Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Hello comrades.

I'm back from the dead, which is how I felt for the past 48 hours. I had a lovely post-weekend blog all prepared for yesterday morning, but alas I felt like shit on a stick and now it is Tuesday. What's been going on?

The Good:
-Friday, I had an early dismissal from a class in which I was the only student (awkward)
-I tried and loved Trader Joe's organic chicken broth (kickass and $1.99 for a carton)
-Saw Black Swan (weird) and Blue Valentine (sad and upsetting) this weekend
-Reorganized my china cabinet
-Tried four new recipes this weekend: Mimi's coffee cake, homemade taco seasoning, and Italian Wedding Soup (skinny version), crimini mushrooms and green beans roasted with balsamic and parm cheese
-Had a kickass time with friends Saturday night

The Bad:
-Still have not swept up from this weekend's soiree
-Today is Tuesday, Tuesdays always suck

The Ugly:
-Stomach virus. I was taken down on Sunday. I thought it was a bad hangover when I woke up at 11. When I woke up at 12 and had the chills, aches, and a fever, I knew it was much worse. I actually used a sick day yesterday, which I never do. I can deal with many things, but an awful stomach virus is not one of them. And of course, my train was a half hour late today, so I stood on the platform, swaying, nauseous, cursing everything.

Still fighting my way back,


1 comment:

  1. You are writing checks your body can't cash, Maverick!!
    Sorry I could not resist.
    You need sleep, sleep, glorious sleep and of course, plenty of fluids. You are squished in trains with all those germs. Your immune system will be rebuilt with plenty of rest and with me reprogramming your cells to perfection and infusing you with the green light of healing,
    while always surrounding you with all the lights several times a day.
    Your momma


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