
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Brownie Batter Dip - it's as good as it sounds

You guys, this is holy shit good. Must-make good. The next time you need to bring a dessert, I suggest you bring this. It's super easy, you probably have all the ingredients in your house, and it's very very delicious. I saw the recipe on Chef in Training.

8 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup butter
2-3 cups powdered sugar
5 TBS All Purpose Flour
5 TBS Cocoa
2 TBS brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
4 TBS milk

Allow cream cheese and butter to come to room temp, then cream together with a hand mixer until well mixed. Add 1 cup of powdered sugar and 1 TBS milk and mix again. Add another cup of powdered sugar and another TBS of milk and mix again. 

Add the flour, cocoa powder, vanilla, and brown sugar. Do a taste test. At this point I added another quarter cup of powdered sugar and 2 TBS of milk as well as another teaspoon of cocoa powder. Taste test for your taste. Mix well and store in the fridge. 

I served it with strawberries, pineapple, and pretzel crisps. The strawberries were by far the most popular. 

 photo redsig_zps5103b6e2.jpg


  1. OH man. I know what I'm making next time I have an SOA marathon.

  2. this is perfect! we have 2 parties to go to and i will definitely be making this :) thanks, lady!!!

    Vodka and Soda

  3. oh my goodness. this sounds amazing!!

  4. Yum! I'm totally going to make this for Milo's birthday party!

  5. ohhhh man - this looks so so delicious!!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak

  6. I had this at a Christmas party last weekend and it was amazing! :)

  7. I would be so tempted to just eat it by the spoonful!

  8. Yum! My family would love this! Thanks so much!! Stopping by via the NE Christmas link up. :-) Cheers!

  9. Oh my gosh this sounds so yummy! My mouth is literally watering for some of those strawberries dipped in this. Stopping by from NE bloggers!


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