
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Indoor Plants that require no sunlight

I'm pretty good at picking plants for my flower beds, but I'm hopeless with picking plants inside. Most of my house gets no sunlight. This post is sponsored by Gaddys Indoor Plant Hire, people who know about these things.
Maybe you don’t have a green thumb, or maybe you just don’t have the best setup in your home to provide the necessary light to keep some plants alive. Well, the days of living your life in fear of brown leaves is over. Here are some plants that are easy to care for and require very little sunlight.

The Boston fern, one of the most common types of ferns, owes its popularity to being very difficult to kill. While it needs to be watered often, a fern needs only indirect light. Moving the fern to a window every so often will give the plant more than enough sunlight to keep it healthy.

Beyond being an excellent filter to clean your air from common contaminants, pothos is an incredibly easy-to-care-for plant that will last for years with little or no effort from its owner, you can learn more here. (Some plants have survived for decades!) The long vines can grow several feet, making it excellent for hanging baskets.

The cast iron plant is named such because it’s so durable. It is an extremely forgiving plant for even the most neglectful people. It’s tolerant to low light, dry conditions, and needs water only once in a while. New leaves will grow from the base of the plant and may be separated along with their roots to be potted and grow as new plants.
The Chinese evergreen plant requires indirect light and needs only to be watered when the soil appears dry. It’s even tolerant to colder temperatures, so it may be placed in a room that doesn’t get much heat. Just make sure the pot drains well, and your Chinese evergreen should last for quite a while.

The peace lily does fine in indirect sunlight. In fact, the plant cannot tolerate direct sunlight, so keep it in a darker space. The peace lily is even kind enough to remind you when it needs water. When the leaves wilt, it’s time for the weekly watering.

One of the easiest plants to care for is the ZZ plant. It does just as well in low light conditions or more direct sunlight. It can tolerate infrequent watering or a regular watering schedule, as long as the pot is well drained. It is a slow-growing plant, but a trip to a sunny windowsill every once in a while will speed up the process. The plant has excellent air cleansing properties, as well.
African violets are a popular houseplant due to their low height and brilliant purple flowers, which allows you to decorate a small space with a beautiful bouquet. It is an extremely hardy plant that doesn’t need direct sunlight and needs to be watered only once a week.

The snake plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, thrives in low light or bright light and pulls double duty by acting as a fantastic air purifier. Water the snake plant once a week during the summer and once a month during the winter and you’ll be enjoying its tall, broad leaves year-round. 

There you have it! Recommendations from the pros at Gaddy's. I'm inspired to move past my succulents only phase. What about you? Do you have success with indoor plants?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Monday, May 26, 2014

In observance: Memorial Day

I always think Memorial Day has a somber undertone, as well it should. While we celebrate a three day weekend and have barbecues, frolic on the beach or at the lake, sit on curbs and watch parades go by, drink beers in backyards and do whatever else it is that we do, we are also conscious that the weekend is about observing all the lives that have been lost on battlefields in this country and across the globe to perpetuate liberty and the American way of life. Every day is the right day to thank someone who serves, but today is specifically in remembrance of those who have lost their lives doing so. Gratitude doesn't begin to cover the debt we owe to so many service men and women who've laid down their lives so that we may continue to enjoy our freedoms.
On Mondays I'm doing a picture linkup with Kelli at She Crab Soup. If you'd like to participate, here are the prompts through July. This is my photo for the prompt black and white.

Tomorrow: the weekend that was. Enjoy your day and your freedom so many sacrificed so much in order for you to have.

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Linking up with Kelli for

Sunday, May 25, 2014

School of Life: My dog can tell time

It took me years to notice, but now that I have it's glaringly obvious. Gus can tell time. He can also differentiate between a week day a weekend day.

Weekdays, he prefers to sleep in. I frequently leave for work with him lazing around like Jabba the Hut.

Weekends, he doesn't want to miss one second of me being home all day. He takes his position as President of the Ahole Wakeup Committee very seriously. He begins his whining wakeup ritual around 5:30 a.m. and endures a lot of shushing and yelling until he finally succeeds, anywhere between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. 

He knows that he eats when I get home between 6 - 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. On Saturdays he prefers to eat at 5 p.m., and every week at 4 p.m. he starts his Let's Eat Dance.

Sundays he likes to dine quite early, so he begins jackassing around for food beginning at 2 p.m. and finally drives me to the brink of insanity between 3-4 p.m.

Geege and Mae know Gus is in charge of wake ups and dining. Geege is the reluctant Vice President of the Ahole Wakeup Committee. He needs to be roused to get up himself. Mae says F U to the Ahole Wakeup Committee and hates them for interfering with her diva sleep. She growls, but she acquiesces because she knows he's the king.

So there you have it. I have a dog who can tell time. 

 photo green_zpsc25796d6.pngClick on the names to read more about GusGeege, and Mae.

Life Lessons Linkup

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sunscreen. You need it.

Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial kickoff to summer, so it's the perfect time for me to nag you about using sunscreen daily.

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Most people my age and older had some pretty severe burns in childhood because skin cancer just wasn't a thing back then. Sometimes we went out and intentionally fried ourselves in the name of a tan. Sun protection is essential to skin cancer prevention – about 90 percent of non-melanoma skin cancers and 65 percent of melanomas are associated with exposure to UV radiation from the sun. 

These days I don't leave the house without sunscreen on my face all year round and sunscreen on my body any time my skin will be exposed to the sun, even just commuting or walking around at lunch.

Anyway, I typically use Neutrogena Clear Skin SPF 50 on my face. I vary my body sunscreen and currently have COPPERTONE Sport and Hawaiian Tropic with the shimmers on deck. I always use SPF 15 or higher. I recently received free samples of COPPERTONE®CLEARLYSheer sunscreens for free from BzzAgent and tried it out last week when I was running my errands and planting my flowers. It's safe for your face so I tried applied it everywhere. I used the lotion on my face and the spray on my body.

My basic requirements for body sunscreen are: I do not want any sticky crap that leaves a residue and I like for it to smell good. 

COPPERTONE CLEARLYSheer is lightweight and sinks in quickly. It was pretty moisturizing too, and it didn't appear to clog my pores or make me break out. Instead of smelling like the beach, it has a light almost citrus-y scent, which makes it perfect for's easier to sit in your office and not long for the beach when you're not smelling like it all day. 

I have five $2 off coupons for COPPERTONE CLEARLYSheer to share, so the first five people who email me at will get one in the mail. They expire August 15.
Sunscreen. Don't leave home without it like I did when I went to the shore in April and got a damaging and embarrassing sunburn and had to wear the cone of shame for the rest of the week. You will wear the cone of shame!

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Zucchini Pie

While I love zucchini pie, I'm really posting this recipe because every time I make it, I have to search my own blog where it hides in the comments of a long ago post to hunt it down. That being said, this is great to make on Sundays and portion out for the week for breakfast or lunch. And those of you with zucchini in your gardens will be all oh my God what the hell do I do with all of this zucchini in a few months, so pin it and enjoy! Thanks to my girl AEB for introducing me to this recipe a few years back.

3 cups zucchini, grated (~1 large or 2 medium, it took me 1.5 big mediums). Squeeze to remove excess water. 
1 small chopped onion or bunch of green onions
1 cup Bisquick (I make my own whole wheat version and use that)
5 large eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil (coconut oil is okay)
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp marjoram (if you don't have it, no worries)
1/2 tsp ground mustard
1 tsp parsley 
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
Preheat oven to 350. Grease a pie dish - I use a Crate & Barrel quiche plate and it fits perfectly.

Dump all ingredients into a big bowl and hand mix, then pour into pie dish. 

Bake for 50 minutes.

Zucchini haiku?
Nah. Roger Sterling: Discuss.
His hair is dreamy. 
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Martinis & Bikinis

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Shit MFD Said Vol. 5

Driving to Cape May
MFD: On the way back, we should take  the Tacony home and save $3 on the bridge toll.
Me: That is ridiculous. I am not taking the long ass way through Jersey to save $3, which I will spend in gas stopped at lights.
MFD: I like to pinch pennies.
Me: Except when you go to Dunkin Donuts twice a day.
MFD: Yes, except for then.

Me: You ate all of those things? 
MFD: What things?
Me: The 12 Popsicles we got less than two days ago.
MFD: I don't know what you're talking about. Someone must have come in and eaten them.

MFD: I had like a four foot long hair coming out of my nose. 
Me: Oh yeah? Age. 
MFD: I don't like it. 

After 5 straight minutes of whipping the dogs into a cacophonous barking frenzy that is grating on my ears and soul:
MFD: Steph, are you a member of the CMB? Steph, I asked you a question. You better answer me. 
Me: What the hell is the CMB?
MFD: Cash Money Brothers. CASH MONEY BROTHERS!!
Me: Are you leaving to drop the paint off now? Or something?

Two weeks later
MFD: Steph, are you a CMB?
Me: A what? 
Me: This again? A cash money brother? Is this a thing? Why do you keep asking me this?
MFD: Because we live in a New Jack City, Steph. This is the way it is. I don't know what to tell you.

MFD's infatuation with Groupons lives on. 

Cash Money Brothers...
This exists? Caught unaware.
New Jack City, yo.

All read and approved by MFD before they go live...
Shit MFD Said Vol 1
Shit MFD Said Vol 2
Shit MFD Said Vol 3
Shit MFD Said Vol 4

Linking up for
Voyage of the Mee Mee

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Musings with the Dalai Momma

Happy Mother's Day to you human and fur moms, step-moms, and moms-to-be. 
Big hugs to those of you missing your Moms and to you moms who lost their babies too soon. 
Today my Mom is taking over my blog to share Mother's Day Musings. 
Take it away, Dalai Momma. 
Happy Mother's Day!

I feel like I have been a mother forever.

When I was 13, my mom had triplets. I was really pissed. We already had money issues that wreaked havoc with our household. Being the oldest, I was well aware of that. When I married in 1976 and moved maybe 5 miles away, I vividly remember crying and the triplets crying that I was moving. So much for being pissed!!
At almost 21, I had my Stephanie. I then learned the meaning of true love. Being one of the very few women who returned to the workforce (at that time) because I never wanted money to be such an issue, it was difficult, but the best option. In 1983, my Stephen was born. My only planned pregnancy! Finally, in 1994, my Sean was born. So I birthed 3 kids in 3 different decades, working full-time for 35 years!

Each of my 3 loved it in the womb. Steph was due 2-21, born 3-15 9 lbs even; Stephen was due 5-21, born 6-4 9 lbs 4 oz.; and Sean was due 9-9, born 9-19, 9 lbs 14 oz. JMJ! All very healthy, thank God! Today, moms-to-be seem to think they should birth their babies EARLY!

I am so very blessed with these 3! A bonus daughter and 2 little grandchildren round that out! Watching our children grow into wonderful adults, good citizens, etc. is such a privilege that I am grateful for every nanosecond.
And my other 2 babies, the furry kind, Sasha and Yogi Bear are such supreme joys! No getting them drivers licenses or sending to college, weddings, etc! LOL!

My very favorite thing is the gift of having all my chickens in my nest for get togethers on special days like this! I would not change my life for anything. I wish for all of you to feel the same. #CONTENT

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday Five: Favorite Fictional Places I'd like to visit

1. Downton Abbey. As long as the Dowager Countess is there. We can discuss what a week-end is.
2. Fraggle Rock. I'd really like to consult Marjory the Trash Heap about some shit.
3. Jane Eyre's moors. "I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with independent will." Have I waxed poetic about my love of Jane Eyre?
4. Kellerman's. Duh. I know I can actually visit this place, it's in Virginia. But I want to go to THE Kellerman's, not the Kellerman's facade. Take me to the lake too, while we're at it.
5. The Peach Pit. As long as Brenda and Kelly were there and Dylan was slumped in a corner, brooding. Andrea can stay home. I don't have time for her whining to Brandon.
What fictional places would you visit?

 photo purple_zpse5f7f916.png This post initially appeared on Northeast Bloggers.

Linking up with  Meet @ the Barre

Linking up with Joy as always