I started using essential oils back in February. I think I mentioned it and said I'd do a post soon. I didn't want to write a post on it until I had a few months under my belt. I think seven months is enough time, yes? Personally I don't like to read reviews on blogs unless someone has been using something for a while. So I try to follow that here. I don't want to recommend something to you that I lose interest in after a month, you know? I don't sell oils, no one sent me oils for free and I'm not getting anything for writing this post. I'm just sharing my personal use here.
I was really overwhelmed with all the info out there about oils. So I basically started by looking at my OTC meds, figuring out what I was using them for, and looking to replace them with oils.
A few notes:
1. I am not a doctor, and I don't play one on TV. As with anything you use on or in your body, do your research, consult a physician, etc.
2. There's a crap ton of conflicting info about essential oils out there. Whenever I see essential oil posts on the internet, the comments are full of know it alls wanting to tell others where they're wrong and what all the dangers are. People are insane and cultish over this shit but will not think twice about other normal things that have the potential to be much more dangerous. If I die from using essential oils, you can be the first to say I told you so to my cold dead body. I promise. Otherwise, let me do me and you do you.
3. I use doTERRA oils and have had success with them. I know friends who use other brands and have had similar success. I have also purchased some cheapos from the grocery store that I use on cleaning but not on my body.
4. I'm covering the ones I use the most here. Before I started using them, I knew what they were but wanted to know exactly how people used them daily. What works for me may not work for you. There's a big divide over ingesting essential oils - some think you can, some think you are an idiot if you do. I've done it with no problem while I've had problems with OTC medication widely accepted by the world. That being said, I mostly use them automatically and topically.
This is a doTERRA blend of 10 single oils. I never take headache pills anymore, I just use this. I roll it on my temples and the back of my neck and it's awesome. If I don't have this handy, I use 1-2 drops of peppermint and lavender and apply it to the back of my neck, temples, and forehead.
Deep Blue is another doTERRA blend that I apply with a carrier oil to muscle and bone aches. If it's really bad and bone related, I add a few drops of frankincense to it. This has been helpful with MFD's lingering ankle issues after his accident.
Essential oils applied directly to the skin can be too much or cause severe irritation and reactions for some people. I play it safe and use a carrier oil to dilute them.
I grouped these together because I most often ingest them in an empty veggie cap.
DigestZen is a doTERRA blend that alleviates heartburn and improves overall digestion. Sometimes I also apply this directly to my stomach with a bit of carrier oil. I take it when I feel like heartburn is looming.
Oregano helps colds and strengthens your respiratory system. It's antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral and an immune stimulant. I take this if I start to feel puny.
Frankincense is cray. It does one million things and is great for neurological health and overall immunity. It's also good for scars and wrinkles.
Lemon should also be on here, because I put a drop in my water. It's an antioxidant.
Eucalpytus oil - I use this on counters to deter ants. It's also good for removing stickers/decals and residue from glass. Add it to the wash to kill dust mites. This oil is also key for my number one nemesis: sinus issues. I put a dab under each nostril and haven't had to use my OTC sinus meds at all.
Melaleuca (we typically call it tea tree oil) - Aside from being awesome for your face, this is great for cleaning. It's antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, all the clean things. You can add it to any homemade cleaner to amp it up. If the smell is too much, add some lavender or orange. Great for cleaning toilets and bathrooms in general. On the body, I add some of this and some clove essential oil to a carrier oil and use it as I'd use neosporin.
Peppermint - Invigorating and stimulating as well as antiseptic.
Lemon - Antiseptic and antimicrobial. It cuts through grease like a pro. I usually formulate my countertop spray with water, rubbing alcohol, and lemon, peppermint, and basil.
Melaleuca (we typically call it tea tree oil) - Aside from being awesome for your face, this is great for cleaning. It's antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, all the clean things. You can add it to any homemade cleaner to amp it up. If the smell is too much, add some lavender or orange. Great for cleaning toilets and bathrooms in general. On the body, I add some of this and some clove essential oil to a carrier oil and use it as I'd use neosporin.
Peppermint - Invigorating and stimulating as well as antiseptic.
Lemon - Antiseptic and antimicrobial. It cuts through grease like a pro. I usually formulate my countertop spray with water, rubbing alcohol, and lemon, peppermint, and basil.
Before bed, I sprinkle my pillow with lavender oil (it doesn't stain), apply it to the bottom of my feet with Vitamin E lotion from The Body Shop, and diffuse it. It's freaking awesome.

Another doTERRA blend, this is awesome for cramps. Apply directly to skin, recline and eat naughty foods. I don't even feel like killing anyone over inconsequential things. Magic.
The bugs have been bullshit in our backyard this summer. I rub some of this right on my legs and feet and they avoid me. Sweet relief. A zillion times better than OFF. This is second only to the Guardian product I got for free from Influenster to try out recently.
I have other oils and use them in a variety of ways for a variety of things, but much less frequently than I use the ones in this post. I've pretty much stopped buying and using OTC medications except when I travel - these leak and don't travel well.
I probably use past tense, lavender, peppermint oil, and lemon the most. If I was going to dip my feet in the essential oils pool all over again, I'd start with lavender, peppermint oil, and lemon.
Lest you think I'm some Johnny on the spot concerning essential oils, I have a guidebook from doTERRA that I refer to - I look up what's wrong with me and figure out what oil to use, just like I might read labels on OTC meds in my closet. I can also refer to my doTERRA lady Holly - her facebook page is here.
And that's how I'm using essential oils. Do you use them?
She getting married
(name this movie, eighties fans)
to oily bohunk

I see essential oils being a new thing in the US and I want to shout hey come to the Caribbean we've been using them for years (although not bottled quite as nicely as yours ;) )!! Have a cold or stuffy nose? Some peppermint oil at the top of your head rub it in ... nose cleared in minutes if not seconds. And there are many others my grandmother and mum could tell anyone about. Cant sleep there's an oil for that too! Love this post Steph :)
ReplyDeleteI've never used them, but have been fascinated by them for a long a time. Great post. I just may have to give them a try. Happy Tuesday!
ReplyDeletei have been waiting for this post for a while because errytime i head to the health food stores, i always browse the essential oils section, pick up a few to buy but then put them back because i think: i should wait for steph to give it to me straight. and you have so thanks for this.
ReplyDeleteEOs are expensive and i didn't want to spend the money if it was a crock of shit (i knew it wasn't but i wanted confirmation). i'm huge fan of oil of oregano for warding off colds/boosting your immune system and even though it tastes like ass and i can NEVER get used to it, it works. i'll eat a few drops straight twice a day for 2-3days and the cold never survives to hit me head on or if i'm already sick, it goes away really fast.
definitely booking marking this post.
i would've liked to sign off this post with the "real talk with ...." phrase but your name doesn't rhyme!
Vodka and Soda
Setting you straight with Steph?
DeleteI haven't used them before but I think they would be much better for you than OTC items. Will have to look into it more.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you could do so much with them! wow, that's awesome. and glad you waited a while, then I know it's real!
ReplyDeletethis is really intriguing to me, especially the one for ankles. my husband fell off a roof a few years back and shattered his ankle bone. I'm wondering if the muscle/bone issue oil that your husband uses might be helpful for him...do you know of a website i can go to to research it further (so that I'm not bugging you too much ha!)?
ReplyDelete16 Candles! (I LOVE 80's movies)
ReplyDeleteI am totally interested in essential oils but there's so much out there I have no idea where to start, looks like I'll start by checking out doTERRA.
So glad to see this post... I've seen so much about these oils and have been intrigued, but never could get unbiased info that wasn't someone just trying to sell them to me to make commission. When you have time, I'd love to hear more about the one you use for headaches/neck tension. I have major problems with this... like it's literally a huge part of my everyday life and I suffer terribly. Do you notice a big difference since using the oils? I'm not looking for a cure (countless doctors and specialists still haven't been able to cure me!) but if it helps manage my day-to-day pain then I'm all in!
ReplyDeleteIn my next life I'm going to learn about oils. I totally believe, I just don't have the time to invest in learning. That sounds really lame.
ReplyDeleteThe only one I've used is tea tree oil. I would try lemon for the grease factor, because nothing else I've tried works. And that cramps one, because it sounds a bit safer than OD'ing on Midol. And 16 Candles :-)
ReplyDeletehow interesting. i never thought oils would be for me, but i get upper back / neck aches from slouching at work, i wonder if that would help (the first one). also my husband has ankle issues, i wonder if that would help him... hmmm.
ReplyDelete#whatshappeninhotstuff #grandpashyena #moviefavorite
ReplyDeleteLove the 3 oils you gave me for Mother's day. Need to use them more.
Have a headache right now. Here I come peppermint and lavendar.
Stress is a pest
life lessons
Use the essential oils
Love your MOMMA
16 Candles, duh.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you wrote this; I have been wondering about them for a long time but couldn't find any really good info on them. Are they pricy?
I have tried essential oils, but I wouldn't use doTerra, because I looked into the company, and it's an MLM pyramid scheme.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of how they're sold, I like the oils themselves and they've been beneficial to me. I don't think how they're sold has any bearing on their effectiveness or makeup. And there's the fact that I don't sell them and haven't been asked to.
DeleteWhat kind of oils do you use?
I agree; how they're sold doesn't necessarily reflect how "good" they are. I know some people who really got burned selling MLM stuff, so I stay away from it now, just on general principle. I don't use a lot of essential oils, but I've tried a couple of Native American Nutritionals products that were gifted to me and liked them. Thanks for replying to my comment - I recently found your blog, and I've been enjoying your posts!
DeleteI have a Facebook friend who just started selling these and I was intrigued mostly for headaches. I was surprised by how expensive they are though!
ReplyDeleteI'm very intrigued by essential oils, and have been wondering if I should give them a try. Especially the ones for headaches/stress.
ReplyDeleteI have been waiting for this post! I wanted to see your thoughts because I know you would give us the real deal and a great review! I will have to check these out! I have been using tea tree oil for years on my face when I break out, I am ready to dabble in more.
ReplyDeleteI would love to try something more homeopathic for headaches. I hate constantly popping Excedrin and I seem to be more prone to them now, maybe this would work for me! The household aspect too, anything less chemical based in our daily environments is definitely a good thing!
ReplyDeleteLoved this and I'm going to pin it. I have been getting a lot of headaches and would prefer to try something else instead of just popping some Advil. I hope it helps me as much as it has helped you!
ReplyDeleteOne of the nurses I used to work with got me started on frankincense. It's the SHIT! She even made me this little inhaler thing like those Vicks sticks that go up your nose... only with frankincense! I wish it wasn't so expensive!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely saving this! I've been wanting to try these for a while now but haven't pulled the trigger yet because...money. I have a couple of doTERRA kits on my Amazon wish list - one is a starter kit with like 3 oils and the other has like 10 I think. How many did you start with? Do you think it's worth starting with a few or do you recommend getting a bunch?
ReplyDeleteYou know I was on and off with the OCM, but eventually gave up on it. But when I did, I used a blend of castor oil, jojoba oil and tea tree oil. That's the extent of my essential oil use. Goods tuff though! May have to look into the blend you use for headaches.
ReplyDeleteI get really bad headaches so I bought an oil to help, then forgot I had it and never used it. Still pisses me off since they're so expensive and I wasted the money! lol
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad you posted this and in such an authentic and genuine fashion. I have recently started using oils and so far I'm a believer but have yet to branch out too far. These are great tips! Thank you for posting this :-)
ReplyDeleteThis is so helpful. I'm trying to learn more about oils and use them myself. Just curious: what kind of diffuser do you use?
ReplyDeleteI use a few simple oils, and have started a little bit of research, but it's so overwhelming and conflicting. I need to really sit down and get all my info in order before i buy some because they are so expensive! Thanks for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteThank you for showing the specific oils and what you use them for. I would like to use them, but when I see them at the store, I never know which ones are best. Now, I have a guide. Thank you, again. :-)
ReplyDeleteThis is so interesting Steph! I've been on the whole, clean out un-necessary chemicals kick for over a year now but have not dived into the alternative OTC meds yet. I will have to try the headache one! I use essential oils but only topical in lotions or body oils.
ReplyDeleteMy way of using essential oil is natural tea tree oil soap.. Their natural antifungal and antibacterial properties helps me to deal with skin problems..
I needed to read this. I have been wanting to get some, but the price kept me from getting any until I did further research. I was most interested in how to sleep better and natural migraine relief. This was very helpful!
ReplyDeleteI'm really interested in trying essential oils but a couple of things are holding me back. 1. Price. I'm a cheap bastard. 2. My husband HATES scented things. I would just hate to drop $150 on a starter pack (I've been looking at YL) then have him complain about it so much I can't use them. Maybe I should get some cheaper ones for cleaning and start with those? What does MFD say about them?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the post about how use essential oils. I love lavender essential oils.
ReplyDeleteLavender is a powerhouse oil and one of my favorites!
DeleteGood tips . thanks for sharing this with all . I'm a nutritionist and I really enjoy essential oils! I use them when I work with clients. and I use them to help me fall asleep at night and stay grounded! I love em!
ReplyDeleteThat's great! Which ones are your favorite?
DeleteCalming, unwinding, and adjusting, both physically and emotionally.University of Miami analysts found that inward breath of lavender oil expanded beta waves in the mind, proposing uplifted unwinding. It additionally decreased dejection and enhanced intellectual execution (Diego et al., 1998) Love Hemp
ReplyDeleteIt is one of the only oils thought to be able to completely eradicate the Herpes Simplex virus in humans, and prevents the virus from transmitting from cell to cell. While somewhat costly . Tea tree essential oil benefits
ReplyDeleteLavender is an essential oil that most people are familiar with. Lavender essential oil is derived from a flower and has a clean, fresh floral smell with a herbaceous undertone. It blends very well with other essential oils, especially those also derived from flowers. Buy here