Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Time is money - how I'm cutting down on running around

Things to do, places to go, people to see. We have a finite amount of time in which to do everything. I guard my time closely. I don't spend it with people I don't want to spend it with and I don't have a problem saying no to things I don't want to do. To me, time is money, be it actual money I make during working hours or currency that buys me joy and fulfillment. I'm always looking for ways to buy myself more time.

I'm sick of running on weeknights. I want to go home and do my thing or go to the gym or meet up with Jenn and walk the mall. But the bastard errands I typically take care of after work still need to be done, so I got creative.

1. I started getting groceries delivered. It costs me $8-10 and I give a tip. I still spend the same as I was spending in the store because I'm not picking up $10-15 of impulse stuff. As a bonus I don't need to struggle into the house with 50 bags on my arm.

2. I switched my library pickup location. I was having the books I requested held for me at the branch near my house. I've been stopping there once a week. Last week when I requested books, I got smart and I changed the hold location to the one near my office. When I walk to get them, I'll also be walking over a mile round trip. Win win.

3. I order dog food and treats from Chewy.com. Lori told me about it and I love it. It's free 1-2 day shipping on orders of $49 or more. Since my dogs eat better than I do, I hit that price.

4. Amazon Prime is my lifeline. You can truly get almost anything on Amazon, and a lot of it via Prime which means free 2-day shipping.

5. I'm eliminating Target trips to pick up just a few things. If I need something here or there, I can walk to the drug store, Ulta, or Sephora during lunch. I'll hit Target once a month as needed.

Dollar dollar bills.
I will spend them to save time.
Cash money brothers. 

This new stuff in addition to my typical food prep on the weekends and my hausfrauing daily dos  have given me a lot more time at night and on the weekends to do things I actually want to do. And that makes me happy.

How do you save time? Teach me your ways.

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  1. Having groceries delivered is a good idea. I try to only stop at places on the way home since I spend most nights during the week working out I don't have much time for chores. On the weekends I try to plan out my route to get everything done in the most efficient way possible. The OCD person in my thrives on that crap. ;)

  2. Excellent! Especially in this frozen weather.
    Going out at night. Ew! Wish I could beam myself to walk with you and Jenn!
    Love, Your Momma

  3. Great getting exercise in while walking to get your books. Time is precious. Living where I do has made ordering on line a must and impulse buys few and far between. On another note my front load washer allows me to cut my dryer time in half. I also only wash my clothes on quick wash cycle. Unless they are exceptionally dirty they don't need a long wash. They also hardly need detergent as the motion of washing is what cleans them so just a dash of detergent. We as a society are obsessed with soap.

  4. I also make my own dog treats which would not save you time but is so easy and my one dog is allergic to corn so saves me money.

  5. when I grocery shop, it's like $75 of impulse buys, the problem is I'm really picky about my meats and fruit/veggies...I'm not sure I could give up control!

  6. The fact that you do weeknight running is a step up from me. I am pajama bound after work, and why? Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting time. Everything in balance, I guess. It's just easier in warmer weather. Buried under 4+ feet of snow makes it a bit sketchy. Have a great week!

  7. I do a lot of errands on my lunch hour time permitting. Grocery shopping especially.

  8. These are all great ideas. I started ordering my Walmart household stuff online because it's free shipping over $50 and I can stock up on anything for $50. Besides trips to Walmart also equal impulse purchases for me. Win win.Time spent shopping is lost time to me, I hate it!

  9. So good! And I like that as you're saving time here you really might be saving money. I dont know about you but everytime I go to the grocery I pick up extra things so Ordering online would be perfect for me. I try to do my errands after work before I get home to free up my weekends but it still sucks the life out of my evenings.

  10. I wish someplace around here delivered groceries, I know I can pre-order from Lowe's and pick it up but it's further than I usually drive so I don't know if that makes sense.

    During the summer I switch my library pick up location to avoid tourist traffic, it saves me lots of time and aggravation.

  11. OH my gosh...Chewy.com might be my new life saver. The closest place I can buy Bailey's food is a half hour away--and often times I usually forget until it's the ONLY thing I need, making that trip totally annoying and basically otherwise useless. Her food is definitely more than 49 (like you, she eats better than I do), I can definitely get on board with the shipping! Thank you for sharing!

  12. I have started ordering more online and you are so right. Time is Money! that's why I justify my amazon prime account anyway. haha

  13. Amazon for dogs...
    Churpi-chews are favorites.
    (Yak milk, salt, and lime)

  14. I am seriously leaning towards ordering groceries online -- everyone really seems to swear by it + I really hate going to the grocery store.

  15. i do almost everything online - amazon prime, shopping... i rarely go to target or the mall. i'm interested to see about the online grocery shopping..
    i love what you said about not spending time with the people you don't want to. i'm getting better at this as i get older, but i would rather sit on my butt watching tv than spend an hour with someone i don't want to waste my time on.

  16. I typically spend my lunch hour doing errands because I'm forced to take it and I don't like to waste it. Since I'm not on my own I don't need the groceries delivered, but that's definitely something I need to look into when I move out. I'm all over delivery anything and ordering online!

  17. I have noticed that if I don't leave my house and go anywhere I save a lot more money! Of course it's a lot easier because I don't want to drag a one-year-old around town with me either! My big thing is trying not to eat out as often and have dinner planned and prepped before my husband gets home also his daily lunches because he sneakily eats out multiple times a week! We got to cut that back!

  18. Changing the library pick up location is a great idea - so smart for you to get some exercise in while running an errand!! I like the idea of getting groceries delivered - especially with the blistering cold! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  19. That is the best argument for grocery delivery I have ever heard. You sold me. I gotta try it!

  20. I will have to check out Chewy.com for stuff for Lola. I'm also loving my free trial of Amazon Prime for ordering random stuff although I haven't made use of the movies as yet.

  21. I have got to stay out of target, that's my goal for this month. I should check out chewy. I'm close to a petsmart, but walking there and back is just under a mile, with hawkeye, with an 11 lb bag of food, and treats, under the highway overpass... it's tough.

  22. I swear when you write these posts, I wish we lived closer...teach me your ways! I have been seriously considering a cleaning lady to help just save my time and sanity...also not sure how I feel about grocery delivery but I do like the idea of getting staples like paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc delivered from Prime!

  23. I would kill for grocery delivery...not an option here, haha. And Amazon Prime is 5-7 day shipping to Alaska (we're not good enough for free 2-day shipping) but it's still a lifesaver when most things in town are five times the price and/or unavailable completely.

  24. Uh this Chewy thing is AMAZING. We have to go to the Petstore and not just a grocery/Walmart to get dog food because like you, the dog eats better than we do and it's such a hassle. This free shipping thing is perfect! Plus they have even more of a discount if you autoship?! Perfect! As for saving time, not my strong suit, but this dog food tip will at least save me a trip once a month :)

  25. I will have to check out chewy.com. It is so damn inconvenient for me to get dog food during the week because it isn't even along the way! I do order a lot of stuff with our Prime account and I have debated about switching my prescriptions over to mail delivery too.

  26. Once I realized we had a library FIVE minutes from our house, I switched where I pick up books immediately. And the staff is way nicer, which is a bonus.

    I loathe running errands and since Erica's cheer gym is in town, along with many places like the pet store and grocery store, I try to make those trips while she's at practice. When I'm done, I'll sit and read if there's still time left before it's over. I only have to make one drive and things get done. I also need to set up our Amazon Pantry box. I know that will help prevent my once a month trips to Target. Although, when I do have to drive there, I'll use that time to listen to podcasts or write book scenes or blog posts in my head so the time isn't completely wasted. Wasting time is a huge pet peeve of mine.

  27. I LOVE Amazon Prime. I use it many times a week.

  28. I need to utilize the Internet more. I have Amazon Prime but hardly ever use it. And I hate grocery shopping, especially in the winter, because carrying it in the cold blows. I'll have to at least try it.

  29. I'm doing Peapod for groceries a lot more and it's so much easier. I also order my contact lenses, drugstore stuff from Walgreens.com. If I need something for my daughter Diapers.com has basically everything and it's free two-day shipping. I wish I could cut back on Target but I just love it so much. It's not even that I really need anything there, I just love browsing.

  30. I don't know if I could limit Target to just once a month...I buy pretty much everything there, including diapers and formula. God, I can't imagine how much I have spent on these two things in the past month.

    I really need to start using Prime Pantry.

  31. Sydney is a big city. It has a lot of libraries. It just so happens that none of them are exactly convenient to me, and library hours here are pretty much my work hours. But, I love the library. So, once every few weeks, I go out of my way to hit one. I go to a smaller one, less busy, and just pick most of my stuff before and have it on reserve. I love that your library location include exercise too! Winner!!

  32. I love this, an I commend you on your creative ways of finding more time. I do most of those same things, especially home delivery of groceries/pet products. . Are you picking your books up at the Rittenhouse branch? It's small, but it's always been one of my faves!

  33. I SO agree. One of my biggest inconveniences is honestly remembering to call and stop at the vet once a month for heartworms meds. I should start ordering dog food online…

  34. I want food delivery!!! Thankfully, Jacob has taken over grocery shopping lately. He actually likes it and takes the boys with him so I get some time at home alone. He also does this weird thing where he goes with the list we make and buys everything on it and nothing else. I cannot comprehend it! Hahaha!

  35. Love the idea of having groceries delivered - I may look into that because I always buy extra items when I go!

  36. Great things to do, like get your groceries delivered. I was using the pickup service for a while but then I had to plan way ahead of time because it'd need like 2-3 days to fulfill my order. Nevertheless, to save time, I must have a list (in the order the aisles are arranged) when I go to the grocery store. Amazon Prime, amazing life saver. I schedule delivery of diapers, wipes, and other necessities. Another time saver is to get everything ready for the morning, the evening before, like pack lunches and have my purse packed.

  37. Oh snap, I have not heard of chewy.com before and they carry our pet food brand!! I'll have to double check the price but I think it is comparable! P will be excited about this discovery too. I'm very close to being able to eliminate all outside shopping trips :) Yay to having more time to do things you want.

  38. I never thought of getting my groceries delivered, great idea!!

  39. I've recently started organizing my grocery lists and it's getting a lot more organized. What grocery delivery service do you use? I'm debating doing this and only going inside to pick up a few items I'm very particular about like meats and certain produce/veggies. I also need to stop making trips to Target to "pick up a few things" more times than not, I walk out with things I didn't intend to purchase. lol. Have a great one Stephanie! -Iva

  40. I wish we had grocery delivery here. Not because I want to save the time but because I hate dealing with people in the grocery store. lolol


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