2 - Gus does what Gus wants. If you don't like it, he does not care.
3 - He will stare you down like no other.
4 - He's independent but always returns to sit or lay next to me. He's my SnuffleupaGus. Get it?
5 - He greets me at the door every day bearing a gift. It's a dirty gross dog toy but still, it's a gift.
Happy 9th birthday to my Gussie, my first dog. Please live until the day I die...you can go a few hours before me. Wouldn't that be something? If our beloved pets could all die at the same time as us? Cheeseburgers for the dog members of our household tonight!
My posting schedule will be a little different next week due to a travel weekend:
Monday: Remember to look out for a special holiday edition of Shit MFD Says - it's his birthday
Tuesday: No blog post
Wednesday: Things I think are worth every cent
Thursday: an overview of the books I read this summer
Friday: Our trip to Chicago. So basically a TWTW post on a Friday - hashtag YOLO.