchell one, those hair products that boast "make your hair grow faster!" - FALSE. hair is made up of about 80-90% protein which you can't put on your hair....your hair will grow as fast as it grows and you have to help it by providing your body with the proper nutrients to do that such as EAT MORE PROTEIN and WHOLE FOODS.
Vodka and Soda
I totally agree about the bottled water. What I hate is when you're somewhere and it's the only option. Not too long ago I was at the zoo with a friend and her kids, and it ended up being way hotter than expected. Only option was to buy the THREE DOLLAR bottle of aquafina from the vending machine. I was super thirsty, so it as worth it, but as you can see I'm still angry about it :)
ReplyDeleteMarcie, the zoo actually has fountains & water bottle fillers in the Kid Zoo U area! I always take my bottle with me to fill up! My sister just bought a $3 bottle the other day when we were there because she is weird with water & doesn't like the taste of fountain water!
DeleteGood to know Laura! I believe Marcie is referring to a zoo outside of PA!
DeleteDo you have a recommendation for a good cuticle cream? One of my October goals is to take care of my nails…the cream I'm using isn't really working anymore…
ReplyDeleteI think businesses need to include water-filling stations more often (other than just a dirty fountain) because I often find that if I'm out running errands, I need to take two bottles with me or I end up thirsty and buying water.
I love Sally Hansen cuticle cream with apricot oil, but my true go to cuticle product is Sally Hansen cuticle removing gel!
DeleteI love my Target $27.99 Mossimo jeans, ad I L-O-V-E the new Pixie Pants (ahem... 4 pairs) I got for $25 each PLUS I had a 25% Old Navy coupon. Hello, it was like I got a pair for free!!!! If it had not been for your blog post, I wouldn't have known how great they are. I don't splurge on mascara or eye shadow primer (Maybeline eye tattoos work great). Definitely gotten MUCH better at toting around my own water bottle.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree, everyone is different.. I love my Hunter Boots!! :)
I'd gladly sashay around in some that I receive as a gift!
DeleteI completely agree with these - especially Bridesmaid dresses. Why do the zippers never work properly?! ATM fees I really don't understand - they are just the worst!
ReplyDeleteWe have our checking account through Fidelity which reimburses all ATM fees ;-)
ReplyDeleteI also hate getting manicures, and will only pay for one if it's gel. Otherwise it chips in a few days and it's totally not worth it so I also paint my own nails, but I do spring for pedicures.
Bridesmaid dresses are a joke. When I got married I took the girls to JC Penney, said pick out a black dress that fits you, don't care what style or cut and get it. Both girls got a dress for under $20 bucks and looked amazing at my wedding. Also they actually did get to wear those dresses again!
ReplyDeleteI have had 2 manicures in my life...ever. I didn't pay for the 1st & I had a Groupon for the 2nd. I do plan on getting one for my birthday this year but again I'll be looking for a Groupon. I completely agree with the rest too. I willingly booked 2 hotels this month that are normally more than I would ever pay, & they still aren't all the expensive, but the 1st is where the rest of my friends will be staying & I didn't want to put me & my other friend in a hotel 20 min away and the other one my friend just said she'd feel more comfortable staying in that one vs the one I would've booked.
ReplyDeleteLOL LOL on the diamonds. I love our similarities and our differences. We learn from each other always with eternal love! Agree on the designer jeans. I have 2 pr that I wear, each were 13 dollars. I ADORE spandex in the jeans or any pants. For years my circulation was cut off in my stomach area and the indentations left in my skin! JMJ!
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy the expensive mascara in my perfume giveaways, I must admit. I do not think expensive skin/face creams are worth it! I am blessed with skin that thrives on spf 50 sunblock. Daily on my face, arms, decolletage, and whatever skin is showing. It all comes down to what works for you! Agree on manicures and I will not spend on pedicures, since I do not earn a pay check, they are time sucks, and I do a fine job. Soaking my tootsies in lavendar
essential oil, vinegar, and epsom salts is real nice! My tootsies take a beating due to my love for flipflops all year round.
Good read as always. #bestblogintheworld Love your MOMMA
My hotel room requirements are clean, good location + safe. I couldn't give a shit about anything else, and why pay more when you are supposed to be out seeing the place you're visiting? Useless. And designer jeans, I used to pay a lot of money (everything is expensive at home anyway) but now I'm all about the old navy, lol. And Diamonds are so stupid. My husband was worried I would want a big ring and when I pointed out the smallest one in the shop he kinda got offended, like he could afford more, and I was like what a waste of money!
ReplyDeleteall of this. no seriously, all of it. preach. especially designer jeans and lattes.
ReplyDeleteMovies in the theater. Starbucks.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad someone else feels the same way about bridesmaid dresses and hotel rooms!!!
ReplyDeleteYes to like all of that! I don't get some peoples obsession with diamond jewelry. I have my engagement ring and that's the most expensive piece of jewelry I'll probably ever own. It makes Kevin very happy that he doesn't have to buy me diamonds haha
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of these things on the list. funny and great post.
ReplyDeleteDamn - I just typed out something and when I went to preview it was GONE - GONE I say!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you when you say that you sometimes look at another person's purchase and wonder why they spent so much money but you also know that someone else thinks you're crazy for your purchases.
I know expensive bags bring much joy to many people - but I have trouble spending a lot of money on something I'm tossing on the floor and dragging around on the subway. I don't begrudge them their happiness but I can't do it myself.
I also tend to stock up on cheap shirts - I tend not to be concerned with their longevity since I stain them so quickly that they don't have time to get shapeless.
You were eaten by the blogger monster!
DeleteI agree on the shirts - it's less painful when they get stains/wear.
I realize this isn't exactly the prompt, but I LOATHE spending money on tampons. Why are they so expensive?!
ReplyDeleteI rarely change my jewelry. I wear the same earrings, watch and bracelet every day. So, I don't spend money on fun jewelry even if it is tempting and would rather have one or two really nice things that I can wear consistently.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree about designer jeans, such a waste of money! I love the jeans from the Gap and Old Navy!! I refuse to pay money to go to the movies, it's such a waste. I only go if I really really really want to see it. You have me thinking, I can't remember the last movie I went to. It's been that long.
ReplyDeleteScratch off tickets
ReplyDeleteAny piece of clothing more than $30
pre packaged snack packs
pricy hotels
over priced makeup
professional haircuts every 6 weeks
Designer jeans - sometimes they aren't even COMFORTABLE. I am not paying for a name.
I will go to the movies - only if - it's a HORRIBLE SCARY MOVIE (because nostalgia) or if it's a drive in.
Yes!! I think Hunter boots are highly over priced as well. I mean, hello rubber for $150? No. (I would wear if gifted as well.) ATM fees make me ragey. I will just get some cash back at a store with a pack of gum thanks. I refuse to pay for manicures, I can do it myself, thanks! And I hate going to the movie theater, people are rude and tickets are too expensive. And I agree with you on bridesmaid dresses too! They never fit perfectly or function correctly.
ReplyDeleteI also wont pay a lot of money for super trendy tops I know I wont wear more than one season. Tory Burch flats, hell no. Eyeliner, I find that Loreal Infalluable liner matches any of the $20+ liners that I have tried.
I'm with you on manicures, I pay someone a bunch of money to paint my nails and a day later they're chipped.
ReplyDeleteIn general I am always trying to find the best possible deal on whatever I buy, I'm cheap!
I definitely always go for mid-range hotels rooms while on vacation. I like a comfortable bed but don't need a ton of amenities for exactly the same reason as you. We won't be spending much time in there anyways. Bridesmaid dresses piss me off too. You spend an arm and a leg and then I have to spend another $%0 on alterations because it doesnt fit. Gah!
ReplyDelete$50 on alterations
DeleteThe Sbux Pumpkin Spiced Lattes are way too sweet (which I always seem to forget until I have just one!), but we have an independent cafe that makes em' and they're perfect, and also NOT $5!
ReplyDeleteI'm so with you on the atm fees--whyyyyy.
ReplyDeleteHate 3D movies, they give me a headache. My favorite jeans are from American Eagle, I get them when they're on sale. Like $30, maybe. They last the longest of any I've had!
ReplyDeleteI refuse to pay ATM fees. REFUSE! I love getting my nails done but only do it a few times a year because I'm cheap. I don't spend money on makeup (like I don't even understand how Sephora exists). Totally agree on hotel rooms as long as it isn't a relaxing vacation where I want the room. Just give me a bed and a shower!
ReplyDeleteCould not agree more on ANY of this. You had me at number one. Jeans are a necessary evil sometimes in life, but for $150 I can get, like, 8,000 pair of cute leggings that I'll actually wear and be comfortable in so that one's a no-brainer. Also doing your own manicure is good for the soul.
ReplyDeleteI agree on the water bottles, I will occasionally pick up a 6 pack from Dollar Tree for work just so I know I have water there. But ever since I got pregnant & started drinking 100 oz. of water a day, we got the big water filter for the fridge & I now fill souvenir cups & take them everywhere with me!
ReplyDeleteHotels, totally not worth it unless it is something like a honeymoon & you're not leaving the room ;) I went with a value resort in Disney World because it didn't make sense to spend $400 a night on a room!
The rest of your list is pretty spot on as well! I never buy full price for anything really! Sales & clearance!!
Disney room prices can be totally insane!
DeleteWith you on all of these except manicures and diamonds. I can do a mani on my own just fine but I needs the gel so it doesn't chip every 5 min. Also, I just love diamonds. :)
ReplyDeleteI love jeans and I have too many - jeans, purses, and shoes get me every time. I am with you on the manicures. I go every blue moon, usually when I need a girl day w a friend; I do my nails at home every week. Although I do love someone massaging my hands and making me feel pampered. And I wont even go to the theater to watch a regular movie, let alone a 3D movie! It's just too expensive, especially considering I usually fall asleep anyway...
ReplyDeletePretty much this whole list. 3D movies are probably the biggest waste of money ever, and I have yet to see one that's been better than your regular, standard movie. Except IMAX. That shit's cool.
ReplyDeleteHotel rooms - I completely agree. The only time we've ever semi-splurged on a hotel room was on our honeymoon...and even then we didn't pay for anything excessively fancy. Every time we go to Juneau, we stay in one of the crappiest hotels - it's like $90 a night and it's kinda run down and usually smells like cigarettes in the no-smoking halls, but whatever. We're usually gone from 8am to 11pm every day while we're there, so I'm not gonna pay $150 a night just to crash for a few hours.
ReplyDeleteDesigner jeans and hunter boots, though...I did splurge. I never thought I would, but once you wear a pair of NICE jeans, you'll never go back. Or at least I won't. But I wear jeans LITERALLY every single day so I get my money's worth (and I usually only buy 1-2 pairs every 1-2 years, they last me a while!) and I'm being forced to live in this god-awful state where it rains 11 months out of the years so you bet I'm gonna splurge on a $150 pair of rubber boots, haha. I'VE EARNED IT GOSHDARNIT. Lol.
Dress zippers are the worst! Especially anything fancy. I have several that I need help zipping and I should probably just get rid of them and find something less pain-in-the-ass. I don't spend money on spa things. And pedicures make me uncomfortable - the only places I've been they haven't been friendly once I got in the chair.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree on the hotels rooms, we never get fancy rooms, because we do not hang out in the hotel. We are up, showered, out, maybe drop back in prior to dinner to freshen up and back out, straight to bed and do it again. It just has to be clean and not sketch me out. Ugh the bridesmaid dress, I think I've only ever been able to buy one once that didn't need to be altered on top of the $100 plus. I almost never get manicures because I chip them within a day or two :) though apparently manicures and pedicures are much cheaper here in SD.
ReplyDeleteFull price baby clothes. Some of them are outrageously priced. Why the hell would I want to spend a ton of money on something that my kid is going to pee on, poop on, puke on, and outgrow in 3 months? Sales and coupons are where it's at with baby clothes. Like myself, I don't buy anything for Jack full price.
ReplyDeleteI agree on every single one of these except the Hunter Boots! And no PSL for me's funny how I think it's crazy to spend that much money on a Starbucks drink, yet I will go to a restaurant/bar and get an $8 cocktail! Ha!
ReplyDeleteDon't get me started on bottled water! It's so expensive and also not that great for you. Plus, the waste it makes! I hate it. WA is proposing a tax on it to benefit state parks and outdoor recreation. I'm all for it!!! I agree with everything on your list, except for the movies. You know how much I love the movie theater. Haha! I don't buy expensive mascara or eye shadow. If you have a good primer, most of it works out just fine. I can't justify a $50 palette when I'll only use three shades. I'm also not big on designer purses. I used to be and then I had kids and they ruin everything or you ruin everything by holding their crap in it. One day I'll have nice things again...
ReplyDeleteMy son treasures his Wii but he's 7 - I agree charge fees sucks, bottled water is unnecessary (unless you are on the road and have no access to your own), I definitely am not paying 150 for rubber boots either - regular boots, maybe. I figured spending 150 on boots I'll utilize for years to come is worth the value. Have a great one Stephanie! -Iva
ReplyDeleteStarbucks, high dollar makeup (I am living some e.l.f. right now), movies at the theater. Maybe I should do my own post. Great list!!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, and most importantly: your nails look GREAT!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing worse than spending money on bridesmaids dresses is guys having to rent a tux. Pete had to rent one for a wedding coming up in a couple of weeks and it was over $200! TO BORROW FOR ONE NIGHT. Dafuq?!
I'm a bottled water drinker, but, only at work and only because the water there is gross from what I've heard. Plus, I usually only get the cheapo off brand shit. Smart water for when I'm feeling like a rich bitch.
I have to defend my some-might-think-expensive Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara, because while it is $21, it actually has all kins of vitamins and junk in it and has made my lashes grow exceptionally, noticeably longer in the couple of years I've been usually it exclusively. Totally worth the cash. And they don't fall out anymore, either!
ReplyDeleteI agree on bridesmaid dresses, hunters, and movies. I'd rather hit up Netflix, Redbox, or OnDemand and pay a fraction of the ticket price. I buy Benefit's They're Real mascara. It's $23 but it works like a dream.