Hello friends! I'm unprepared for TWTW today so I'm switching it up this week.
Check back tomorrow for weekend things.
The off weeks...whether it's one large life altering thing or a series of small things that occur closely together to create a unique shit storm, we've all been there. They suck. You feel like you've been put through the wringer and even if you're not a whiner (and I hope you're not because I cannot stand whiners) you feel like whining.
When I look around and everything seems wrong, I remind myself that it will get better. It always does. Sometimes it takes a little longer, but there's an inevitable upswing to every low time.
One of my favorite things to do is chasing silver linings. When I get bad news or have a shitty week, I start looking for the silver lining - it's almost like a game I challenge myself with to improve my mood. I truly believe there is balance in every situation. Sometimes it's very apparent (I have good news and I have bad news, which one do you want first?) and sometimes you have to really dig in and search for it.
Those times? When the silver lining isn't immediately apparent, when you have to think hard, work around some mental roadblocks, and really look for it? That's when it brings the biggest reward: in addition to the silver lining itself, you get the gift of the journey and the lessons you learned about yourself along the way.
What about you? Sulker, silver linings chaser, or hybrid?
What about you? Sulker, silver linings chaser, or hybrid?

Happy Monday! I am a silver linings chaser. I grew up with my mom saying, "Everything happens for a reason." When good news is hard to come by, and silver linings are harder to find, I look at my blessings and find gratitude for the good things in my life. It usually helps me remember the difference between a bad day and a bad life. :-) Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteOh, Kelly! My mom said it, the way my life has gone, it always rings true, and I always say it!
DeleteLove Steph's Momma
I'm getting better about looking for silver linings, but it is tough sometimes. When I do manage it, though, it's pretty much it's own reward. I'm always proud of myself when I manage to laugh something off or find a positive twist instead of drowning in my own negativity.
ReplyDeleteThere is always a lesson to be learned!
ReplyDeleteI love this outlook. It's such a good reminder to look a little harder. Plus, I love games.
ReplyDeleteAlways look on the bright side of life! It makes you happier inside and out! More important, be grateful and say thanks for every big and little thing. So many things flow in my life, making it easy and happy, since I have said Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWish I knew this years ago, but everything happens for a reason.
Thanks for this lovely blog. Great way to start the week.
Someone wrote a blog post on turning a negative into a positive, and I thought it was such a good idea...You're right, sometimes even sucky situations have a silver lining.
ReplyDeletedefinitely a hybrid. sometimes it takes me a little bit to realize theres a lesson to be learned!
ReplyDeleteoh wow, that last quote really slapped me in the face lol. i definitely have the ability to be a sulker and sometimes i get really really down, really fast and i just have to let myself wallow before i can pull myself out of it. but then afterwards i am all about the silver linings and being positive, and my 'sulking' phases used to be at least once a week and now they are once every 2 or 3 months. its amazing what focusing on being positive can do.
ReplyDeleteNot a big fan of whiners and complainers either. Hope this week brings brighter days for you.
ReplyDeleteI really try to find a silver lining in most situations. It is the only way to stay sane sometimes, ya know?!
ReplyDeleteI try not to whine or complain - sometimes it happens - depends how THICK the storm is.
ReplyDeleteBut I always know the good times are coming - it's all part of the balance.
I always try to remember that things will get better eventually. Sometimes it's harder than others, but looking for silver linings is a good way to maintain some sort of sanity during all the chaos.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm a hybrid. I do have my moments but I think for me the silver linings never look like silver linings when I first see them. Sometimes you don't realize what the blessings in life are until later. I know that now, I know that if I hang in there I'll see it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder, especially on a Monday. Sometimes the bad is big and the silver lining is faint and thin, but it's always worth it to look for something to make at least a piece of the tough stuff worth it. I definitely take my time to wallow, realize no one is dying and things will be better, and start looking for that silver lining.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm a mixture of the 2. I definitely take my time to sulk but never for very long. Just long enough to get it out of my system before getting my butt in gear & thinking of/doing something positive/productive.
ReplyDeleteI can be a real debbie downer but i find myself seeking a brighter side whenever I can. However, I am alot better at doing that for others when they are having a hard time than I am for doing it for myself. My silver lining I always tell myself is that there always has to be a conclusion, good or bad. As long as I know there's an end in sight, I focus on that. Great post!
ReplyDeleteThis post is SPOT ON girl! I almost "enjoy" the pits because I know something awesome is either happening or on its way. I'm an eternal silver lining chaser.
ReplyDeleteI'd say hybrid. It all depends on the situation and if involves me directly and if there's anything I can do about it.
ReplyDeleteI am definitely a silver linings chaser. I always try to find the good in every bad situation, and try to help others find the silver lining too! Even though I am not a fan of complainers/whiners, I try to listen and help them see the positives. Life's too short to stay negative for too long!
ReplyDeleteI am really trying to be better about seeing the silver lining, even though I roll my eyes at myself sometimes when I try to come up with something positive about a shitty situation.
ReplyDeleteI try to look for the silver lining. And then I think about Bradley Cooper since he was in Silver Linings Playbook.
ReplyDeleteI think by nature I'm a sulker, I really have to work hard and actively think about getting myself out of those moods. I don't think I chase silver linings but I try to think about all the good things or things I should be happy about instead of sulking and being an evil bitch to everyone.
ReplyDeleteI prefer silver linings. I must admit that when something shitty happens, I first notice that -cuz it sucks. Then I look for the good and try not to dwell on the shitty. Even if the shitty thing keeps coming up over and over.
ReplyDeleteI much prefer to look on the brighter side of life. I give myself time and space to process the bad then move on. Wallowing for long doesn't help.
ReplyDeleteLast year was bad. Like my worst year ever. I just couldn't catch a break. But at some point all I could do was laugh. Someone stole my identity? Ha! I have whooping cough for four months? Lol! Car accident? Hilarious! I think you just have to roll with the punches and you have a GREAT outlook so that helps for sure. Sending you positive vibes!!
ReplyDeleteI definitely have my sulking days, but, overall I'd say I look for the silver lining. I just try to remind myself that even when I can't find one, it could still ALWAYS be worse!
ReplyDeleteAhhh, another SMD winner. I've always thought I'm a silver lining kind of gal, although, like everyone, I have my moments. Someone recently told me he thought I was "toooo silver linings," and that I downplay everything to a fault, he totally took me off guard and I cried. LOL, go figure. Womp womp. I can't lie and say I didn't think I get way more than my fair share of shit, but I think it's my silver linings that get me through.
ReplyDeleteScott tells me I'm a pessimist. I consider myself a realist. I've gotten more optimistic as I've aged because, really, has the world ends yet? (knock on wood)
ReplyDeletei tend to first throw myself a pity party but then i know i need to get over it! i might not look for the silver lining so much as remember all the GOOD things i have and try to be thankful for those things instead of dwelling on the crappy stuff.
ReplyDeleteI panic first, try to regroup, fail, sulk, look for positive spin, repeat.
ReplyDeleteI am definitely a hybrid. I sulk, get pissed, mope, and wallow. Then I pick my shit up and move on. It's times like that when I realize I'm stronger and more capable than I give myself credit for.
ReplyDeleteI'm silver linings all the way! Perception Is Everything, after all ;) haha
ReplyDeleteSo so true. I try my best to adopt this mentality. Doesnt always work though!
ReplyDeleteI'm working on the silver lining thing ;) P has likes to say let's "flip the switch", if something happens that is not in the "plan" and it upsets me. Honestly, it does help for him to do that (most) of the time.