Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Turkey Rice Soup

If I come to dinner at your house, I am going to help you clean up. It's just how I am. If I just enjoyed a turkey dinner at your house, I am totally going to motion to your turkey carcass and say, "You're not going to throw that away, right?" If you are going to throw it away, I'll ask you kindly for two garbage bags and I'll be taking a turkey carcass home with me like a distant relative to a redneck.
There is nothing in the world like soup that starts out as stock made from a carcass. Nothing. This is the soup I made from the Sannelli Christmas Turkey Carcass.
48 oz turkey stock (I make homemade - see my stock process and ingredients here, it's the same for a turkey)
turkey meat to your taste - I use about a cup and a half
5 carrots, not peeled, sliced into coins
2 TBS olive oil
1/2 onion, diced
1/2 cup celery
1 tbs minced garlic
1/2 cup - 1 cup frozen mixed veggies
1 can corn
salt & pepper to taste
1 cup rice - I used 3/4 cup brown minute rice and 1/4 cup white regular rice. I wanted to use wild rice but I was fresh out.
Preheat oven to 425. Toss carrots in 1 TBS olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and put on a baking sheet. Roast for about 25 minutes. The roasting ends a depth of flavor to the soup. Remove and set aside.

Heat 1 TBS oil in a soup pot. Add onion and celery and saute over medium for about 5 minutes. Add garlic and let it go another minute or two.

Add stock, carrots, and frozen veggies to pot. Bring it up to a boil. Add rice and turkey and let cook for 12 minutes. Add corn and cook another two or three minutes. Add salt & pepper to taste.

It's post-soup nap time.
Tryptophan makes me happy.
Rock a bye baby.
Two must reads for you today: 
Steph's walk down obscure 90s TV shows memory lane. MFD insists I look like Brad from Hey Dude in profile, and I do. Go jog your memory.

Tomorrow: January recommendations. 

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