If you don't like one pot corned beef where everything is boiled together, I urge you to try this version. It's delicious.
You need:
- 4 lb corned beef, flat cut
- 12 oz Guinness stout or a can of coke
- 1 cup brown sugar
- Cabbage, red potatoes, and carrots to complete the meal
- Salt, pepper, minced onion
- Butter (optional)
Preheat your oven to 300. Get a roasting pan with a rack and spray with cooking spray.
Open your corned beef, rinse it and pat it dry. Cut about two inches off and throw it into a pot. Do not discard the little seasonings packet.
2. Pour the Guinness into the bottom of the roasting pan, then gently pour it over the corned beef.
3. Cover tightly with tin foil and cook for two and a half hours.
4. Add the little seasonings packet to the corned beef in the pot. Cut up carrots, quarter red potatoes and cabbage and add those as well. Season with salt and pepper and minced onions. Add a tablespoon of butter to the top if you wish.
5. Pour a little Guinness in there, just for some taste. Fill the rest with water. Bring to a boil and then turn it to low, and simmer for two hours.
6. If you don't like boiled cabbage (I don't), saute some in butter with salt, pepper, and minced onion until it just starts to brown.
When the corned beef is done, remove and let it rest for five minutes before slicing.
I grew up eating corned beef and cabbage every March. I love the meal. We went to my Grandmom's the week of St. Patrick's Day and lapped it up like good little Irish-Americans.
When I started to make it in my own kitchen, I was frustrated. I couldn't replicate my Grandmom's version even though I followed her directions explicitly. So I took to the internets, and on Allrecipes.com I found Guinness Roasted Corned Beef. I've adopted it as my own and now do a hybrid corned beef meal.
Guinness roasted corned beef and light later into the evening after Daylight Saving. Just two more reasons March rocks.