
Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Marshalls Law

There must be a blip in the universe this week. I beat The Marshalls Law.

The Marshalls Law is when you see something in Marshalls and even though you want it, you don't buy it because you like to play with fire. As soon as you get home, the desire to have it burns deep inside of you. You wake up the next day obsessing about it, and you return to the scene of the crime to purchase your treasure.

Only it's not there. You got hit by the Marshalls Law, sucker! If you see it and you want it, buy it, because when you return it'll be gone.

Not this time! I beat it! I was there Tuesday night and was too lazy to stand in line even though I was on the phone with Laura and could've entertained myself. I hightailed it back there Wednesday after work and HARK! My precious buddha for out back was still there, nestled on its shelf. Thank you universe.

Have a fortuitous Thursday.

p.s. Thank you to my fabulous stylist Kristi Morgan at Sensational Scissors in Penndel. I had long hair for two years (leading up to and after my wedding) before bringing my bob back. Delayed wife chop. Do you want to borrow my hot pink pajama jacket?

p.p.s. I had to get a gel rest mouse pad and thing for my keyboard. Carpal tunnel? Hinky wrist? Whatever it is it's an enormous PITA.